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伊索寓言全集  中英文对照
伊索寓言全集  中英文对照

伊索寓言全集 中英文对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(古希腊)伊索著;(英)奥莉维亚·坦普尔,(英)罗伯特·坦普尔英译;李汝仪,(美)李怡萱译
  • 出 版 社:南京:译林出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7806573542
  • 页数:387 页
《伊索寓言全集 中英文对照》目录

Introduction 2

1 The Good Things and the Bad Things 2

2 The Man Selling a Holy Statue 2

2 卖神像的人 3

1 好事和坏事 3

英译者前言 3

3 The Eagle and the Fox 4

3 鹰和狐狸 5

4 The Eagle and the Scarab Beetle 6

4 鹰和屎壳郎 7

5 The Eagle,the Jackdaw and the Shepherd 8

6 鹰和狐狸 9

5 鹰、穴鸟和牧人 9

6 The Eagle with Clipped Wings and the Fox 10

7 The Eagle Hit by an Arrow 10

8 The Nightingale and the Hawk 10

7 中箭的鹰 11

8 夜莺和鹰 11

10 The Athenian Debtor 12

9 The Nightingale and the Swallow 12

9 夜莺和燕子 13

10 雅典的欠债人 13

12 The Cat and the Cock 14

11 The Ethiopian 14

12 猫和公鸡 15

11 黑人 15

13 The Cat and the Mice 16

13 猫和鼠 17

16 The Goat and the Donkey 18

14 The Cat and the Hens 18

15 The Goat and the Goatherd 18

14 猫和鸡 19

15 山羊和牧人 19

16 山羊和驴 19

17 The Goatherd and the Wild Goats 20

17 牧人和野山羊 21

19 Aesop in a Dockyard 22

18 The Ugly Slave Girl and Aphrodite 22

19 伊索在造船坊 23

18 丑陋的女奴和阿佛洛狄特 23

20 The Two Cocks and the Eagle 24

21 The Cocks and the Partridga 24

21 公鸡和山鹑 25

20 公鸡和鹰 25

22 The Fishermen and the Tunny-fish 26

23 The Fishermen Who Caught a Stone 26

23 渔夫们 27

22 渔夫和金枪鱼 27

24 The Fishermen Who Played the Flute 28

24 吹笛的渔夫 29

25 The Fishermen and the Large and Small Fish 30

26 The Fishermen and the Picarel 30

26 渔夫和小狗鱼 31

25 渔夫和大鱼、小鱼 31

28 The Halcyon 32

27 The Fishermen Who Beat the Water 32

28 神翠鸟 33

27 渔夫 33

29 The Foxes on the Bank of the Maeander River 34

29 米安德河边的狐狸 35

31 The Fox and the Bramble 36

30 The Fox with a Swollen Stomach 36

31 狐狸和刺藤 37

30 肚胀的狐狸 37

34 The Fox and the Woodcutter 38

33 The Fox and the Huge Serpent [Drakōn] 38

32 The Fox and the Bunch of Grapes 38

34 狐狸和伐木人 39

33 狐狸和巨蟒 39

32 狐狸和葡萄 39

35 The Fox and the Crocodile 40

35 狐狸和鳄鱼 41

38 The Fox and the Monkey Elected King 42

37 The Fox and the Leopard 42

36 The Fox and the Dog 42

36 狐狸和狗 43

37 狐狸和豹 43

38 狐狸和猴子 43

39 The Fox and the Monkey Dispute Their Nobility 44

39 狐狸和猴子 45

40 The Fox and the Billy-Goat 46

40 狐狸和公山羊 47

42 The Fox Who Had Nerver Seen a Lion 48

41 The Fox with the Cropped Tail 48

42 从未见过狮子的狐猪 49

41 断了尾巴的狐狸 49

45 The Murderer 50

44 The Two Men Who Quarrelled about the Gods 50

43 The Fox and the Monster Mask 50

45 杀人凶手 51

44 两个为神争名位的人 51

43 狐狸和面具 51

46 The Man Who Promised the Impossible 52

47 The Coward and the Ravens 52

47 懦夫和大鸦 53

46 凭空许愿的人 53

