![基于语言信息的决策理论与方法 英文](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/67/s685dfa4.jpg)
![基于语言信息的决策理论与方法 英文](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/67/s685dfa4.jpg)
基于语言信息的决策理论与方法 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:ZeshuiXu著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787030331052
- 页数:230 页
Chapter 1 Linguistic Evaluation Scales 1
1.1 Additive Linguistic Evaluation Scales 2
1.2 Multiplicative Linguistic Evaluation Scales 6
References 10
Chapter 2 Linguistic Aggregation Operators 15
2.1 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Based on Linear Ordering 16
2.2 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Based on Extension Principle and Symbols 22
2.3 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Based on Linguistic 2-tuples 33
2.4 Linguistic Aggregation Operators Computing with Words Directly 37
2.4.1 Linguistic Averaging Operator 37
2.4.2 Linguistic Geometric Operators 66
References 80
Chapter 3 Linguistic Preference Relations 87
3.1 Additive Linguistic Preference Relations 87
3.2 Incomplete Additive Linguistic Preference Relations 106
3.3 Dynamic Additive Linguistic Preference Relations 118
3.4 Multiplicative Linguistic Preference Relations 121
3.5 Incomplete Multiplicative Linguistic Preference Relations 129
3.6 Dynamic Multiplicative Linguistic Preference Relations 144
3.7 Uncertain Linguistic Preference Relations 147
3.7.1 Uncertain Additive Linguistic Preference Relations 147
3.7.2 Uncertain Multiplicative Linguistic Preference Relations 158
References 174
Chapter 4 Approaches to Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making 177
4.1 Maximizing Deviation Procedure for Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making 178
4.2 Ideal Point-Based Model for Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making 185
4.3 Approaches Based on Uncertain Aggregation Operators to Linguistic Multi-attribute Decision Making 195
4.3.1 WULDC-OWA Operator-Based Approach 195
4.3.2 WULDC-OWG Operator-Based Approach 198
4.4 Goal Programming Model for Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making 200
4.4.1 Goal Programming Model Based on Linguistic Labels 200
4.4.2 Goal Programming Model Based on Uncertain Linguistic Labels 203
4.5 Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on Different Types of Linguistic Information 207
4.6 Interactive Approach to Linguistic Multi-Attribute Decision Making 209
4.7 Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making under Linguistic Assessments 214
4.7.1 Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method Based on LWA2 and DLWA Operators 215
4.7.2 Approach to Uncertain Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on ULWA and UDLWA operators 218
4.7.3 Approach to Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on LWG and DLWG Operators 220
4.7.4 Approach to Uncertain Multi-Period Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on ULWG and UDLWG operators 222
References 225
Index 227
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