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决策与控制会计  英文版·第2版
决策与控制会计  英文版·第2版

决策与控制会计 英文版·第2版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)杰罗尔德·L.齐默尔曼(Jerold L.Zimmerman)著
  • 出 版 社:沈阳:东北财经大学出版社;McGraw-Hill出版公司
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7810444662
  • 页数:720 页
《决策与控制会计 英文版·第2版》目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 3

Chapter 1 Introduction 3

A.Managerial Accounting:Decision Making and Control 4

B.Design and Use of Cost Systems 7

C.Marmots and Grizzly Bears 12

D.Management Accountant s Role in the Organization 14

E.Vortec Medical Probe Example 17

F.Outline of the Text 20

G.Summary 21

Chapter 2 The Nature of Costs 25

Chapter 2 The Nature of Costs 25

A.Opportunity Costs 26

1.Characteristics of Opportunity Costs 27

2.Examples of Decisions Based on Opportunity Costs 28

1.Fixed,Marginal,and Average Costs 31

B.Cost Variation 31

2.Linear Approximations of Opportunity Cost of Changing Volume 34

3.Other Cost Behavior Patterns 36

4.Activity Measures 37

C.Cost-Volume-Proftt Analysis 40

1.Copier Example 40

2.Calculating Break-Even and Target Proftts 41

3.Limitations of Cost-Volume-Proftt Analysis 45

4.Operating Leverage 46

D.Opportunity Costs versus Accounting Costs 47

1.Period versus Product Costs 48

2.Direct Costs,Overheads,and Opportunity Costs 49

E.Cost Estimation 52

1.Account Classif?cation 52

2.Motion and Time Studies 52

F.Summary 53

Appendix A:Learning Curve Analysis 54

Appendix B:Estimating Fixed and Variable Costs 56

Chapter 3 Opportunity Cost of Capital and Capital Budgeting 91

Chapter 3 Opportunity Cost of Capital and Capital Budgeting 91

A.Opportunity Cost of Capital 93

B.Interest Rate Mathematics 95

1.Future Values 95

2.Present Values 96

3.Present Value of a Cash Flow Stream 97

4.Perpetuities 97

5.Annuities 98

6.Multiple Cash Flousper Year 100

C.Capital Budgeting:The Basics 102

1.Decision to Acquire an MBA 102

2.Decision to Open a Video Rental Store 103

3.Essential Points about Capital Budgeting 104

D.Capital Budgeting:Some Complexities 106

1.Risk 106

2.Inflation 107

3.Taxes and Depreciation Tax Shields 109

E.Alternative Investment Criteria 111

1.Payback 112

2.Accounting Rate of Return 113

3.Internal Rate of Return(IRR) 114

4.Methods Used in Practice 117

F.Summary 118

Chapter 4 Organizational Architecture 143

Chapter 4 Organizational Architecture 143

A.Basic Building Blocks 144

1.Self-Incerested Behavior,Team Production,and Agency Costs 144

2.Decision Rights and Rights Systems 150

3.Role of Knowledge and Decision Making 151

4.Markets versus Firms 152

5.Influence Costs 156

B.Organizational Architecture 157

C.Example of Accounting s Role:Executive Compensation Contracts 163

D.Summary 166

Chapter 5 Responsibility Accounting and Transfer Pricing 177

Chapter 5 Responsibility Accounting and Transfer Pricing 177

A.Accounting s Role in the Organization s Architecture 178

B.Responsibility Accounting 181

1.Cost Centers 182

2.Proftt Centers 184

3.Investment Centers 186

4.Controllability Principle 191

C.Transfer Pricing 194

1.International Taxation 194

2.Economics of Transfer Pricing 197

3.Common Transfer Pricing Methods 201

4.Reorganization:The Solution If All Else Fails 205

5.Actual Practice 206

D.Summary 209

Chapter 6 Budgets and Budgeting 231

Chapter 6 Budgets and Budgeting 231

A.Generic Budgeting Systems 234

1.Country Club 234

2.Private University 238

3.Complex Corporation 241

B.Trade-offs between Decision Management and Decision Control 244

1.Communicating Specialized Knowledge versus Performance Evaluation 244

2.Managing the Trade-off 245

3.Participative Bargaining 247

C.Budgeting Resolves Certain Organizational Problems 248

1.Short-Run versus Long-Run Budgets 249

2.Line-ltem Budgets 250

3.Budget Lapsing 251

4.Static versus Flexible Budgets 252

5.Incremental versus Zero-Based Budgets 254

D.Summary 256

Appendix:Comprehensive Master Budget Illustration 257

Chapter 7 Cost Allocation:Theory 305

Chapter 7 Cost Allocation:Theory 305

A.Pervasiveness of Cost Allocations 307

1.Manufacturing Organizations 310

2.Hospitals 310

3.Universities 311

2.Third-Party Reimbursement 313

1.External Reporting/Taxes 313