48 The Man Bitten by an Ant,and Hermes 54

48 被蚂蚁咬了的人和赫耳墨斯 55

49 The Husband and the Troublesome Wife 56

50 The Mischievous Man 56

50 惹事生非的人 57

49 丈夫和妻子 57

52 The Middle-aged Man and His Mistresses 58

51 The Braggart 58

52 中年男子和他的两个情妇 59

51 自吹自擂的人 59

53 The Shipwrecked Man 60

53 遭受海难的人 61

54 The Blind Man 62

55 The Cheat 62

55 说谎的人 63

54 盲人 63

57 The Men and Zeus 64

56 The Charcoal Burner and the Fuller 64

57 人和宙斯 65

56 烧炭人和漂洗工 65

58 The Man and the Fox 66

59 The Man and the Lion Travelling Together 66

58 人和狐狸 67

59 人和狮子 67

60 The Man and the Satyr 68

60 人和羊人 69

62 The Man Who Found a Golden Lion 70

61 The Man Who Shattered a Statue of a God 70

62 发现金狮子的人 71

61 毁坏神像的人 71

64 The Ploughman and the Wolf 72

63 The Bear and the Fox 72

63 熊和狐狸 73

64 农夫和狼 73

65 The Astronomer 74

66 The Frogs Who Demanded a King 74

65 星学家 75

66 青蛙吁求国王 75

67 The Neighbour Frogs 76

67 两只青蛙 77

68 The Frogs in the Pond 78

69 The Frog Doctor and the Fox 78

68 池塘里的青蛙 79

69 青蛙医生和狐狸 79

71 The Three Oxen and the Lion 80

70 The Oxen and the Axle 80

71 三头公牛和一只狮子 81

70 牛和车轴 81

72 The Ox-driver and Herakles 82

73 The North Wind and the Sun 82

73 北风和太阳 83

72 牧牛人和赫拉克勒斯 83

74 The Cowherd and the Lion 84

75 The linnet and the Bat 84

75 红雀和蝙蝠 85

74 牧牛人和狮子 85

76 The House-ferret and Aphrodite 86

77 The House-ferret and File 86

77 黄鼠狼和锉刀 87

76 黄鼠狼和阿佛洛狄特 87

78 The Old Man and Death 88

79 The Ploughman and the Eagle 88

79 农夫和鹰 89

78 老人和死神 89

80 The Ploughman and the Dog 90

81 The Ploughman and the Snake Who Had Killed His Son 90

81 农夫和咬死他儿子的蛇 91

80 农夫和狗 91

83 The Farmer and His Children 92

82 The Ploughman and the Frozen Snake 92

83 农夫和他的孩子们 93

82 农夫和冻僵的蛇 93

85 The Ploughman and the Tree 94

84 The Ploughman and Chance 94

85 农夫和树 95

84 农夫和时运女神 95

87 The Old Woman and the Doctor 96

86 The Ploughman s Quarrelsome Sons 96

86 农夫的孩子们 97

87 老妇和医生 97

88 The Wife and Her Drunken Husband 98

88 女人和酒鬼丈夫 99

90 The Woman and the Hen 100

89 The Woman and Her Servants 100

90 寡妇和母鸡 101

89 寡妇和女奴 101

92 The Heifer and the Ox 102

91 The Sorceress 102

92 小牛和公牛 103

91 妇巫 103

94 The Young Pig and the Sheep 104

93 The Cowardly Hunter and the Woodcutter 104

93 胆小的猎手和伐木人 105

94 小猪和羊 105

96 The Orator Demades 106

95 The Dolphins,the Whales and the Gudgeon 106

96 演说家得马得斯 107

95 海豚、鲸鱼和?鱼 107

97 Diogenes and the Bald Man 108

98 Diogenes on a Journey 108

98 旅途中的第欧根尼 109

97 第欧根尼和秃子 109

99 The Oak Trees and Zeus 110

100 The Woodcutters and the Pin Tree 110

100 樵夫和橡树 111

99 橡树和宙斯 111

101 The Silver Fir Tree and the Bramble 112

102 The Stag at the Spring and the Lion 112

102 鹿和狮子 113

101 杉树和荆棘 113

