

货币哲学 英文 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(德)席美尔著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7500426488
- 页数:537 页
Introduction to the Translation 1
CHAPTER Ⅰ V:tlue and Money 59
Ⅰ 59
Reality and value as mutually independent categories through which our conceptions become images of the world 59
The psychological fact of objectivc value 62
Objeetivity in practice as standardization or as a guarantee for the totality of subjective values 64
Economic value as the objectification of subjective values,as a result of establishing distance between the consuming subject and the object 65
An analogy with aesthetic value 73
Economic activity establishes distances and overcomes them 75
Ⅱ 79
Exchange as a means of overcoming the purely subjective value significance of an object 79
In exchange,objects express their value reciprocally 80
The value of an object becomes objectified by exchanging it for another object 81
Exchange as a form of life and as the condition of economic value,as a primary economic fact 82
Analysis of the theories of utility and scarcity 90
Value and price:the socially fixed price as a preliminary stage of the objectively regulated price 94
Ⅲ 101
Incorporation of economic value and a relativistic world view 101
The epistemology of a relativistic world view 102
The construction of proofs in infinite series and their rcciprocal legitimation 104
The objectivity of truth as well as of value viewed as a relation between subjective elements 108
Money as the autonomous manifestation of the exchange relation which transforms desired objects into economic objects,and establishes the substitutability of objects 119
Analysis of the nature of money with reference to its value stability,its development and its objectivity 122
Money as a reification of the general form of existence according to which things derive their significance from their relationship to each other 128
Chapter 2 The Value of Money as a Substance 131
Ⅰ 131
The intrinsic value of money and the measurement of value 131
Problems of measurement 133
The quantity of effective money 137
Does money possess an intrinsic value? 142
The development of the purely symbolic character of money 146
Ⅱ 152
Renunciation of the non-monetary uses of monetary material 152
The first argument against money as merely a symbol:the relations of money and goods,which would make an intrinsic value for money superfluous,are not accurately determinable;intrinsic value remedies this deficiency 155
The second argument against money as merely a symbol:the un-limited augmentability of monetary symbols;relativistic indiffer-ence to the absolute limits of monetary quantity and the errors to which this indifference leads 159
The supply of money 161
The reciprocal nature of the limitation that reality places on pure concepts 165
Ⅲ 168
The historical development of money from substance to function 168
Social interactions and their crystallization into separate structures;the common relations of buyer and seller to the social unit as the sociological premise of monetary intercourse 170
Monetary policy:largeness and smallness,diffuseness and concen-tration of the economic circle in their significance for the intrinsic character of money 172
Social interaction and exchange relations:money's functions:its facilitation of trade,its constancy as a measure of value,its mobilization and condensation of values 174
The nature of the economic circle and its significance for money 179
The transition to money's general functional character 184
The declining significance of money as substance 190
The increasing significance of money as value 198
Chapter 3 Money in the Sequence of Purposes 204
Ⅰ 204
Action towards an end as the conscious interaction between subject and object 204
The varying length of teleological series 207
The tool as intensified means 209
Money as the purest example of the tool 210
The unlimited possibilities for the utilization of money 212
The unearned increment of wealth 217
The difference between the same amount of money as part of a large and of a small fortune 218
Money-because of its character as pure means-as peculiarly congruent with personality types that are not closely united with social groups 221
Ⅱ 228
The psychological growth of means into ends 228
Money as the most extreme example of a means becoming an end 232
Money as an end depends upon the cultural tendencies of an epoch 232
Psychological consequences of money's teleological position 235
Greed and avarice 238
Extravagance 247
Ascetic poverty 251
Cynicism 255
The blasé attitude 256
Ⅲ 258
The quantity of money as its quality 259
Subjective differences in amounts of risk 260
The qualitatively different consequences of quantitatively altered causes 262
The threshold of economic awareness 264
Differential sensitivity towards economic stimuli 265
