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巾帼辩才 27位上海知名女律师手记 scripts of 27 female lawyers
巾帼辩才 27位上海知名女律师手记 scripts of 27 female lawyers

巾帼辩才 27位上海知名女律师手记 scripts of 27 female lawyersPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:缪林凤主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7208041547
  • 页数:318 页
《巾帼辩才 27位上海知名女律师手记 scripts of 27 female lawyers》目录

Preface Shanghai Women Lawyers Marching With The Time Wangwenzhen 1

Words of the Chief Editor Miulinfeng 1

序 阔步前进的上海女律师 王文正 1

主编寄语 缪林凤 1

这位东瀛老太的钱款能否收回 殷畹秋 2

Can the Old Japanese lady s money be taken back Yinwanqiu 2

Memories of history Nibinbin 14

历史的回忆 倪彬彬 14

The friendship over channel due to lawsuit Xiangli 24

法律缘 海峡情 项黎 24

My great affection for the lawyers Wangxiaomi 40

情牵律师千千结 王小咪 40

Lamb with sunshine Sunzhixiang 56

晨曦中的羊儿 孙志祥 56

无法抹去的记忆 许文宝 64

Unerased memories Xuwenbao 64

Disputes on the Panther stock Liciling 78

黑豹股票之辩 李慈玲 78

十二只大型货柜越洋失踪迷案 张善美 90

A case of 12 tanks disappearing over the ocean Zhang shanmei 90

律师抒怀 罗玲 116

Sentiments of lawyer Luoling 116

Let me build a bridge Chendongfeng 132

让我搭起一座小桥 陈东风 132

Rise and fall in the stock market Tongguozhen 142

股海沉浮 童国珍 142

March to success with great earnest Zhangqian 152

执著认真 走向成功 张蒨 152

Stay calm in passion Chendexie 162

在热情中把握冷静 陈德燮 162

In the name of justice and responsibility Dingweixiao 176

不辱法律 不辱使命 丁伟晓 176

Making brand Zhangying 182

塑造品牌 张莹 182

Hardworking makes achievements Wulongmei 190

梅花香自苦寒来 吴荣妹 190

Love for the city of PengCheng Guminxin 200

彭城情结 顾明星 200

送人玫瑰之手,历久犹有余香 张羚 212

Roses sent,smell remains Zhangling 212

不给自己留下后悔 陈秉惠 222

Never leave regret to yourself Chenbinghui 222

太阳每天都是新的 李桂珍 232

There is a new sun everyday Liguizheng 232

永不言悔话律师 沈秋君 238

Never regret to be a lawyer Shenqiujun 238

My essay on legal practice Dingmeihong 246

我的执业随感 丁美红 246

My love knot for lawyer profession Zhangxunying 260

我的律师情结 张巽莹 260

I help the victim win fairness Puzhexin 268

我为受害人讨回公道 浦泽幸 268

Defend for her under harsh conditions Qianliping 276

云遮雾绕:受聘为她辩护 钱丽萍 276

Lawyers luck Moulian 290

律师的造化 牟炼 290

赴美培训散记 陆忆军 302

Training Experience In American Luyijun 302

Annex: 316

·Decisions to reward excellent female lawyers 316

关于表彰优秀女律师的决定 316

·List of Shanghai excellent female lawyers 317

上海市优秀女律师名单 317
