- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高文志,王庆云编著
- 出 版 社:北京:知识出版社
- 出版年份:1987
- ISBN:7501500746
- 页数:529 页
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about 2
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ache 14
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two 97
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the 98
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foot 105
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by 105
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Childish 120
Choice 121
China 121
Chinese 121
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church 122
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elect 186
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emigration 187
employee 187
employer 187
empty 187
vacant 187
unable 188
enable 188
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New Zealand 189
engage 189
England 189
Philippins 190
English 190
Englishman 190
Japan 190
Netherlands 190
teacher 190
Soviet Union 190
enlighten 191
enjoy 191
enough 192
ensure 192
sufficient 192
entangle 193
enter 193
entrust 194
entrap 194
environment 194
envy 195
epic 195
equipment 195
specially 196
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especially 196
eve 197
even 197
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ever 198
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every day 199
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Germany 237
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grateful 246
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grief 247
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guide 249
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happen 251
whoever 252
wherever 252
whatever 252
hard 252
hardly 253
hate 254
harm 254
harmful 254
hatred 255
have 255
have a good time 256
have a word with sb. 256
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healthy 257
heat 258
heaven 258
heart 258
can 259
here 259
help 259
rent 260
high 260
himself 260
hire 260
tall 260
hit 261
home 261
honesty 262
homework 262
honest 262
honour 263
hope 264
master 265
host 265
how 265
however 266
How do you do 266
million 267
humourous 267
hundred 267
humour 267
hunger 268
hungry 268
hunt 268
hurry 268
I 269
hurt 269
idle 270
ice 270
lazy 270
if 271
only if 272
If only 272
ignorant 272
ill 272
immerse 273
imminent 273
imaginary 273
immanent 273
export 274
impassable 274
impassible 274
import 274
improve 275
impossible 275
impose 275
in 276
incapable 277
in charge of 277
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inconvenient 278
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individual 280
indignant 280
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person 281
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industrious 281
industrial 281
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indoor 281
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influence 282
infeior 282
superior 282
wound 283
innocent 283
injure 283
information 283
inquire 284
guilty 284
guilty 284
inquiry 284
instead 285
instead of 285
insist 285
instruction 286
insure 287
intention 287
intend 287
interest 287
interfere 288
into 289
intolerable 289
introduce 290
invaluable 290
It is that 290
it 290
recommend 290
It is...when(where) 290
valueless 290
job 291
jealous 291
jeweller 291
who 291
jewellery 291
join 292
joke 292
journey 293
trip 293
junior 293
senior 293
keen 294
just now 294
just 294
just then 294
keep 294
death 295
kill 295
kind 295
sort 296
kind 296
kindly 296
kindnessn 296
knife 297
knock 297
kitchen 297
know 298
knowledge 298
lack 298
ladies 299
lady 299
lame 299
language 300
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latest 300
late 301
lately 301
former 301
latter 301
leaf 302
lean 302
laugh 302
thin 303
leap 303
study 304
least 304
learn 304
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less 306
leisure 306
text 307
lesson 307
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eltter 308
liable 308
lay 309
lie 309
bright 310
life 310
light 310
like 311
limitation 311
limit 311
listen 312
literature 312
chemistry 313
may 313
math 313
history 313
little 313
live 314
loathe 315
livelihood 315
loath 315
long 316
lock 316
loth 316
How often 316
How long 316
no longer 317
look 317
look forward to 318
look into 318