103 The Hind and the Vine 114

103 鹿和葡萄树 115

104 The Hind and the Lion in a Cave 116

105 The Hind Afflicted by Deformity 116

105 瞎了一只眼的鹿 117

104 鹿和狮子 117

107 The Kid and the Wolf Who Played the Flute 118

106 The Kid on the Roof of the House,and the Wolf 118

107 小山羊和狼 119

106 小山羊和狼 119

109 Hermes and the Earth 120

108 Hermes and the Sculptor 120

109 赫耳墨斯和地神 121

108 赫耳墨斯和雕刻匠 121

111 Hermes and the Artisans 122

110 Hermes and Teiresias 122

110 赫耳墨斯和忒瑞西阿斯 123

111 赫耳墨斯和手艺人 123

113 The Two Enemies 124

112 The Eunuch and the Sacrificer 124

112 阉人和祭司 125

113 两个仇敌 125

116 The Adder and the Water -snake(or Hydra) 126

115 The Adder and the File 126

114 The Adder and the Fox 126

115 蝰蛇和锉刀 127

116 蝰蛇和水蛇 127

114 蝮蛇和狐狸 127

117 Zeus and Shame 128

117 宙斯与廉耻 129

118 Zeus and the Fox 130

119 Zeus and the Men 130

118 宙斯和狐狸 131

119 宙斯和人 131

120 Zeus and Apollo 132

121 Zeus and the Snake 132

122 Zeus and the Jar of Good Things 132

122 宙斯和好事坛 133

121 宙斯和蛇 133

120 宙斯和阿波罗 133

124 Zeus and the Tortoise 134

123 Zeus ,Prometheus ,Athena and Momos 134

124 宙斯和乌龟 135

123 宙斯、普罗米修斯、雅典娜和摩莫斯 135

125 Zeus the Judge 136

126 The Sun and the Frogs 136

126 太阳和青蛙 137

125 宙斯判案 137

127 The Mule 138

128 Herakles and Athena 138

128 赫拉克勒斯和雅典娜 139

127 骡子 139

129 Herakles and Pluto 140

130 The Demi-god[Hērōs] 140

129 赫拉克勒斯和普路托 141

130 半神 141

132 The Quack Doctor 142

131 The Tunny-fish and the Dolphin 142

132 昌牌医生 143

131 金枪鱼和海豚 143

133 The Doctor and the Sick Man 144

133 医生和病人 145

135 The Kite Who Neighed 146

134 The Kite and the Snake 146

135 学马叫的鸢 147

134 鸢和蛇 147

137 The Old Horse 148

136 The Bird-catcher and the Asp 148

136 捕鸟人和毒蛇 149

137 老马 149

138 The Horse ,the Ox,the Dog and the Man 150

138 马、牛狗和人 151

140 The Horse and the Ass 152

139 The Horse and the Groom 152

139 马和马夫 153

140 马和驴 153

142 The Reed and the Olive 154

141 The Horse and the Soldier 154

141 马和骑兵 155

142 芦苇和橄榄树 155

144 The Camel,the Elephant and the Ape 156

143 The Camel Who Shat in the River 156

143 在河里便溺的骆驼 157

144 骆驼、大象和猴子 157

146 The Daneing Camel 158

145 The Camel and Zeus 158

147 The Camel Seen for the First Time 158

147 初识骆驼 159

146 被迫跳舞的骆驼 159

145 骆驼和宙斯 159

148 The Two Scarab Beetles 160

148 两只屎壳郎 161

149 The Crad and the Fox 162

150 The Crab and Her Mother 162

150 幼蟹和母蟹 163

149 螃蟹和狐狸 163

151 The Walnut Tree 164

152 The Beaver 164

152 河狸 165

151 核桃树 165

153 The Gardener Watering the Vegetables 166

154 The Gardener and the Dog 166

154 种园人和狗 167

153 浇菜的种园人 167

155 The Kithara-Player 168

156 The Thrush 168

156 鸫鸟 169

155 竖琴弹唱人 169

157 The Thieves and the Cock 170

