- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘新民主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:781009940X
- 页数:644 页
1.Deng Xiaoping Calls for Speedup in Reform 1
2.Fresh Impetus from Deng s Message 7
3.China Turns to Market Economy 14
4.The Future of China s Economic Reforms 19
5.Special Econoimic Zones Prosper 25
6.The Development of Pudong Area 31
7.China s New Markets 38
8.Foreign-Funded Enterprises in China 44
9.Plans for Regional Economy 50
10.Foreign Trade Strategies in the 90s 56
11.Stock Craze in China 61
12.A Study on the Socialist Joint-Stock Economy in China 66
13.Facing the Impact of Foreign Banks 75
14.Guangdong Vs“Four Little Dragons” 80
15.A New China——the World s Growth Centre? 86
16.Greater China and the Global Economy 94
17.Impact of China s Open-Door Policy on Pacific Rim Trade and Investment 98
18.China s Investment Abroad 107
19.Unlocking the Consumer Market 116
20.Modernizing China s Managers 123
21.General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 130
22.GATT:Both an Opportunity and a Challenge to China 135
23.China Redoubling Its Efforts to Resume the GATT Signatory Status 140
24.What is Meant by Economics 144
25.Economics and Business Administration 148
26.The Law of Supply and Demand 152
27.Consumer Demand Stimulates Production 157
28.The Consumer 162
29.Consumers in the American Economy 169
30.Hey,I m the Customer 174
31.Consumers in the Future 180
32.The Role of the Consumer in Marketing 186
33.The Profitable Art of Service Recovery 192
34.Market 200
35.Getting Market Distribution(Ⅰ) 204
36.Getting Market Distribution(Ⅱ) 211
37.Marketing 218
38.Market Research 222
39.Historical Aspects of Marketing Research in U.S.A. 227
40.Advertising 233
41.An Advertising Campaign Meeting 237
42.Telephone Sales 243
43.Winning the Quality War 247
44.Small Company TQM 254
45.How Xerox Solves Quality Problems 260
46.Export Product,Quality——A Key Factor 269
47.Money and Banking 274
48.Commercial Bank Lending 278
49.Objectives of Financial Management 284
50.Evolution of Finance 288
51.Inflation 296
52.Introduction to Taxes 299
53.Personal Income Taxation in the United States 304
54.Insurance 310
55.The ABC of the Securities Exchanges 313
56.The Stock Exchange 317
57.What the Stock Market Means to the Economy 323
58.The Field of Accounting 329
59.Career in Accounting 337
60.Responsibility Accounting 343
61.Internal Auditing 349
62.Planning 355
63.Statistics and Everyday Life 362
64.The Value and Cost of Information 366
65.Business Enterprise 371
66.Enterprise Management——Organization 378
67.How Top Executives Think 382
68.Skills of an Effective Administrator 387
69.The Eight Successful Attributes(Ⅰ) 393
70.The Eight Successful Attributes(Ⅱ) 399
71.Telecommuting:Moving Work to the People 404
72.Stan Shih s Dragon Dream 411
73.An Opportunity of the Century 418
74.SiS:Huge China Market Beckons 423
75.Accommodation and Catering 427
76.The Impact and Motivation of Tourism 432
77.Business Contract 437
78.The Law of Comparative Advantage 441
79.An Overview of International Economics 444
80.International Trade 449
81.Xatural Pesources:Exporting and Importing 453
82.Unique Problems in International Trade 460
83.The Ten Most Common Mistakes of New-to-Export Firms 464
84.Export Planning 468
85.The Future of International Trade 472
86.International Financial Institutions 477
87.The OECD 482
88.Foreign Exchange 487
89.Foreign Direct Investment 493
90.Multinational Corporations 499
91.What Are Free Ports and Foreign-trade Zones? 506
92.The Joint International Venture 509
93.International Technological Transfer 514
94.The Language Barrier 518
95.Ethics 523
96.The U.S.Xational Economy 528
97.The Single European Market 535
98.Megamarket 541
99.Japanese Economy 546
100.What do PR Practitioners Do? 550
Appendices 559
AppendixⅠ.Glossary 559
AppendixⅡ.A Glossary of Commonly-Used Terms 581
AppendixⅢ.国际经济组织、条约与商品交易所 590
AppendixⅣ.世界著名企业 593
AppendixⅤ.世界主要货币名称 597
Supplementary Materials 601
1.The Meaning of GNP 601
2.Price Indexes 605
3.The Business Cycles 609
4.How Foreign Exchange Works 613
5.The Reasons for Foreign Trade 617
6.What are Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances? 620
7.Supply and Demand 624
8.New York Stock Exchange 627
9.Finding New Ways to Sell More 630
10.Hotel from Hell:A Case Study in Three Acts 638
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