大学英语精读 第2册 学生用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:翟象俊主编;王德明,张增健,赵建编者;董亚芬总主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:7544621715
- 页数:314 页
The Dinner Party 1
Poem: Do You Fear the Wind? 6
adjective suffixes: -al,-ous, -ed 10
participlesfrplaced after nouns 11
while as a conjunction;frighten ...into;be + infinitive 13
Using Word Part Clues for Word Meanings 17
An Important Lesson 19
Combining Sentences with Coordinating Conjunctions and Conjunctive Adverbs 22
How the hostess reacted to the crisis 23
Lessons from Jefferson 24
Poem: Who Loves His Country 30
compound adjectives(down-to-earth);adjective prefix: self-;verb suffix: -en 35
youth 37
omission of subject and link-verb;do not...nor do ...;emphatic sentences (It is...that);v.+ n.+ a./-ed structure(make it easier to.../havesth.done) 38
Reviewing Work 43
The American Ideal of a Great Leader 44
Developing a Paragraph from the Topic Sentence 49
A brief summary of Thomas Jefferson's ideas 49
My First Job 51
Poem: Light 56
verb prefix: un-;compound adjectives:a.+ n.+ -ed (sandy-coloured) 60
smell 61
v.-ing vs v.-ed;prove (to be);before clause;judging by 62
Making Inferences While Reading 68
Black Boy 69
Combining Sentences with Subordinating Conjunc-tions or Relative Pronouns 73
Why the young man in the story refused to take the teaching post 74
The Professor and the Yo-Yo 76
Poem: My Last Will 82
word family:n.→ a.;compound nouns:n.+n., a.+ n. 86
pieces and amounts 88
active →passive voice;subjunctive in a that clause(suggest + that...(should) do) 89
Reading Beyond the Lines 93
Alfred Nobel — A Man of Contrasts 94
Rearranging Sentences in Logical Order 98
Two aspects of AlbertEinstein's personality 98
The Villain in the Atmosphere 99
Quotes 106
adjective suffix: -ous;compound adjectives:a.lad.+ v.-ing, ad.+v.-ed 109
first, firstly,first of all, at first 110
as do/does/will...;It is estimated that... 111
Looking for the Thesis Statement 116
Doorway into Space 117
Combination: The Appositive 122
What we can do to slow down global warming 124
The Making of a Surgeon 138
Poem: Life 143
noun suffixes: -ance(-ancy), -ence (-ency);verb prefix: en- (em-) 147
one(s) used as substitute word 148
once as a conjunction;have trouble/difficulty doing;emphatic sentences with double negatives 149
Reading for Implied Meanings 154
A Doctor on Night-Call 155
Parallelism 158
When Dr.Nolen came to know he had become a competent surgeon 160
Not on My Block 162
Poem: If You Believeadjective suffix:-y;verb and noun prefix:re- 169
way 173
v.with v.-ing or to do as object;It is/was the first time (that)…; 174
Drawing Conclusions While Reading 178
Thank You, Ma'm 180
How Ethel Armstead impressed me 185
Honesty: Is It Going out of Style? 187
Poem: Beauty 193
noun and verb prefixes:mis-, dis-;noun, adjective and verbprefix: over- (overwork,overweight, overeat) 198
nouns used as adjectives 199
have + object + v.-ed;it is less likely that they...→ they are less likely to...;The purpose/intent is to... 200
Identifying the Topic Sentence 205
How to Be True to Yourself 208
Transition (I) 212
Some of the causes of cheating in American schools 213
What Is Intelligence,Anyway? 215
Poem: ALament 219
adjective suffix: -y;noun, adjective andverb prefix: sub-;clipping (telephone→phone) 224
intelligent,intellectual 225
parenthesis (What do youthink is...);appositive clause;it as formal object 225
Understanding Figurative Language 231
Angels on a Pin 233
Transition (Ⅱ) 237
Isaac Asimov's view of intelligence 239
Profits of Praise 240
Poem: The Arrow and the Song 246
noun suffixes: -ness,-ure;adjective suffix: -ive 251
blame, fault 253
It is strange how.../It seemsa pity that...;instead of;intensifiers before thecomparative forms of a.&ad.(far more, much bigger,etc.) 254
A General Review 258
My Wonderful Lousy Poem 260
Praise is more profitable than criticism 264
Test Yourself2(Units6-10) 266
Appendix 1Tape Scripts and Key to Test Papers 279
2Glossary 294
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