- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈江,林缨编写
- 出 版 社:北京:中国旅游出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7503211059
- 页数:248 页
一.饭店等级与分类Hotel Categories and Classifications 1
1.饭店等级Hotel Categones 1
2.饭店分类Hotel Classifications 1
1.饭店部门Departaments 3
三.饭店设施Hotel Facilities 7
四.前厅部Front Office 10
1.总台Front Desk 10
(1)预订与接待 Reservations andRecepoon 10
(2)护照与签证Passport and Visa 13
(3)房态Room Status 15
(4)客人Guests 15
(5)头衔Ranks 16
(6)团队Groups 17
(7)房类RoomTypes 17
(8)价格Rates 18
(9)币兑换Foreign Gurrency Exchange 19
(10)客户结账Check Out 21
(11)天气预报Weather Forecast 23
(12)其它Miscellanies 24
2.行李部Concierge 25
3.电话总机Swrtchboand 28
4.票务TicketService 29
(1)航空交通Air Transportation 29
(2)铁路交通Railway Transpoortation 30
(3)公路交通Road Transportation 31
(4)海运Shipping 32
5.饭店服务Hotel Services 33
6.商务中心Busmess Center 34
(1)邮件投递Postal Service 34
(2)电报服务Telegram Service 36
(3)其它Miscellanies 37
7.营销Sales and Marketing 37
(1)市场与销售Market and Sales 37
(2)公共关系Public Pelations 40
(3)旅行社Tourism 42
(4)旅行社Travel Agencies 44
五 房务部Housekeeping Dpartment 47
1.客房设施与物品Room Facilities and Articles 47
2.洗衣房Laundry 56
3.观赏花卉与植物Omamental Flowers and Plants 58
六.餐饮部 Food and Beverage Department 60
1.餐厅服务Restaurant Service 60
2.餐厅服务Restaurant Serice 62
(2)碗Bowls 65
(1)盘Plates 65
3.餐具Tableware 65
(3)碟Dishes 66
(4)盅Jars 67
(5)筷子Chopsticks 67
(6)餐刀、餐叉与汤匙Cutlery and spoons 68
餐刀Knives 68
餐叉Forks 68
汤匙Spoons 69
(7)酒具Wine Set 70
(8)茶具与咖啡具Tea Set and Coffee Set 71
(9)其它Miscellantes 71
4 厨房Kitchen 73
(1)厨房用具krtchen Utensils 73
炉灶Panges or Stoves 73
烹饪用具Cookmg Utensils 74
刀Knives 75
盛器Contamers 75
勺子滤器Scoops and stramers 76
食品加工器具Food Pocessmg Implements 77
其它Miscellarmes 78
(2)烹调Cooking Utenstls 79
(3)调味品Condiments 83
食用油Edible Onl 83
盐Salt 84
糖Sugar 85
醋Vinegar 85
汁与酱Sauces 86
香料Sprces and flaours 87
(1)肉类Meat 89
牛肉Beef 89
5.食品Food 89
其它Miscellarues 89
火腿与香肠Hams and Sausages 91
羊肉Mutton 92
猪肉Pork 93
(2)水果Frunts 94
(3)饮料Frunts 97
茶Tea 97
咖啡与可可Coffee and Cocoa 99
汽水、果汁、冰淇淋等Aerated Water,Frurt Juice,Ice Cream and Miscellames 99
(4)水产Aquatic Products 102
(5)蛋与乳制品Eggs and Danry Products 107
(6)干货与干果Dned Food and Nuts 108
(7)谷物与杂粮Cereals 112
(8)蔬菜Vegetables 113
(9)家禽与野味Poultry and Games 117
6.菜肴Cusme 120
(1)中式菜肴Chinese Gnjsine 120
冷盆Cold Dishes 120
水产Aquanc Products 122
家禽与野味Poultry and Games 126
蛋Eggs 128
肉Meat 129
蔬菜Vegetables 130
豆制品Bean products 131
汤Soup 132
(2)西式菜肴Westem Cuisine 133
色拉Salad 133
汤Soup 134
水产AquaticProducts 135
家禽与野味Poultry and Games 137
肉Meat 139
4 高尔夫球 Golf 141
蔬菜Vegetables 142
7 主食Staple Food 143
(1)中式Chinese Style 143
(2)西式Westem Style 145
8.点心Pastnes 145
(1)中式Chinese Style 145
(2)西式 Westem Style 147
9 中国主要菜系 Mam chmese Cuisine 151
(1)北京菜 Beijing Cuisine 151
肉 Meat 151
家禽 Poultry 152
水产 Aquatic Products 152
小吃 Snacks 153
山珍海味 Dehcacies from Land and Sea 153
