中国塔里木盆地及俄罗斯西伯利亚台地石油地质文集 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:贾承造,(俄罗斯)森尼料夫(Sennikov,N.V.)主编
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7502133526
- 页数:149 页
The Exploration Achievements and the Prospect for Natural Gas in Tarim Basin,China Jia Chengzao and Xiao Zhongyao 1
The Characteristics of High-Quality Clastic Reservoir Characterization and the Genetic Analysis,Tarim Basin Gu Jiayu,Ning Congqian and Jia Jinhua 16
The Geochemical Characteristics and Generation of Natural Gas in the Tarim Basin Song Yan,Xia Xinyu,Qin Shengfei and Li Xianqi 24
Organic Geochemistry of Middle-Upper Ordovician Source Rocks in Tarim Basin,North west China S.C.Zhang,B.M.Zhang,M.J.Zhao,?.Y.Wang,L.Z.Bian,D.R.Wang and Z.H.He 31
History of Oil and Gas Accumulation in Central-Tarim Uplift Li Guodu,Jin Zhijun,Zhang Shuicang and Yang Haijun 44
Genetic Groups of Natural Gas and Conditions for Gas Reservoir Formation in Tarim Basin,China Zhao Menjun and Zhang Shuichang 54
Peculiarities of Tectonic Development of the Tarim Platform in the Neogene A.K.Basharin,S.Yu.Balyaev,A.E.Kontorovich,Li Guodu and G.S.Fradkin 63
Regional Estimation of the Tarim Platform Petroleum Potential from the Results of Analysis of the Formation History of its Sedimentary Cover S.Yu.Belyaev,A.E.Kontorovich,Li Guodu,A.K.Basharin,L.m.Burshtein,G.S.Fradkin and O.G.Ariskina 70
Evolmtion of Structure and Petroleum Potential of the Yenisey-Baykit Region of the Siberi an Platform and Tarim Basin A.K.Basharin,S.Yu.Belyaaev,Li Guodu,and G.S.Fradkin 76
Fold Tectonics of Jurassic Complex of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Cover,Northern West Sibe-rian Plate S.Yu.Belyavev,A.E.Kontorovich,G.F.Bukreyeva,E.V.Deyev,S.V.Zinovyev,V.O.Krasavchikov,S.S.Yershov,D.V.Kosyakov,P.S.Lapin,S.N.Novikova and G.G.Shem 83
Influence of Traps on the Petroleum Potential Sedimentary Basins with Intense Trap Mag Matism A.E.Kontorovich,F.V.Khomenko,L.M.Burshtein and A.L.Pavlov 90
The Paleozonic and Triassic Petroleum of the Central Regions of West Siberia N.P.Kirda,N.V.Sennokov,E.A.Yolkin and M.A.Levchuk 95
Maps of Distribution of Physicochemical Properties of Oils in West Siberia A.E.Kontorovich,L.S.Borisova,D.V.Kosyakov,V.O.Krasavchikov,P.S.Lapin,S.N.Novikova and E.P.Strekhletova 103
Prediction of Petroleum Accumulation Zones in the Vendian and Lower Cambrian Subsalt Carbonate Deposits of the Central Parts of the Siberian Platform G.G.Shemin 111
Geochemistry of Gasolines from the West Siberian Oils L.S.Borisova,D.V.Kosyakov,V.R.Livshits and E.A.Fursenko 117
The Present-Day Features of Russia s Petroleum Complex Functioning A.G.Korzhubayev D.A.Gofman,S.V.Ermachkov,A.V.Novikova,P.A.Polosukhin,A.S.Ulanova 124
Kovkta and Upper Chona Fields in the Vendian Terrigenous Deposits of the Siberian PlatForm V.A.Topeshko 130
Carbonate Sedimentation in the Riphean Basins of Eastern Siberia-Ye.M.Khabarov 137
Introduction of Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development Jia Chengzao and Gu Jiayu 145
Introduction of Institute of Petroleum Geology,Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.E.Kontorovich and N.V.Sennikov 146
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