

数字图书馆 新世纪信息技术的机遇与挑战国际研讨会论文集 中英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:24 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙家正主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京图书馆出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7501319316
- 页数:906 页
知识经济与中国的数字图书馆建设在“数字图书馆——新世纪信息技术的机遇与挑战”国际研讨会的发言&胡启恒 1
Konwledge-based Economy and Construction of Digital Libraries in China&Hu Qiheng 7
探索美国和全球数字图书馆的发展:联邦政府机构和总统信息技术顾问委员会的作用&陈刘 钦智 17
Digital Library Development in the US and Global Reach:Roles of Federal Government Agencies and PITAC&Ching-chih Chen 28
电子图书馆、电子政务、电子商务:共同的思路与全新的机遇&陈炘钧 42
E-Library,E-Government,and E-Commerce: Common Threads and New opportunities&Hsinchun Chen 49
A Flexible Classification Scheme for Metadata Resources&Ee-Peng Lim et al. 59
A Look at Digital Library Development in China&Hui Ping (Freya)Luo et al. 74
A Model of Building a Multilingual Full-Text Digital Library of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs)&Yin Zhang 87
A Personalized Service Model of Digital Library&Liu Ziheng Zheng Qingwen 93
A Study on Digitization of Minorities Literatures&Bao Heping Wang Xueyan 101
Advancing Education through Digital Libraries: NSDL, CITIDEL, and NDLTD&Edward A.Fox 107
An Experimental Study on a Collaborative Development of a Multilingual Subject Gateway for Public Library Users&Shigeo Sugimoto et al. 118
Automated Text Categorization for Chinese Based on the Multinomial Bayesian Model&Xue Dejun Sun Maosong 131
Automatic Relevance learning in Web-Based Information Retrieval&Geoffrey Z.Liu 141
Challenging Dragons: Collection Care and Aspects of Digital Management&Vanessa Marshall 159
China -US Million Book Digital Library Project&Gao Wen Huang Tiejun 172
Color Content-Based Image Retrieval Techniques in Digital Libraries&Zhang Xuefu Leng Fuhai 178
Comparative Study of Digital Library Construction in China&Cui Ruiqin 186
Copyright and Right of Digital Information: Challenges to Information Professional and India s Scenario&Constantine M.Nyamboga T.D.kemperaj 196
Copyright Protection for a Modern Digital Library in China&Su Li 207
Creating a Free-to -Read International Digital Library&Erika C.Linke 213
Design and Implementation of a Digital library for Chinese Architecture Study and University Education&Xing Chunxiao et al. 220
Designing for an Open Digital Library: The Practice of CSDL&Zhang Xiaolin 237
Developing Digital Libraries with Multimedia on Demand&Lily H.Hu Owen Tam 245
Developing Specialized Reference Service System; A Model for China Digital Library&Hanrong Wang 259
Developments of Digital Libraries in Japan: Library Activities and Governmental Policies&Masamitsu Negishi 267
Digital Decisions in an American Public Library&Gary E. Strong 279
Digital Libraries to Knowledge Portals: Towards a Global Knowledge Portal for Secondary Schools in Singapore&Yin Leng Theng et al. 291
Digital Library and Knowledge Innovation&Hu Shenglin et al. 304
Digital Library Development in Western Europe&Catherine Lupovici 308
Digital Library System Based on Concept of Computer-processable Digital Objects&Hidehiro Ishizuka Ying Li 315
Digital Music Library: Structure and Technology&Feng Yazhong et al. 327
Discussing the Problems in the Process of Construction of Digital Library&Ren Ruijuan 335
Discussion on the Open Architecture for Digital Libraries&Zhao Siyou 343
Dynamic Interoperation of Non-cooperation Digital Libraries&Rong Shi et al. 350
Emerging Information Architectures for Ditributed Digital Libraries&Liz Lyon 362
English/Chinese Documents Alignment Using Length-based and Text-based Approaches&Christopher C.Yang Kar Wing Li 371
Evaluation of Domestic Application Platforms for Digital Libraries&Ling Yi 382
Exploring Cultural Origins and Evolution by Navigation Searchable Video and Film Archives&Howrd D.Wactlar 387
Flexible Platform of Digital and XML Engine System&Cheg Xueqi et al. 391
Framework on Digital Resources Construction&Xiang Guilin 398
Hybrid Partition Inverted Files for Large-Scale Digital Libraries&Wensi Xi et al. 404
Image Organizing on Networks&Lai Maosheng Kong Tao 419