Relations between external stimuli and emotional responses in the field of money 269
Significance of the personal unity of the owner 271
The material and cultural relation of form and amount 272
The relation between quantity and quality of things,and the significance of money for this relation 277
Chapter 4 Individual Freedom 283
Ⅰ 283
Freedom exists in conjunction with duties 283
The gradations of this freedom depend on whether the duties aredirectly personal or apply only to the products of labour 284
Money payment as the form most congruent with personal freedom 285
The maximization of value through changes in ownership 292
Cultural development increases the number of persons on whom one is dependent and the simultaneous decrease in ties to persons viewed as individuals 295
Money is responsible for impersonal relations between people,and thus for individual freedom 297
Ⅱ 303
Possession as activity 303
The mutual dependence of having and being 306
The dissolving of this dependency by the possession of money 307
Lack of freedom as the interweaving of the mental series:this lack at a minimum when the interweaving of either is with the most general of the other series 312
Its application to limitations deriving from economic interests 314
Freedom as the articulation of the self in the medium of things,thatis,freedom as possession 321
The possession of money and the self 326
Ⅲ 331
Differentiation of person and possession 331
Spatial separation and technical objectification through money 332
The separation of the total personality from individual work activities and the results of this separation for the evaluation of these work activities 334
The development of the individual's independence from the group 342
New forms of association brought about by money;the association planned for a purpose 343
General relations between a money economy and the principle of individualism 347
Chapter 5 The Money Equivalent of Personal Values 355
Ⅰ 355
Wergild 355
The transition from the utilitarian to the objective and absolute valuation of the human being 357
Punishment by fine and the stages of culture 363
The increasing inadequacy of money 366
Marriage by purchase 370
Marriage by purchase and the value of women 372
Division of labour among the sexes,and the dowry 374
The typical relation between money and prostitution,its development analogous to that of wergild 376
Marriage for money 380
Bribery 384
Money and the ideal of distinction 389
Ⅱ 395
The transformation of specific rights into monetary claims 395
The enforceability of demands 397
The transformation of substantive values into money values 399
The negative meaning of freedom and the extirpation of the person-ality 400
The difference in value between personal achievement and monetary equivalent 404
Ⅲ 409
'Labour money'and its rationale 409
The unpaid contribution of mental effort 411
Differences in types of labour as quantitative differences 413
Manual labour as the unit of labour 418
The value of physical activity reducible to that of mental activity 421
Differences in the utility of labour as arguments against'labour money':the insight into the significance of money thereby afforded 425
Chapter 6 The Style of Life 429
Ⅰ 429
The preponderance of intellectual over emotional functions brought about by the money economy 429
Lack of character and objectivity of the stylc of life 432
The dual roles of both intellect and money;with regard to content they are supra-personal 434
The dual roles of intellect and money:With regard to function they are individualistic and egoistic 437
Money's relationship to the rationalism of law and logic 441
The calculating character of modern times 443
Ⅱ 446
The concept of culture 446
The increase in material culture and the lag in individual culture 448
The objectification of the mind 452
The division of labour as the cause of the divergence of subjective and objective culture 453
The occasional greater weight of subjective culture 463
The relation of money to the agents of these opposing tendencies 468
Ⅲ 470
Alterations in the distance between the self and objecrs as the manifestation of varying styles of life 470
Modern tendencies towards the increase and diminution of this distance 474
The part played by money in this dual process 476
Credit 479
The pre-eminence of technology 481
The rhythm or symmetry,and its opposite,of the contents of life 485
The sequence and simultaneity of rhythm and symmetry 488
Analogous developments in money 491
The pace of life,its alterations and those of the money supply 498
The concentration of monetary activity 503
The mobilization of values 505
Constancy and flux as categories for comprehending the world,their synthesis in the relative character of existence 508
Money as the historical symbol of the relative character of existence 510
Afterword:The Constitution of the Text 513
Name Index 535
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