lose 318
low 319
lots of 319
miss 319
loose 319
luxury 320
machine 320
lucky 320
luxurious 320
luck 320
machinery 320
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mail 321
manage 322
make of 322
make from 322
manner 323
mankind 323
much 324
many 324
marry 324
match 325
matter 325
might 326
means 327
me 327
medicine 328
measles 328
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chemical 329
meet 329
dissolve 330
memorize 330
mention 330
memory 330
melt 330
memorial 330
middle 331
centre 331
mile 331
yard 332
mind 332
kilometre 332
mine 332
metre 332
hers 333
Friday 333
mistake 333
Saturday 333
ours 333
Thursday 333
Monday 333
his 333
theirs 333
Tuesday 333
Wednesday 333
yours 333
month 334
sheath 334
mood 334
mouth 334
more 335
no more than 335
not more than 335
hero 336
cargo 336
moreover 336
buffalo 336
mosquito 336
bamboo 337
ratio 337
mother 337
most 337
mouse 338
cinema 338
movie 338
Mr. 338
Miss 339
mumps 339
Mrs. 339
muddy 339
mud 339
must 340
mame 340
nap 341
native 341
near 342
nearby 342
nearly 342
need 343
neither 344
ignore 344
neglect 344
neither...nor... 345
never 346
new 346
news 347
newspaper 347
nephew 348
next 348
niece 348
night 348
week 348
no 349
forty 349
fourteen 349
nine 349
ninth 349
none 350
nobody 350
not all 351
not every 351
they 351
no one 351
nothing 351
noise 351
nominate 352
nor 352
north 352
not 353
south 353
no sooner...than 353
not only...but also 354
note 355
notice 355
notify 355
nowadays 356
nowhere 356
number 357
numerous 358
object 358
oppose 358
oblige 359
occasion 360
observe 360
occur 361
Yellow River 361
ocean 361
o clock 361
Mediterranean 361
Pacifi Ocean 361
October 362
off 362
offer 362
once 363
once again 363
once more 363
a(an) 364
only 364
one 364
open 365
their 366
operate 366
or 366
ought 367
outskirt 367
outdoors 367
outdoor 367
own 368
owe 368
should 368
overflow 368
suburb 368
owing to 369
Oxford 369
pain 369
Cambridge University 369
paper 370
pair 370
pants 370
parents 371
Paris 371
city 371
sheet 371
congress 372
parliament 372
part 372
party 373
pass 373
participate 373
past 373
pay 373
peaceable 374
peaceful 374
pay down 374
pay off 374
pay up 374
percent 375
percentage 375
peer 375
peel 375
perfect 376
promise 377
period 377
perish 377
permit 377
persevere 378
persist 378
persuade 379
personal 379
personnel 379
violin 380
guitar 380
flute 380
trumpet 380
piano 380
lift 381
pick 381
pick up 381
picture 382
picnic 382
pink 383
pincers 383
pity 384
place 384
pleasant 385
pleasing 385
please 385
pocket 386
pleasure 386
plenty 386
prose 387
poen 387
poetry 387
point 387
police 388
policeman 388
Polish 388
polish 388
politics 388
population 389
poor 389
harbor 390
port 390
position 390
possess 390
possession 391
possible 391
pence 392
post 392
postpone 392
pound 392
practice 393
penny 393
practise 393
praise 394
precaution 394
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precious 394
prefer 395
prepare 395
present 396
presentative 397
preservable 397
presentable 397
preside 398
preserve 398
preservative 398
pretension 398
preventable 399
pretty 399
prohibit 399
prevent 399
preventive(preventative) 399
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principle 400
previous 400
previously 400
probable 401
problem 401
probably 401
proficient 402
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profession 402
gain 402
occupation 402
propose 403
protect 403
protest 404
proud 404
provide 404
provided 405
providing 405
public 405
purpose 405
pyjamas(pajamas) 406
qualified 406
question 406
quick 407
quickly 407
qulet 408
quicken 408
rage 409
rag 409
radio 409
railroad 410
rail 410
raiway 410
rain 410
rainy 410
sky 410
snow 411
rise 411
wind 411
raise 411
rare 411
rarely 411
fairly 412
rather 412
reach 412
read 413
reason 413
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achieve 414
relieve 414
decerit 414
conceit 414
receipt 414
recollect 415
seize 415
neighbour 415
recently 415
recover 415
refer 415
weird 415
reflect 416
refrain 416
regard 416
regretful 417
reign 417
refuse 418
reject 418
rely 418
remain 418
still 419
remember 419
remind 420
remove 420
reparation 421
repeat 421
reply 421
repuest 422
require 422
research 423
resemble 424
resign 424
resist 424
resort 425
resource 425
respect 425
respective 426
respectful 426
responsible 426
respectable 426
rest 427
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result 428
