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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:田国强著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7301045662
  • 页数:354 页

前言 1

Acknowledgments 1

Part1 Characterizations of Preference Maximization, the Weierstrass Theorem and Maximum Theorem 3

1.Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Maximization of a Class of Preference Relations,Review of Economic Studies,60 949-958,1993 3

2.Transfer Method for Characterizing the Existence of Maximal Elements of Binary Relations on Compact or Noncompact Sets(with Jianxin Zhou),SIAMJ.Optimization,2(3):360-375,1992 13

3.Transfer Continuities,Generalizations of the Weierstrass and Maximum Theorems:A Full Characterization(with Jianxin Zhou),Journal of Mathematical Economics,24:281-303,1995 29

PartⅡ The Existence of Games and General Equilibria and Their Characterizations 55

4.Characterizations of the Existence of Equilibria in Games with Discontinuous and Non-Quasiconcave Payoffs(with Michael R.Baye and Jianxin Zhou),Review of Economic Studies,60:935-948,1993 55

5.On the Existence of Equilibria in Generalized Games,International Journal of Game Theory,20:247-254,1992 69

6.Equilibrium in Abstract Economies with a Non-Compact Infinite Dimensional Strategy Space,an Infinite Number of Agents and without Ordered Preferences,Economics Letters,33:203-206,1990 77

7.Existence of Equilibrium in Abstract Economies with Discontinuous Payoffs and Non-Compact Choice Spaces,Journal of Mathematical Economics,21:379-388,1992 81

PartⅢ General Equilibrium Models for Open Economy and Various Ownership Economies 93

8.A General-Equilibrium Intertemporal Model of an Open Economy (with John S.Chipman),Economic Theory,2:215-246,1992 93

9.Ratio-Lindahl and Ratio Equilibria with Many Goods (with Qi Li),Games and Economic Behavior,7:441-460,1994 125

10.On the Constrained Walrasian and Lindahl Correspondences, Economics Letters,26:299-303,1988 145

11.The Maximum Theorem and the Existence of Nash Equilibrium of (Generalized)Games without Lower Semicontinuites(with Jianxin Zhou),Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,166(2):351-364,1992 153

PartⅣ Generalizations of Maximum Theorem,KKM Theorem and Minimax Inequalities with Applications to Economics 153

12.Generalizations of the FKKM Theorem and the Ky Fan Minimax Inequality,with Applications to Maximal Elements,Price Equilibrium,and Complementarity,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,170(2):457-471,1992 167

13.Greneralized KKM Theorems,Minimax Inequalities,and Their Applications,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,83(2):375-389,1994 182

PartⅤ Generalizations and Characterizations of Fixed-Points Theorems,Variational Inequalities,Quasi-Variational Inequalities,and Minimax Inequalities 199

14.Fixed Points Theorems for Mappings with Non-Compact and Non-Convex Domains,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applicatios,158(1):161-167,1991 199

15.Quasi-Variational Inequalities with Non-Compact Sets(with Jianxin Zhou),Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,160(2):583-595,1991 206

16.Quasi-Variational Inequalities without the Concavity Assumption(with Jianxin Zhou),Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,172(1):289-299,1993 219

17.Minimax Inequality Equivalent to the Fan-Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz Theorems,Applied Mathematics and Optimization,28:173-179,1993 230

18.Generalized Quasi-Variational-Like Inequality Problem, Mathematics of Operations Research,18(3):752-764:1993 237

PartⅥ Optimal Ownership Arrangements 253

19.Property Rights and the Nature of Chinese Collective Enterprises,Journal of Comparative Economics,forthcoming 253

20.A Theory of Ownership Arrangements and Smooth Transition to a Free Market Economy 281

PartⅦ Dynamic Consumption Maximization and Estimation of the Linear Expenditure System 319

21.A Class of Dynamic Demand Systems,Advances in Econometrics and Modelling (with John S.Chipman),15:93-116 319

22.Stochastic Specification and Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of the Linear Expenditure System,Advances in Econometrics and Modelling(with John S.Chipman),15:131-142 343
