- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张经浩编著
- 出 版 社:福州:福建人民出版社
- 出版年份:1983
- ISBN:7173·564
- 页数:266 页
1.able,capable 1
2.about,round,around 2
3.above,over 3
4.action,act 5
5.after,behind 7
6.almost,nearly 9
7.announce,declare,proclaim 10
8.answer,reply 12
9.anxious,eager 15
10.arms weapon 17
11.author,writer 18
12.base,basis,foundation 19
13.bear,endure,stand 20
14.beat,strike,hit 22
15.beautiful,pretty,handsome 24
16.because,since,as,for 26
17.begin,start 29
18.belief,faith 31
19.below,under 32
20.between,among 34
21.big,large,great 36
22.bind,tie 37
23.black,dark 39
24.bring,fetch,take 40
25.broad,wide 41
26.buy,purchase 43
27.can,be able to 45
28.care,concern 47
29.catch,seize 49
30.cause,reason 50
31.centre,middle 52
32.certain,sure 54
33.chance.opportunity 55
34.change,alter 57
35.cheat,deceive,take in 59
36.chief,main 61
37.choose,select 62
38.clear,distinct,plain 64
39.close,shut 66
40.clothes,clothing,dress 68
41.cold,chilly 69
42.common,ordinary 70
43.compare,contrast 73
44.complex,complicated 74
45.contain,hold 75
46.continual,continuous 76
47.continue,go on 77
48.correct,right 79
49.couple,pair 81
50.creep,crawl 83
51.cry,weep,sob,wail 84
52.cure,heal 87
53.danger,peril 88
54.decide,determine 89
55.deep,profound 91
56.defend,guard,safeguard 93
57.demand,require 95
58.determination,resolution,resolve 97
59.different,various 98
60.direct,directly 99
62.doubt,suspect 101
61.door,gate 101
63.draw,pull drag, 103
64.duty,responsibility,obligation 104
65.each,every 105
66.emphasis,stress 107
67.empty,vacant 108
68.end,close,ending 109
69.enemy,foe 111
70.enter,enter into 112
71.entrance,entry 113
72.escape,flee,run away 114
73.evening,night 116
74.event,incident 117
75.excuse,forgive,pardon 119
76.far,distant 120
77.fast,rapid,quick 121
78.finish,complete 122
79.fit,suitable,proper 124
80.flag,banner 126
81.foolish,silly,stupid 127
82.freedom,liberty 128
83.gather,collect 129
84.get,gain,obtain 131
85.gift,present 132
86.glad,happy 133
87.good,fine,nice 135
88.habit,custom 137
89.happen,occur 138
90.hear,listen 140
91.heavy,weighty 142
92.hide,conceal 144
93.high,tall 145
94.historic,historical 147
95.home,house,family 148
96.hope,wish 150
97.ill,sick,sickly 152
98.industrious,diligent,hardworking 153
99.instant,moment 154
100.jealous,envious 155
101.journey,trip,tour 157
102.jump,leap 158
103.kind,kindly 159
104.kind,sort 160
105.last,final 161
106.learn,study 163
107.let,allow,permit 164
108.like,be fond of,love 166
109.load,burden 168
110.look,appear,seem 170
111.look,see,watch 172
112.many,much,a lot of 174
113.mad,crazy 175
114.mature,ripe 176
115.meat,flesh 178
116.mistake,error 179
117.mountain,hill,mount 180
118.must,have(to) 182
119.opinion,view 184
120.oppose,object 185
121.order,command 186
122.pain,ache 188
123.persist,persevere,insist 189
124.power,force,strength 191
125.question,problem 194
126.quiet,still,silent 196
127.rare,scarce 198
128.ready,prepared 199
129.real,true 200
130.receive,accept 201
131.refuse,reject 203
132.remember,recall,recollect 203
133.result,effect,consequence 205
134.road,street,avenue,way,path 207
135.satisfied,content,contented 208
136.save,rescue 210
137.say,speak,talk,tell 211
138.separate,divide 213
139.shade,shadow 215
140.shout,cry 216
141.show,display 218
142.sign,mark 220
143.signal,sign 221
144.skin,hide,leather,fur 222
145.small,little 224
146.sound,noise,voice 226
147.special,particular 227
148.stable,steady 229
149.stop,cease 230
150.story,tale 232
151.strange,queer 233
152.though,although 234
153.thought,idea 236
154.threaten,menace 238
155.tired,weary,exhausted,worn out 239
156.too,also,either 240
157.tool,implement,instrument 242
158.try,attempt 243
159.use,employ 245
160.very,much 246
161.wet,damp 248
162.when,as,while 249
163.whole,entire total 252
164.will,shall,be going to,be about to,be to 254
165.work,labour,toil 257
166.wound,hurt,injure 258
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