1.Cannot...too 1
2.Cannot but 2
3.Never...but 3
4.Both...and 5
5.Not only...but also 6
6.As well as 7
7.So as to 9
8.So...that 10
9.So that...may 12
10.In order to 13
11.The more...the better 15
12.The+adjective 17
13.The+Common Noun 18
14.The very 19
15.Anything but;nothing but 21
16.This,that;these,those 22
17.That of;those of 24
18.Have+Infinitive 25
19.Must;ought 27
20.Used to 28
21.Going+Infinitive;Be+Infinitive 31
22.To tell the truth;strange to say 33
23.To one’s sorrow 35
24.Would rather;had rather 37
25.The best+Noun 39
26.All+Abstract Noun 40
27.Of+Abstract Noun 42
28.Something of 44
29.What I am 45
30.What is better 47
31.What with...and what with 48
32.What+Noun 50
33.Is to…what…is to 51
34.As…is,so…is 53
35.It...that 54
36.Nothing…more...than 56
37.No more...than…is 57
38.In a week;within a week 59
39.The same as;the same…that 60
40.None is;none are 62
41.None the less 64
42.All the more for 65
43.The first…that 67
44.It is true…but 68
45.There is no...ing 70
46.As many;as much 72
47.Such...as;such…that 73
48.Such;so 75
49.Either…or;neither…nor 77
50.Poor as he is 79
51.Not…till(or until) 80
52.Hardly…when(or before);scarcely…when(or before) 82
53.No sooner…than;as soon as 83
54.Have one do 85
55.Have it done 86
56.Consist of;consist in 88
57.Compareto;compare with 89
58.As long as;so long as 91
59.Not always 92
60.A house to live in 94
61.May(or might)as well...as 95
62.In the world 97
63.The moment(that) 98
64.Superior to 100
65.One...one’s 101
66.Taste sweet 102
67.Things temporal 104
68.Truth and honesty is 105
69.There 106
70.What kind of;a kind of 108
71.Much;very 109
72.Able to;capable of 110
73.At all 112
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