B.Reasons to Allocate Costs 313

3.Decision Making and Control 314

1.Cost Allocations Are a Tax System 315

C.Incentive/Organizational Reasons for Cost Allocations 315

2.Factor Price Understates Total Cost 317

3.Insulating versus Noninsulating Cost Allocations 324

D.Summary 328

Chapter 8 Cost Allocation:Practices 365

Chapter 8 Cost Allocation:Practices 365

A.Death Spiral 366

B.Allocating Service Department Costs 367

1.Direct Allocation Method 368

2.Step-Down Allocation Method 370

3.Service Department Costs and Transfer Pricing of Direct and Step-Down Methods 374

4.Reciprocal Allocation Method 376

5.Summary 378

C.Joint Costs 379

1.Chickens 380

2.Net Realizable Value 381

3.Decision Making and Control 383

D.Segment Reporting and Joint Beneftts 384

E.Summary 386

Appendix:Reciprocal Method for Allocating Service Department Costs 386

Chapter 9 Absorption Cost Systems 413

Absorption Cost Systems 413

A.Job Order Costing 415

B.Cost Flows through the Accounts 417

C.Allocating Overhead to Jobs 420

1.Overhead Rates 420

2.Over/Underabsorbed Overhead 423

3.Flexible Budgets to Estimate Overhead 425

4.Expected versus Normal Volume 426

D.Permanent versus Temporary Volume Changes 431

E.Plantwide versus Multiple Overhead Rates 432

F.Process Costing:The Extent of Averaging 435

G.Summary 436

Appendix:Process Costing 437

Chapter 10 Criticisms of Absorption Cost Systems:Incentive to Overproduce 477

Chapter 10 Criticisms of Absorption Cost Systems:Incentive to Overproduce 477

A.Incentive to Overproduce 479

1.Example 479

2.Reducing the Overproduction Incentive 481

1.Background 482

B.Variable(Direct)Costing 482

2.Illustration of Variable Costing 483

3.Overproduction Incentives under Variable Costing 484

C.Problems with Variable Costing 486

1.Classifying Fixed Costs as Variable Costs 486

2.Ignores Opportunity Cost of Capacity 486

D.Beware of Unit Costs 487

E.Summary 489

Chapter 11 Criticisms of Absorption Cost Systems:Inaccurate Product Costs 507

Chapter 11 Criticisms of Absorption Cost Systems:Inaccurate Product Costs 507

A.Inaccurate Product Costs 508

B.Activity-Based Costing 510

1.Choosing Cost Drivers 511

2.Absorption versus Activity-Based Costing:An Example 516

C.Analyzing Activity-Based Costing 519

1.Reasons for Implementing Activity-Based Costing 519

2.Beneftts and Costs of Activity-Based Costing 521

D.Acceptance of Activity-Based Costing 524

E.Summary 528

Chapter 12 Standard Costs:Direct Labor and Materials 553

Chapter 12 Standard Costs:Direct Labor and Materials 553

A.Standard Costs 554

1.Reasons for Standard Costing 555

2.Setting and Revising Standards 557

3.Target Costing 558

B.Direct Labor and Materials Variances 560

1.Direct Labor Variances 561

2.Direct Materials Variances 564

C.Incentive Effects of direct Labor and Materials Variances 568

2.Externalities 569

1.Build Inventories 569

3.Discourage Cooperation 570

4.Mutual Monitoring 570

5.Satisficing 570

D.Disposition of Standard Cost Variances 571

E.The Costs of Standard Costs 573

F.Summary 576

Chapter 13 Overhead and Marketing Variances 591

Chapter 13 Overhead and Marketing Variances 591

A.Budgeted,Standard,and Actual Volume 592

B.Overhead Variances 595

1.Flexible Overhead Budget 595

2.Overhead Rate 596

3.Overhead Absorbed 597

4.Overhead Efficiency,Volume,and Spending Variances 598

5.Graphical Analysis 601

6.Inaccurate Flexible Overhead Budget 603

C.Marketing Variances 604

1.Price and Quantity Variances 605

2.Mix and Sales Variances 606

D.Summary 607

Chapter 14 Managing Accounting in a Changing Environment 633

Chapter 14 Manageement Accounting in a Changing Environment 633

A.Integrative Framework 636

1.Organizational Architecture 637

2.Business Strategy 639

3.Environmental and Competitive Forces Affecting Organizations 641

4.Implications 642

1.Productivity 643

B.Organizational Innovations and Management Accounting 643

2.Total Quality Management(TQM) 648

3.Just-in-Time(JIT)Production 655

C.When Should Management Accounting Be Changed? 661

D.Summary 661

Appendix:Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 662

Solutions to Concept Questions 691

Glossary 701

Glossary 701

Index 711

Index 711
