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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王仕松,(美)WilliamSong主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:新世界出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7800057224
  • 页数:369 页
标签:主编 生活

Chapter 1 Eating Etiquette 就餐礼仪 1

Unit 1 Eating Out 去餐馆吃饭 1

Unit 2 What Do You Want for Breakfast? 早餐吃些什么? 8

Unit 3 During the Meal 在餐桌上 15

Chapter 2 Getting Direction 问路 22

Unit 1 Where s the Nearest Hospital? 到最近的医院怎么走? 22

Unit 2 Excuse Me, How do I Go to the Cinema? 打扰了,请问电影院怎么走? 29

Unit 3 How Long Does It Take to Go to the Post Office? 到邮局要多长时间? 35

Chapter 3 Greeting and Farewell 问候与道别 42

Unit 1 Nice to Meet You! 很高兴见到你! 42

Unit 2 Hi,John,How Are You? 约翰,你怎么样? 49

Unit 3 Say Good-Bye 告别 55

Chapter 4 Shopping 购物 61

Unit 1 How Much Is the Skirt? 这条裙子怎么卖? 61

Unit 2 How Do You Like This Color? 你喜欢这个颜色吗? 68

Unit 3 Can t You Make It Cheaper? 能便宜一点吗? 75

Unit 1 May I Speak to Mary? 我能和玛丽通话吗? 82

Chapter 5 Phone Etiquette 电话礼仪 82

Unit 2 I m Afraid His Line Engaged 他的电话在占线 89

Unit 3 I Must Have Dialed the Wrong Number 我一定是拨错号码 97

Chapter 6 Bank 银行 103

Unit 1 Can You Tell Me How Much the Interest Is? 你能告诉我利率是多少吗? 103

Unit 2 Withdrawal 取钱 110

Unit 3 Making a Deposit 存款 117

Chapter 7 Post Office 邮局 124

Unit 1 How Long Will This Letter Get There? 这封信大概多长时间能寄到那*里? 124

Unit 2 I d Like to Munl the Package 我想邮寄一个包 131

Unit 3 I d Like to Buy Some Stamps 137

Chapter 8 Seeing a Doctor 就医 144

Unit 1 You Must Have a Clod 你一定是感冒了 144

Unit 2 Mike Feels Very Terrible 麦克感到很难受 151

Unit 3 You d Better Take Some Medicine 你最好吃点药 158

Chapter 9 Home 家 165

Unit 1 Your Room Is a Disaster! 你的房间一团糟! 165

Unit 2 It s Time to Go to Bed! 该睡觉了! 172

Unit 3 I Will Take a Bath 我要沐浴 179

Unit 1 I d Like to Get a Haircut 我要理发 185

Chapter 10 Hairdressing 美发 185

Unit 2 She Has Her Hair Dyed 她把头发染了 191

Unit 3 How Would You Like Your Hair Style? 你想做什么发型? 198

Chapter 11:Movies 电影 205

Unit 1 Let s Go to See a Show! 我们一起看场电影吧 205

Unit 2 The Movies Was a Smash! 这部电影真过瘾! 212

Unit 3 I Like the Film Star! 我喜欢这个影星! 218

Unit 1 What School Do You Attend? 你上什么学校? 224

Chapter 12 Campus 校园 224

Unit 2 What Is Your Major? 你的专业是什么? 230

Unit 3 Do You Live on or off Campus? 你住校内还是校外? 236

Chapter 13 Travel 旅行 243

Unit 1 I Traveled Around the World Last Year 我去年环游世界一周 243

Unit 2 Where Is the Most Interesting Place? 哪个地方最有趣? 249

Unit 3 We d Better Ask a Travel Agency 我们最好去问问旅行社 256

Chapter 14: Station 车站 263

Unit 1 I Would Like to Buy a Sleeper Ticket to New York 我买张到纽约去的卧铺票 263

Unit 2 Is Smoking Allowed on the Train? 火车上可以抽烟吗? 269

Unit 1 How Much IS the Rent for This Room? 这个房间的租金是多少? 275

Chapter 15 Renting a House 租房 275

Unit 2 DoYou Have an Apartment for Rent? 你们有公寓要出租吗? 282

Unit 3 It s a Little Apartment 这是一个小型公寓 288

Chapter 16 Feeling 情感 295

Unit 1 How Do You Feel Today? 今天感觉怎么样? 295

Unit 2 I Found a Boyfriend 我找了一个男朋友 302

Unit 3 I Want to Break up with Him 我想和他分手 309

Chapter 17 Laundry 洗衣店 315

Unit 1 Please Take the Sweater to the Laundry 请把那件毛衣送到洗衣店 315

Unit 2 The Laundry Has Already Come Back 送洗的衣服已经送回来了 321

Unit 3 Can You Remove It? 你能洗掉它吗? 327

Chapter 18 Weight 体重 333

Unit 1 Dieting 节食 333

Unit 2 We Turn to Diet Plan to Keep Weight 我们制定饮食计划来控制体重 339

Unit 3 Your Father Is a Bag of Bone 你的爸爸瘦得皮包骨头 345

Chapter 19 Having a Car Repaired and Serviced 汽车维修与保养 351

Unit 1 I Must Have My Car Repaired 我必须把车子送去修理 351

Unit 2 My Car Broke Down 我的车抛锚了 357

Unit 3 My Car Need Servicing 我的车该保养了 363

附:美音与英音发音符号示例对照表 369
