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高二  上
高二  上

高二 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)史密斯(Smith.L.C.)等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中信出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7800734811
  • 页数:144 页
《高二 上》目录
标签:编著 高二

UnitⅠ:Trends in Living 1

Chapter 1 A Cultural Difference: Being on Time 2

Chapter 2 Changing Lifestyles and New Eating Habits 10

Chapter 3 Dreams: Making Them Work for Us 20

UnitⅡ:Issues in Society 31

Chapter 4 Language: Is It Always Spoken? 32

Chapter 5 Loneliness: How Can We Overcome It? 42

Chapter 6 Care of the Elderly: A Family Matter 52

UnitⅢ:Justice and Crime 63

Chapter 7 Innocent Until Proven Guilty: The Criminal Court System 64

Chapter 8 The Reliability of Eyewitnesses 74

Chapter 9 The Death Penalty in the United States: Old Enough to Kill, Old Enough to Die? 84

UnitⅣ:Science and History 97

Chapter 10 Ancient Artifacts and Ancient Air 98

Chapter 11 How Lunar Eclipses Have Changed History 108

Chapter 12 Mars: Our Neighbor in Space 118

Index of Key Words 130

Answer Key 136