right 429
revenge 429
rich 429
rob 430
river 430
Chief 431
room 431
roof 431
cliff 431
handkerchief 431
run across 432
room-mate 432
run over 432
safe 433
safety 433
sailor 433
sailer 433
sail 433
satisfy 434
satisfactory 434
same 434
saving 435
say 435
speak 435
talk 435
scarce 436
scarcely 436
scarcely...when(before) 437
scare 437
scene 438
scentry 438
sea 438
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seat 439
search 439
secret 440
see 441
seeing 441
seldom 441
seem 442
select 443
sell 443
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sensitive 444
sensible 444
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settle 445
serve 445
share 446
shear 446
moon 446
sheep 446
shadow 446
deer 446
find 447
film 447
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show 447
turu off 448
shut 448
shy 448
shyly 448
tidy 448
happy 448
happily 449
silliness 449
slyly 449
merry 449
heavily 449
naughty 449
side 449
Shyness 449
dry 449
sight 450
since 451
similar 451
sign 451
ski 452
sing 452
skilled 453
skim 453
slave 453
slavery 453
skilful 453
sleep 454
sleepy 454
slender 454
slight 454
slim 454
slipper 455
slow 455
smile 456
so 456
sneer 456
smell 456
so that 457
so...that... 457
so as to 457
solve 458
some 458
soup 458
soap 458
something 459
somebody 459
someone 459
sometime 460
some time 460
sometimes 460
somewhere(someplace) 461
soon 461
sour 462
sore 462
space 463
spare 463
sauce 463
source 463
world 463
speed 464
spectacle 464
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staff 465
spread 465
spirit 465
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endure 466
starve 467
starvation 467
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standard 467
promote 467
stationery 468
stationary 468
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stake 468
station 468
steak 468
road 469
street 469
stop 469
stress 470
strict 470
strike 470
substitute 471
replace 471
such 472
successful 472
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sudden 473
suffer 473
suddenly 473
suggest 474
sun 474
supply 474
sure 475
surround 476
suspect 476
doubtful 477
survive 477
suspicious 477
swallow 478
sweet 478
swallow down 478
swallow up 478
capitalist 479
system 479
sympathy 479
sympathize 479
sweat 479
communist 480
socialist 480
take 480
feudalist 480
tale 481
tail 481
talent 481
television 482
tea 482
teen-ager 482
teens 482
telephone 482
hot 483
temper 483
temperature 483
testify 484
than 484
that 485
there 486
temple 487
theatre 487
think 487
through 488
third 488
throw 489
time 489
tire 490
sick 490
this 491
these 491
today 491
too 491
tomorrow 491
toward 492
trade 492
traitor 493
trade out 493
trade on 493
trade in 493
traffic 493
triumph 494
interpreter 494
translator 494
translate 494
trousers 495
troop 495
try 495
typist 496
uneasy 496
understand 496
under 496
typewriter 496
unite 497
United Nations 497
unfriendly 497
ungrateful 497
unhappy 497
unfortunate 497
unimportant 497
unfair 497
United States 497
unless 497
universe 497
until 498
unlike 498
upstairs 499
till 499
upstair 499
use 500
up-to-date 500
out-of-date 500
downstair 500
used to 501
useful 501
vex 502
very 502
verse 502
other 503
victory 503
viewpoint 503
view 503
visit 504
village 504
vocabulary 504
wide 505
wait 505
wage 505
wonder 506
wander 506
walk 506
want 506
war 507
fast 508
watch 508
warn 508
weak 509
way 509
wear 510
wealthy 510
wealth 510
put on 510
climate 511
whether 511
wearisome 511
weather 511
weary 511
weight 512
weigh 512
weep 512
sob 512
welcome 513
west 514
well 514
what 515
where 516
when 516
which 517
while 518
whose 518
will 519
wife 519
shall 519
why 519
win 520
windy 520
baet 520
clever 520
wise 520
wish 521
wit 521
with 522
within 522
wood 523
woman 523
without 523
work 524
wooden 524
efficient 524
worry 525
worth 525
worthy 525
worthful 526
worthess 526
would 526
write 527
year 527
yes 528
yet 529
youth 529
- 《社会学与人类生活 社会问题解析 第11版》(美)James M. Henslin(詹姆斯·M. 汉斯林) 2019
- 《数字影视特效制作技法解析》王文瑞著 2019
- 《2019国家医师资格考试用书 中医执业助理医师资格考试全真模拟试卷与解析 第3版》国家医师资格考试研究组 2019
- 《储望华钢琴作品演奏解析》陈国红著 2019
- 《中药学综合知识与技能 全解析 2016版》田磊编著 2016
- 《考研大纲2016全国硕士研究生招生考试 西医综合考试大纲解析 高教版》杨净;;王棋然 2015
- 《新领域、新业态发明专利申请热点案例解析》肖光庭 2019
- 《ROS机器人编程与SLAM算法解析指南》陶满礼 2020
- 《篮球高手 巨星招数漫画解析》杨洪博,卫亮亮,马青编著;杨洪博绘图 2018
- 《中药学专业知识 2 全解析 2016版》田磊编著 2016
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