家禽 Poultry 154
(2)上海菜 Shanghai Cuisme 154
肉 Meat 154
汤 Soup 155
水产 Aquatic Products 155
山珍海味 Dehcacies from Land and Sea 155
素食 Vegtanan Food 156
小吃 Snacks 156
(3)川菜Sichuan Cuisme 157
肉 MeaT 157
家禽 Poultry 157
野味 Games 158
水产Aquatic Products 158
山珍海味 Delicacies from Land and Sea 158
汤 Soup 159
小吃 Snacks 159
素食 Vegetanan Food 159
(4)粤菜Guangdong Cuisme 160
肉Meat 160
家禽 Poultry 161
野味 Games 161
水产 Aquatic Products 162
山珍海味 Dehcacies from Land and Sea 162
汤 Soup 163
素食 Vegetanan Food 163
小吃 163
家禽 Poultry 164
(5) 闽菜Fujia Cuisine 164
肉 Meat 164
山珍海味Dehcacies from Land and Sea 165
水产 Aquatic products 165
(6)淮扬菜 Huaiyang Cuisme 166
肉 Meat 166
家禽 Poultry 166
小吃 Snacks 166
野味 Games 167
水产Aquatic Products 167
山珍海味 Dehcacies from Land and Sea 167
小吃 Snacks 167
燕窝 Bird'S Nest 168
响螺 Whelk 168
鱼翅 Shark's Fin 168
(7)潮州菜 Chaozhou Cuisine 168
鲍鱼 Abalone 169
蟹 Crab 169
虾 Lobster and Prawn 169
带子 Scallop 170
鱼 Fish 170
鸡 Chicken 170
鸽 PIcken 170
鹅和鸭 Goose and Duck 171
猪和牛 Pork and Duck 171
汤羹 Soup 171
蔬菜 Vegetables 171
粥和面 Congee and Noodles 172
甜品 dessert 172
点心 Dim Sum 172
(2)配料 Juices and Fruits 173
(1)基酒 Basic Cocktail Liquors 173
10 鸡酒 Cocktails 173
(3)酒用杯盏 Glassware 174
(4)配备用具 Utensils 174
(5)常用小食 Popular Cocktail Snacks 175
(6)常用酒 Popular Liquors 177
(7)世界流行鸡尾酒 world Famous Cocktails 180
七 康乐部 Recreational Dpartment 188
1 健身中心 Health Centre 188
2.游泳池 Swmmung Pool 189
3 保龄球 Bowlmg 191
5 网球 Tennis 193
6 美容服务 Beauty Service 194
7 医疗保健 Medical Care 196
八 财务会计 Accounting 200
九 工程维修 Engmeenng and Mamtenance 204
1 电脑系统 Computer System 204
2 服务设备 Service Equipment 205
3 工具 Tools 206
4 电器 Electric Apphances 208
十.商声 Shopping Arcade 210
1.工艺品 Arts and Crafts 210
(1)珠玉 Precious Stones 210
饰物 Jewelry 211
(3)画 Paintings and Pictures 212
(4)扇 Fans 213
(5)瓷器 Porcelamware 213
(6)玻璃器皿 Glassware 214
(7)伞 Umbrellas 214
(8)编织品 Woven Products 215
(9)其它 Miscellanies 216
2.衣类 Clothmg 219
(1)衣 Clothes 219
(2)茄克与袍 Jackets and Gowns 223
(3)衬衫 Shirts 223
(4)套服 Coats and Dresses 225
(5)背心 Vests 227
(6)裤 Trousers and Pants 227
(7)裙 Skirts 228
3 鞋、帽及其它 Footwear,Headwear, and Miscellanies 230
(1)鞋 Shoes 230
(2)帽 Headwear 231
(3)袜 Socks and Stockimgs 232
(4)手套Gloves 233
(7)巾 Towels 234
(6)带 Ties and Girdles 234
(5) 手帕 Handkerchiefs 234
(8)床上用品 Bed Clothes 236
(9)箱包及皮件 Suitcases, Bags and Leather Products 236
(10)其它用品 Miscellanies 237
4.裘皮 Furs 238
5.纸制品 Paper Products 239
6.家具 Furniture 240
十一 附录 Appendix 242
1 亚太地区部分航空公司名称及两字代码 Two-letter Codes and Names of Asia-Pacific Airhnes 242
2 中际时间计算表 Local Time 243
3 中外主要节日Important Chmese and Foreign Festivals 246
(1)中国主要传统节日 Traditional Festivals of China 246
(2)中国主要现代节日 Modern Festivals of Chma 246
(3)世界主要宗教节日 Rehgious Festivals of the World 247
(4) 外国主要现代节日 Some Foreign Festivals 247
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