158 The Stomach and the Feet 170

158 肚子和脚 171

157 小偷和公鸡 171

160 The Jackdaw and the Ravens 172

159 The Jackdaw and the Fox 172

160 穴鸟和大鸦 173

159 穴鸟和狐狸 173

162 The Jackdaw and the Pigeons 174

161 The Jackdaw and the Birds 174

162 穴鸟和鸽子 175

161 穴鸟和鸟类 175

164 The Raven and the Fox 176

163 The Jackdaw Who Escaped 176

164 大鸦和狐狸 177

163 逃走的穴鸟 177

165 The Raven and Hermes 178

165 大鸦和赫耳墨斯 179

167 The Sick Raven 180

166 The Raven and the Snake 180

166 大鸦和蛇 181

167 生病的大鸦 181

169 The Chough and the Raven 182

168 The Crested Lark 182

168 冠雀 183

169 山鸦和大鸦 183

170 The Chough and the Dog 184

171 The Snails 184

170 山鸦和狗 185

171 蜗牛 185

172 The Swan Mistaken for a Goose 186

173 The Swan and His Owner 186

173 天鹅和他的主人 187

172 幸免一死的天鹅 187

174 The Two Dogs 188

175 The Starving Dogs 188

175 饿狗 189

174 两条狗 189

176 The Man Bitten by a Dog 190

177 The Dog Entertained as a Guest(or The Man and His Dog) 190

176 被狗咬了的人 191

177 做客的狗 191

178 The Hunting Hound and the Dogs 192

178 猎狗和家犬 193

179 The Dog,the Cock and the Fox 194

180 The Dog and the Shellfish 194

179 狗、公鸡和狐狸 195

180 狗和海螺 195

181 The Dog and the Hare 196

182 The Dog and the Butcher 196

182 狗和肉贩 197

181 猎狗和野兔 197

184 The Dog Who Carried the Meat 198

183 The Sleeping Dog and the Wolf 198

183 狗和狼 199

184 嘴里衔肉的狗 199

185 The Dog with a Bell 200

186 The Dog Who Chased a Lion,and the Fox 200

186 猎狗和狐狸 201

185 系铃铛的狗 201

187 The Gnat and the Lion 202

188 The Gnat and the Bull 202

188 蚊子和公牛 203

187 蚊子和狮子 203

190 The Hares and the Frogs 204

189 The Hares and the Foxes 204

189 野兔和狐狸 205

190 野兔和青蛙 205

191 The Hare and the Fox 206

192 The Seagull and the Kite 206

192 海鸥和鸢 207

191 野兔和狐狸 207

193 The Lioness and the Vixen 208

194 The Royalty of the Lion 208

193 母狮和雌狐 209

194 狮子的王道 209

195 The Ageing Lion and the Fox 210

196 The Shut-in Lion and the Ploughman 210

195 年迈的狮子和狐狸 211

196 狮子和农夫 211

197 The Amorous Lion and the Ploughman 212

197 狮子和农夫 213

198 The Lion ,the Fox and the Stag 214

198 狮子、狐狸和牡鹿 215

199 The Lion ,the Bear and the Fox 218

199 狮子、熊和狐狸 219

200 The Lion and the Frog 220

201 The Lion and the Dolphin 220

201 狮子和海豚 221

200 狮子和青蛙 221

202 The Lion and the Wild Boar 222

203 The Lion and the Hare 222

202 狮子和野猪 223

203 狮子和野兔 223

204 The Lion ,the Wolf and the Fox 224

204 狮子、狼和狐狸 225

205 The Lion and the Mouse Who Returned a Kindness 226

206 The Lion and the Wild Ass 226

205 狮子和老鼠 227

206 狮子和野驴 227

207 The Lion and the Ass Hunting Together 228

207 狮子和驴 229

209 The Lion,Prometheus and the Elephant 230

208 The Lion,the Ass and the Fox 230

208 狮子、驴和狐狸 231

209 狮子、普罗米修斯和大象 231

