跨国管理 教程、案例与阅读材料 英文版·第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:23 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)克利斯托弗·A.巴特利特(ChristopherA.Bartlett),(美)休曼特拉·戈歇尔(SumantraGhoshal)著
- 出 版 社:沈阳:东北财经大学出版社;McGraw-Hill出版公司
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7810444689
- 页数:880 页
Cross-Border Management: Motivations and Mentalities 1
Cases 17
1-1 Ingvar Kamprad and IKEA, 17
1-2 AT T Consomer Products, 35
1-3 The Body Shop Intrtnational, 58
1-4 Philips and Matsushita: A Portrait of Two Evolving Companies, 73
Readings 92
1-1 The Tortuons Evolution of the Multinational Corporation, Howard Perlmutter, 92
1-2 Managing in a Borderless World, Kenichi Ohmae, 101
Responding to Conficting Demands: The Environmental ChalIenge 112
Cases 128
2-1 The Global Computer Industy, 128
2-2 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd: Marketing Strategy for the Euzopean Market, 151
2-3 Interantional Sourcing in Athletic Footwear: Nike and Reebok, 170
Readings 183
2-1 The Globalization of Markets, Theodore Levitt, 183
2-2 Motivation, Leadership, and Organization: Do American Theorics Apply Abroad? Geen Hofsteds, 193
2-3 The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Michael E. Porter, 211
Building Strategic Capabilities: The Competitive Challenge 235
3-1 Collision Coprse in Commcrcial Aircraft: Boeing-Airbus-McDonnell Douglas- 1991(A), 255
Cases 255
3-2 Caterpillar Tractor Co., 273
3-3 Komatsu Limited, 295
3-4 Saatchi and Saatchi PLC, 312
Readings 334
3-1 How Global Companies Win Out, Thomas Hout, Michael E. Porter, and Eileen Rudden, 334
3-2 Do You Rcally Have a Global Strategy? Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad, 345
3-3 Global Stratcgy...In a World of Nations? George S. Yip, 353
Managing across Boundaries: The Collaborative Challenge 368
Cases 383
4-1 Xerox and Fuji Xcrox, 383
4-2 Swissair s Alliances, 408
4-3 Electrolux: The Acquisition and Integration of Zanussi, 427
Readings 447
4-1 The Global Logic of Strategic Alliances, Kenichi Ohmae 447
4-2 Collaborate with Your Compelitors-and Win, Gary Hamel, Yves L. Doz and C. K. Prahalad, 459
Developing Coordination and Coutrol: The Organtzational Challenge 468
Cases 486
5-1 Coming Glass Words Intemational (A), 486
5-2 Rh?ue -Poulenc(A), 503
5-3 Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Ltd, 521
5-4 Procter Gamble Europe: Vizir Launch, 537
Readings 552
5-1 Headquartcrs Influence and Steatrgic Control in MNCS, Yvcs L. Doz and C.K. Prahalad, 552
5-2 Tap Your Subsidiaries for Global Reach, Christopher A. Rartlett and Sumantra Ghoshat, 566
Managing Activities and Tasks:The Operational Challenge 576
Cases 593
6-1 Barco Projection Systeins: Worldwide Niche Markcting, 593
6-2 Applichem (A) 610
6-3 Colgate Palmolive:Maraging International Careers, 622
Readings 638
6-1 Customizing Global Markcting, John A. Quelch and Edward J.Hoff, 638
6-2 Managing Human Resources in the International Firm, Paul A.L. Evans, 649
Bullding Transnational Capabilities:The Managcmcnt Challenge 667
7-1 Ideal Standard France: Pat Paterson, 681
Cases 681
7-2 Becton Dickinson: Worldwide Blood Collection Team, 695
7-3 ISS-International Service Systern A/S, 712
7-4 (A) Komatsu Ltd and Project G (A). 738
7-4 (B) Komatsu Ltd and Project G (B). 750
7-4 (C) Komatsu Ltd and Project G (C). 757
Readings 768
7-1 Local Mcmoirs of a Global Manager, Gurcharan Das, 768
7-2 Speed, Simplicity and Self-Confidence: An Interview with Jack Welch, Noel Tichy and Ram Charan, 776
Preparing for the Future: Evolution of the Transnational 787
Cases 807
8-1 Asea Brown Boveri, 807
8-2(A) ABB Demschland (A) (Excerpts), 818
8-2(B) ABB Dcutschland (B), 820
8-3 ABB s Relays Business: Building and Managing a Global Matrix, 828
Readings 848
8-1 The Logic of Global Business: An Interview with ABB s Percy Barnevik, William Taylor, 848
Index 865
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