创建信息时代的组织 结构、控制与信息技术 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)小詹姆斯·I.卡什(James I. Cash,Jr.)等著
- 出 版 社:沈阳:东北财经大学出版社;McGraw-Hill出版公司
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7810444751
- 页数:498 页
PART Ⅰ Foundation Concepts 1
1 Basic Concepts and Tools 2
Introduction 3
Part I Overview 6
CASE-I-I:Mrs,Fields Cookies 9
2 Introduction to Organization Structure 24
Introduction 25
Central Concepts of Organization Structure 25
Organization Structure: Basic Forms 28
Evolution of Organization Forms 32
CASE 2-1: Appex Corporation 36
CASE 2-2: Hill,Holliday,Connors,Cosmopulos,Inc.Advertishing(A) 53
CASE 2-3:Jacobs Suchard: Reorganizing for 1992 68
READING 2-1: The Coming of the New Organization 85
3 Introduction to Control Systems 94
Chapter Overview 95
Management Control: Definition and Concepts 95
What Is a Management Control System? 97
How Are Control Systems Designed? 100
Issues in Management Control Systems 103
CASE 3-1: Controls at the Sands Hotel and Casino 105
CASE 3-2: Crompton Greaves Ltd. 129
CASE 3-3: Compaq Computer Corporation 142
4 Introduction to IT Architecture 158
Introduction 159
The Need for an IT Architecture 160
IT Architecture: Basic Building Blocks 161
Technology Generations 166
Developing an IT Architecture 171
CASE 4-1: Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.: Project ICON(A) 176
CASE 4-2: Symantec 191
PART Ⅱ IT and the Organization 205
5 IT and the Individual 206
Introduction 207
IT and Changing Work 208
IT and Employee Privacy 209
CASE 5-1: The Internal Revenue Service: Automated Collection System 211
CASE 5-2: The Incident at Waco Manufacturing 225
READING 5-1: Informate the Enterprise: An Agenda for the Twenty-First Century 226
CASE 5-3: Otis Elevator: Managing the Service Force 233
IT and the Individual: Ethical Concerns 247
6 IT in Organizations 252
Introduction 253
IT Eras 253
Stages Theory of IT Adoption and Organizational Learning 259
IT-Driven Changes in Organizational Structure 262
IT in the 1990s 264
READING 6-1: No Excuses Management 268
CASE 6-1: Allen-Bradley s ICCG: Repositioning for the 1990s 286
CASE 6-2: Phillips 66 Company: Executive Information System 303
CASE 6-3: Connor Formed Metal Products 320
7 IT between Organizations: Interorganizational Systems 338
Introduction 338
Motivations for IOS 340
Issues for IOS Hosts and Participants 344
IOS in the Future 349
CASE 7-1: Lithonia Lighting 351
CASE 7-2: Hong Kong TradeLink: News from the Second City 365
CASE 7-3: Singapore Leadership: A Tale of One City 372
CASE 7-4: Singapore TradeNet(A): A Tale of One City 375
CASE 7-5: Singapore TradeNet(B): The Tale Continues 388
PART Ⅲ: Toward the 21st Century 397
8 IT and Business Transformation 398
Introduction 399
The Goal: Organizational Effectiveness 400
Determining the Degree of Required Change 401
The Tools: The Role of IT in Business Transformation 403
Business Process Reengineering: A Path to Business Transformation 406
Sustaining IT Innovation 414
CASE 8-1: Safeway Manufacturing Division: The Manufacturing Control System(MCS)(A) 420
CASE 8-2: Capital Holding Corporation-Reengineering the Direct Response Group 433
9 Information Technology and Tomorrow s Manager 454
Introduction 455
Emerging Technologies and the Challenge of Change 456
CASE 9-1: KPMG Peat Marwick: The Shadow Partner 462
READING 9-1: Information Technology and Tomorrow s Manager 472
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