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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:左飚等主编
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7543828987
  • 页数:335 页

科学·文化·教育篇 3

1.Science and Art科学与艺术 3

2.The Road to Success成功之路 7

3.Scottish Humour苏格兰人的幽默 12

4.The Joys of Writing写作的愉悦 26

5.The World As I See It我看世界 36

6.Culture论文化 43

7.Education论教育 49

8.Man Will Prevail人类必胜 54

纪念·颂扬篇 61

9.The Educational Reform in Canada加拿大的教育改革 61

10.Washington s Birthday纪念华盛顿诞辰 69

11.Abraham Lincoln亚伯拉罕·林肯 77

12.In Memory of the Challenger Astronauts缅怀“挑战者号”的宇航员 86

13.The Memory of Alfred Nobel纪念阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔 95

论辩篇 103

14.On the Right of Taxing America论是否有权向北美征税 103

15.On Receiving Sentence在听取宣判前的发言 109

16.A Plea for Mercy请求宽恕 115

17.Opening Speech at the Kennedy-Nixon Debate与尼克松辩论的开场演说 120

外交篇 131

18.For a Declaration of War Against Japan要求向日本宣战 131

19.Japanese Unconditional Surrender日本无条件投降 136

20.Common Interests Tronscend Differences (Speech at the Welcoming Banquet)共同的利益超越分歧(在欢迎宴会上的答词) 142

21.Normalizing Diplomatic Relationship with China同中国实现关系正常化 147

22.To Make the United Nations More Effective by Recognizing Its Shortcomings正视不足,建设更有力的联合国组织 153

政治篇 159

23.On the Reform Bill论改革议案 159

24.Reply to the U.S. Government答美国政府书 167

25.Appeal to America向美国呼吁 173

26.The Distribution of Wealth in the Wrold论世界财富的分配 177

27.A Fireside Chat炉边谈话 184

28.Shall We Choose Death?我们选择死亡吗? 193

29.Forewell to the West Point Cadets再见了,西点军校的同学们 201

30.I Am a Victim of America我是美国的牺牲品 208

31.Veterans Against the Vietnam War退伍老兵反越战 216

就职·离职篇 227

32.The Torch Has Been Passed Down to a New Generation of Americans火炬已经传给新一代美国人 227

33.A New Season of American Renewal美国复兴的新时代 237

34.To Embrace a Golden Age拥抱金色时代 248

35.An Angel Still Rides in the Whirlwind天使依然驾驭着旋风 260

36.Fare well to the White House告别白宫 272

师生篇 283

37.A Reel Doctor s Advice to Some Real Doctors准医生给真医生的忠告 283

38.Compulsive Suing: A National Hobby起诉癖——国民的嗜好 300

39.David-and a Lot of Other Neat People大卫——与众多令人喜爱的弱智者 311

40.Why Does the Secretary Hate Me and Other Laments of the Professionally Educated Women Employee遭秘书忌恨及其他——职业女性的种种感叹 322
