篇章英语 语法篇PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)George Davidson著;都炜等译
- 出 版 社:北京:中信出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7800734870
- 页数:199 页
1 What is a Sentence? 1
2 Types of Sentence 3
3 Punctuating Sentences 6
4 Subjects and Verbs 9
5 Agreement 14
6 Direct and Indirect Objects 22
7 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs 26
8 Complements 29
9 Adverbials 35
10 Subject and Predicate 45
11 Words and Word-groups and their Functions 48
12 Sentence Structure 52
13 Phrases 57
14 Prepositional Phrases 63
15 Functions of Prepositional Phrases 66
16 Adjective Phrases 72
17 Noun Phrases 75
18 Extensions of the Noun Phrase 85
19 Functions of Noun Phrases 88
20 Adverb Phrases 90
21 Adverbial and Adjectival Phrases 93
22 Verb Phrases 96
23 Active and Passive Verbs 100
24 Positive and Negative Sentences 104
25 Interrogative Sentences 110
26 Question Tags 114
27 Co-ordination 118
28 Subject-Verb Agreement with Co-ordinate Subjects 122
29 Punctuation in Co-ordinate Phrases 125
30 Co-ordinate Clauses 128
31 Subordinate Clauses 132
32 Adverbial Clauses 137
33 Relative Clauses 148
34 Noun Clauses 156
35 Reduced Clauses 161
36 Functions of Reduced Clauses 165
37 Phrasal Verbs 167
38 Ellipsis 172
39 Ellipsis and Punctuation 175
40 Other Sentence Elements 178
41 Paragraphs 180
Answers 183
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