- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:董志勇,齐晔
- 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7300206982
- 页数:357 页
Table of contents 1
1.Introduction 1
2.Competitiveness,structural change,and the competitivematrix 2
3.International trade structure 8
4.The competitive matrix 14
4.1.Japan,United Kingdom,and United States 15
4.2.Argentina,Brazil,Chile,and Mexico 21
4.3.Korea,Malaysia,Taiwan Province of P.R.China,and Thailand 27
4.4.Structural change 32
4.5.Relative competitiveness 35
5.Conclusion 38
Reference 39
Productivity growth,trade,and the trade adaptability index 39
1.Introduction 46
2.Productivity growth and expansion 48
3.Trade and trade adaptability 51
4.Conditions for trade adaptability 63
5.Mechanisms of trade adaptability 66
6.Conclusions 71
Appendix 72
A1.Expansion,trade,and Kaldor s laws 72
A2.Regression data set 78
References 82
Flexibility,adjustment costs,and the transformation curve 82
1.Introduction 113
2.Flexibility,adjustment.costs,and the transformation curve 115
3.Comparative advantage and trade adaptability 121
4.Conditions 124
Appendix:a numerical model of transformation flexibility 125
References 133
Appendix: 148
The computer program C.A.N 148
New Trade Theory:Rethinking the Evidence 156
Export——A Good Vehicle for China s Economic Growth 180
The Purchasing Power Parity Hypothesis is central to open economymacroeconomics,yet is entirely without empirical support 214
“What insights does the“Rules vs.Discretion”Literature provideinto the search for an“ideal”framework for monetary policy? 225
What are the practical limitations on the search for an ideal rule?Is there a conflict between optimal stabilization of output and in-flation,and feasible monetary rules?” 225
The IMF/World Bank Policy Package for the Third World and itsConsequences 236
Manufacturing,Growth and Development 253
Environmental Pressure and Agricultural Production in China 275
Input-Output Model and Ecological Economy——A Case Study inChina s Mountainous Areas 294
Conservation,Environmental Resource-base and Economic Devel-opment——A Case Study of China s national panda reserves 313
Fuzzy Method of Development 336
Using the“Visible Hand”to“Get the Prices Right” 344
Should LDCs Liberalise Their Trade? 351
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