InfoBase-the Extension and Supplement of Digital Library&Su Guiyang et al. 425
Information Detection and Knowledge Innovation&Wen Youkui et al. 431
Information Integration and Services Provided by Specialized Digital Library&Sun Zhengdong Lun Hong 439
Intellectual Property in the Founding of a Digital Library&Li Jiaqing 446
Large-scale Emperor Digital Library and Semantics-sensitive Region-based Retrieval&Ching-chih Chen James Z.Wang 454
Layered Model for Digital Library&Ma Yinghua et al. 463
Managing Complexity: Design and implementation of the Multimedia Information System for the Hong Kong Central Library&William kwok-Pui Chan Alvin Man-Kin Yong 468
Marketing Management of Digital Libraries&Xiao Qing et al. 485
Metadata Design and Authority control of THADL&Wu Kaihua et al. 491
Metadata Standard of Digitized Journals&Liu Tingyuan 497
OAIS Reference Model and Chinese Metadata Schema&Xu Zhouy a et al. 506
On Architecture of a Digital Library&Dong Hui Ding Botao 515
On the Construction of an Information Network ing the Era of the Digital Library&Song Tianhe Li Chengyun 528
On the Copyright Protection Technology of Digital Library and the Legal Limitations on Circumvention&Qiu Junping Chen Jingquan 533
On the Methods of Information Resources Visualization&Zhou Ning et al. 539
Preserving Current Public Discoures for the Future: The Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS)&Jennifer Gross Hanno Lecher 544
Research and Localization Test of Digital Resource Integration Systems&Zheng Xiaohui Jiang Airong 553
Research on Architecture of Massive Information Management for Digital Library&Zhou Lizhu et al. 559
Resource Construction in Children s Digital Libraries&Zhao Xichen 576
Retrieval Architecture of Digital Libraries&lin Haiqing 582
Some Best Practices and Ideas on Ancient Works Creation in Digital Library&Liu Gang 591
Some Opinions on Chinese Metadata Generation&Ma Yitai Zhu Guiling 597
Study on Copyright Protection in the Construction of Digital Library Information Resources&Ma Haiqun 604
Study on Creation and Refining of UIDB in Digital Libraries&Yang Minghua 613
Study on the Electronic Book Service of Digital Library&Cheng Lili Zhao Lin 622
Technical Essence of Digital Libraries&Deng Xinmin 629
Technology Foundations for Digital Libraries&Art Pasquinelli 635
The Cost Comparison of Profitableness and Non-profitableness-The Establishing and Maintaining Mode of Digital Libraries&Li Baozhen et al. 649
The Design and Implementation of Dynamic Metadata Management System&Chao-chen Chen et al. 656
The Design of an Adaptable XML Converter&Niu Zhendong 671
The Future of Medical Library-PUMC Library s Unique Strategies of Building the Medical Documents Database&Ruan Xueping Fang An 676
The Interoperable Digital Geological Museum Based on CORBA and OAI Protocols&Zhang Ming et al. 683
The Protection and Restriction of Copyright in Digital Library&Wang Weidong Xiao Tianle 690
The Research of Z39.50 Based Searching Middleware in Digital Library&Zhang Jing et al. 696
Towards an Internet Based Information Portal for Berlin and Brandenburg&Beate Rusch 702
WebGIS-based Integrated Metadata Retrieval System&Wang Aihua et al. 710
XML-based Financial Knowledge Management and Tag Generation&Jerome Yen Percy L.T.Yuen 717
XNL在数字图书馆中的应用&印峻 737
把图书馆信息门户建到用户的掌中——对筹建西肯塔基大学图书馆“PDA信息门户”的思考&袁海旺 胡明蓉 743
从信息传播学角度看数字图书馆建设&陈晓鸥 751
服务主导型数字图书馆模式探讨&杨宗英等 756
基于古文献特藏的数字图书馆系统的设计与实现&肖珑 冯英 760
军事理论科学数字图书馆建设研究&祁长松 769
论建立中国文献信息资源共建共享工作指导委员会的构想&马学林 777
面向用户的智能化需求信息跟踪系统模型探讨——以用户需求数字来源模型为侧重&都平平等 783
试论数字图书馆信息资源的开发&李学英 787
数字北京工程中的数字图书馆文献资源管理系统建设&常林 793
数字环境下图书馆开展网络信息服务中的信息产权问题&陆宝益 葛泽生 801
数字图书馆的技术框架&镇锡惠 807
数字图书馆的情报学史分析&王琳 814
数字图书馆的实践探索——从《四库全书》电子版到“孙中山数字图书馆”&张轴材等 819
数字图书馆环境中的标准研究&陈华明 830
数字图书馆建设中的知识产权问题及其解决对策&张鹰 839
数字图书馆信息资源建设构想&戴洪霞 刘彩虹 846
数字图书馆应用平台及网络架构研究&王大可 853
数字图书馆与版权保护&程军 860
探讨数字图书馆建设中的版权保护问题&何义峰 864
网上信息知识产权政策应优先考虑的几个利益问题&陈传夫 869
学科网络资源导航库&苏开颜 邢美国 876
一种语义Web环境下的数字图书馆框架&刘柏嵩 韩惠琴 883
中国数字图书馆:关于西中公共图书馆数字资源建设的讨论&张伟云 889
资本运营理论对数字图书馆的适用性分析&常有寅 896
跋 902
Postscript 903
编后记 905
Acknowledgment 906
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