210 The Lion and the Bull 232

210 狮子和公牛 233

212 The Lion Who Was Afraid of a Mouse,and the Fox 234

211 The Raging Lion and the Stag 234

211 狮子和牡鹿 235

212 怕老鼠的狮子和狐狸 235

213 The Bandit and the Mulberry Tree 236

213 强盗和桑树 237

215 The Dogs Reconciled with the Wolves 238

214 The Wolves and the Dogs at War 238

214 狼和狗 239

215 狗和狼 239

217 The Wolves ,the Sheep and the Ram 240

216 The Wolves and the Sheep 240

216 狼和羊 241

217 狼、绵羊和公羊 241

219 The Wolf and the Goat 242

218 The Wolf Proud of His Shadow,and the Lion 242

218 狼和狮子 243

219 狼和母山羊 243

220 The Wolf and the Lamb 244

221 The Wolf and the Young Lamb Taking Refuge in a Temple 244

220 狼和小羊 245

221 狼和躲进神庙的小羊 245

222 The Wolf and the Old Woman 246

223 The Wolf and the Heron 246

222 狼和老太婆 247

223 狼和鹭鸶 247

225 The Wolf and the Dog 248

224 The Wolf and the Horse 248

225 狼和狗 249

224 狼和马 249

226 The Wolf and the Lion 250

227 The Wolf and the Ass 250

227 狼和驴 251

226 狼和狮子 251

228 The Wolf and the Shepherd 252

229 The Satisfied Wolf and the Ewe 252

228 狼和牧人 253

230 The Injured Wolf and the Ewe 254

231 The Lamp 254

231 油灯 255

230狼和母羊 255

229 狼和母羊 255

232 The Diviner 256

233 The Bees and Zeus 256

233 蜜蜂和宙斯 257

232 占卜者 257

235 The Begging Priests of Cybele 258

234 The Beekeeper 258

234 崇奉西布莉女神的行乞僧 259

234 养蜂人 259

237 The Fly 260

236 The Mice and the House-ferrets 260

236老鼠和黄鼠狼 261

237 苍蝇 261

238 The Flies 262

239 The Ant 262

238 苍蝇 263

239 蚂蚁 263

240 The Ant and the Scarab Beetle 264

241 The Ant and the Pigeon 264

240 蚂蚁和屎壳郎 265

241 蚂蚁和鸽子 265

242 The Field Mouse and the Town Mouse 266

242 田鼠和家鼠 267

244 The Castaway and the Sea 268

243 The Mouse and the Frog 268

243 老鼠和青蛙 269

244 沉船遇难的人和大海 269

246 The Fawn and the Stag 270

245 The Young Men and the Butcher 270

245 年轻人和肉贩 271

246 小鹿和大鹿 271

247 The Young Wastrel and the Swallow 272

248 The Sick Man and the Doctor 272

248 病人和医生 273

247 年轻的浪子和燕子 273

250 The Bat and the House-ferrets 274

249 The Bat ,the Bramble and the Gull 274

250 蝙蝠和黄鼠狼 275

249 蝙蝠、荆棘和海鸥 275

251 The Logs and the Olive 276

251 木柴和油榄 277

252 The Woodcutter and Hermes 278

252 樵夫和赫耳墨斯 279

253 The Travellers and the Bear 280

254 The Travellers and the Raven 280

254 旅人和大鸦 281

253 旅人和熊 281

255 The Travellers and the Axe 282

256 The Travellers and the Plane Tree 282

255 旅人和斧子 283

256 旅人和阔叶树 283

258 The Traveller and Truth 284

257 The Travellers and the Brushwood 284

258 旅人和名叫“实话”的女子 285

257 旅人和枯树枝 285

260 The Traveller and Chance 286

259 The Traveller and Hermes 286

260 旅人和时运女神 287

259 旅人和赫耳墨斯 287

262 The Ass Bought in the Market 288

261 The Asses Appealing to Zeus 288

