柯灵思新交际英语 高级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)(柯灵思)Edwin T.Cornelius,Jr.著;《柯灵思新交际英语》编译组编译
- 出 版 社:北京:新时代出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7504204749
- 页数:145 页
TASK 73 Denying something and correcting somebody s inaccuracies. 1
TASK 74 Discouraging interruptions when you are talking. 5
TASK 75 Stating whether you remember or have forgotten something. 9
TASK 76 Telling somebody about your travel plans. 13
TASK 77 Looking for something in a store and making a purchase. 17
TASK 78 Opening a checking account at a bank. 21
TASK 79 Describing your health problems to a doctor. 25
TASK 80 Reporting/describing an emergency. 29
TASK 81 Interviewing visitors to get their impressions and views. 33
TASK 82 Explaining and defending your reasons for doing something. 37
TASK 83 Giving in formation (personal history,experiences)to somebody. 41
TASK 84 Using the phone to try to find someone s whereabouts. 45
TASK 85 Sympathizing with somebody about their problems and experiences. 49
TASK 86 Describing and identifying people. 53
TASK 87 Explaining whether something is considered a logical conclusion. 57
TASK 88 Giving a short talk about your impressions as a visitor. 61
TASK 89 Telling/explaining what has to be done. 65
TASK 90 Expressing tentative conclusions about something. 69
TASK 91 Warning others to be careful or to stop doing something. 73
TASK 92 Explaining someone else s point of view. 77
TASK 93 Telling somebody about your travel experiences. 81
TASK 94 Expressing displeasure about poor service or rude behavior. 85
TASK 95 Greeting and talking to young children. 89
TASK 96 Congratulating somebody on a special occasion. 93
Appendix 97
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- 《跨文化交际 英文》杨惠英 2019
- 《跨文化交际英语教学与研究》张健坤著 2019
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- 《高情商交际法则》郎树成著 2019
- 《SQL与关系数据库理论》(美)戴特(C.J.Date) 2019
- 《魔法销售台词》(美)埃尔默·惠勒著 2019
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- 《社会学与人类生活 社会问题解析 第11版》(美)James M. Henslin(詹姆斯·M. 汉斯林) 2019
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- 《迁徙 默温自选诗集 上》(美)W.S.默温著;伽禾译 2020
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- 《巴黎永远没个完》(美)海明威著 2017
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- 《时代光影里的丝路繁华》读者丛书编辑组编 2019
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