261 乞灵于宙斯的驴 289

262 买驴 289

264 The Ass Carrying Salt 290

263 The Wild Ass and the Domestic Ass 290

263 野驴和家驴 291

264 驮盐的驴 291

266 The Ass Clothed in the Skin of a Lion,and the Fox 292

265 The Ass Carrying a Statue of a God 292

266 披着狮皮的驴和狐狸 293

265 驮神像的驴 293

268 The Ass,the Cock and the Lion 294

267 The Ass Pronouncing the Horse Happy 294

267 驴和马 295

268 驴、公鸡和狮子 295

270 The Ass and the Frogs 296

269 The Ass,the Fox and the Lion 296

269 驴、狐狸和狮子 297

270 驴和青蛙 297

272 The Ass and the Gardener 298

271 The Ass and the Mule Carrying the Same Heavy Loads 298

272 驴和种园人 299

271 驴和骡子 299

273 The Ass ,the Raven and the Wolf 300

274 The Ass and the Lap-dog or The Dog and Its Masster 300

274 驴和哈巴狗 301

273 驴、大鸦和狼 301

275 The Ass and the Dog Travelling Together 302

276 The Ass and the Ass-driver 302

276 驴和赶驴人 303

275 驴和狗 303

277 The Ass and the Cicadas 304

278 The Ass Who Was Taken for a Lion 304

278 被当做狮子的驴 305

277 驴和蝉 305

279 The Ass Eating the Jerusalem Thom ,and the Fox 306

280 The Ass Pretending to Be Lame,and the Wolf 306

279 驴和狐狸 307

280 驴和狼 307

282 The Bird-catcher and the Crested Lark 308

281 The Bird-catcher and the Wild and Domesticated Pigeons 308

281捕鸟人、野鸽和家鸽 309

282捕鸟人和冠雀 309

284 The Bird-catcher and the Partridge 310

283 The Bird-catcher and the Stork 310

284 捕鸟人和山鹑 311

283 捕鸟人和鹳鸟 311

286 The Hen That Laid the Golden Eggs 312

285 The Hen and the Swallow 312

286 下金蛋的母鸡 313

285 母鸡和燕子 313

288 The Snake ,the House-ferret and the Mice 314

287 The Tail and the Rest of the Body of the Snake 314

287 蛇尾、蛇头和蛇身 315

288 蛇、黄鼠狼和老鼠 315

290 The Trodden-on Snake and Zeus 316

289 The Snake and the Crab 316

289 蛇和蟹 317

290 被践踏的蛇和宙斯 317

292 The Child Catching Locusts,and the Scorpion 318

291 The Child Who Ate the Sacrificial Visceraa 318

291 吃得过饱的小孩 319

292 捕蝉的小孩和蝎子 319

294 The Son and the Painted Lion 320

293 The Child and the Raven 320

294 儿子和画中的狮子 321

293 婴孩和大鸦 321

295 The Child Thief and His Mother 322

295 小偷和他的母亲 323

296 The Child Bather 324

297 The Receiver of a Deposit of Money,and the God Horkos 324

297 代管钱财的人和荷耳科斯审 325

296 洗澡的小孩 325

298 The Father and His Faughters 326

299 The Partridge and the Man 326

298 父亲和他的两个女儿 327

299 山鹑和人 327

300 The Thirsty Pigeon 328

301 The Pigeon and the Crow 328

301 鸽子和乌鸦 329

300 口渴的鸽子 329

303 The Monkey and the Fishermen 330

302 The Two Carrying -pouches 330

302 两只口袋 331

303 猴子和渔夫 331

305 The Monkey and the Camel 332

304 The Monkey and the Dolphin 332

304 猴子和海豚 333

307 The Sea Voyagers 334

306 The Monkey s Children 334

305 猴子和骆驼 335

307 航海者 335

306 两个小猴 335

309 The Rich Man and the Mourners 336

308 The Rich Man and the Tanner 336

308 有钱人和鞣皮匠 337

309 富人和哭丧婆 337

310 The Shepherd and the Sea 338

311 The Shepherd and the Dog Who Fawned Upon Sheep 338

310 牧人和海 339

311 牧人和狗 339

312 The Shepherd and the Wolf Cubs 340

313 The Shepherd and the Wolf Raised with the Dogs 340

312 牧人和小狼 341

313 牧人和狼 341

314 The Shepherd and the Wolf Cub 342

315 The Shepherd and the Sheep 342

315 牧人和羊 343

314 牧人和小狼 343

316 The Shepherd Who Let a Wolf into the Fold,and the Dog 344

317 The Joking Shepherd 344

316 牧人和狗 345

317 爱开玩笑的牧人 345

319 The River and the Hide 346

320 The Sheared Sheep 346

318 Polemos and Hybris 346

320 被剪毛的羊 347

318 波勒摩斯和海波丽丝 347

319 河和皮革 347

321 Prometheus and Men 348

322 The Rose and the Amaranth 348

322 玫瑰和不凋花 349

321 普罗米修斯和人 349

323 The Pomegranate Tree,the Apple Tree,the Olive Tree and the Bramble Bush 350

324 The Trumpeter 350

324 号兵 351

323 石榴树、苹果树、橄榄树和荆棘 351

325 The Mole and His Mother 352

326 The Wild Boar and the Fox 352

325 鼹鼠和他的妈妈 353

326 野猪和狐狸 353

328 The Sow and the Dog Insulting One Another 354

327 The Wild Boar,the Horse and the Huntsman 354

327 野猪、马和猎人 355

328 猪和狗 355

330 The Wasp and the Snake 356

329 The Wasps,the Partridges and the Ploughman 356

329 黄蜂、山鹑和农夫 357

330 黄蜂和蛇 357

333 The Peacock and the Jackdaw 358

331 The Bull and the Wild Goats 358

332 The Peacock and the Crane 358

331 公牛和野山羊 359

332 孔雀和白鹤 359

333 孔雀和穴鸟 359

335 The Cicada and the Ants 360

334 The Cecada and the Fox 360

334 蝉和狐狸 361

335 蝉和蚂蚁 361

337 The Archer and the Lion 362

336 The Wall of the House and the Stake 362

336 墙壁和木钉 363

337 射手和狮子 363

339 The Hyenas 364

338 The Billy-Goat and the Vine 364

339 鬣狗 365

338 山羊和葡萄树 365

340 The Hyena and the Fox 366

341 The Sow and the Bitch,on the Ease of Bearing Offspring 366

341 猪和狗 367

340 鬣狗和狐狸 367

342 The Bald Horseman 368

343 The Miser 368

343 守财奴 369

342 秃头和骑马人 369

344 The Blacksmith and His Pupp 370

345 Winter and Spring 370

344 铁匠和他的小狗 371

345 冬天和春天 371

347 The Swallow and the Crow Obstinately Contending over Their Beauty 372

346 The Wswallow and the Serpent 372

347 燕子和乌鸦 373

346 燕子和蟒蛇 373

349 The Boastful Swallow and the Crow 374

348 The House-martin and the Birds 374

349 燕子和乌鸦 375

348 燕子和鸟类 375

351 The Tortoise and the Hare 376

350 The Tortoise and the Eagle 376

351 乌龟和野兔 377

350 乌龟和老鹰 377

352 The Wild Geese and the Cranes 378

354 The Parrot and the House-ferret 378

353 The Pots 378

352 野鹅和仙鹤 379

353 陶罐和铜罐 379

354 鹦鹉和黄鼠狼 379

355 The Flea and the Boxer 380

355 跳蚤和拳师 381

357 The Flea and the Ox 382

356 The Flea and the Man 382

356 跳蚤和人 383

357 跳蚤和牛 383

中译者后记 385
