强化英语手册 常用介词PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨蔼权,陆凤儿编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海远东出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7806139958
- 页数:199 页
Part I Useful Prepositions(常用介词) 4
1 Talking about time(谈及时间) 4
1.1 in,on,at 4
1.2 during,from...to,between,till,throughout,over,in,since 9
1.3 for,within,in 16
1.4 around,at about,in about,for about 21
1.5 by,towards,before,after 26
2 Talking about location(谈及位置或地方) 32
2.1 on,in,at 32
2.2 in,within,inside(of),outside(of) 37
2.3 near,next to,beside,by 43
2.4 in front of,behind,at the back of,by(at) the side(s)of,between,opposite 49
2.5 over,above,on top of,at the top of,at the bottom of,under,below 55
3 Talking about direction or movement(谈及方向或动作) 62
3.1 away from,to,towards,for 62
3.2 up,down,over,under,on,onto 67
3.3 into,inside,out of,off 73
3.4 along,around,round,across,through,past 78
4 Talking about amount or intensity(谈及数量或程度) 86
at,by,for,over,above,under,below 86
5 Talking about method,tool or other media(谈及方法或工具) 94
by,with,through,by means of 94
for,out of,from,because of 100
6 Talking about motive,cause or origin(谈及动机、原因或来源) 100
7 Talking about feeling or attitude(谈及感受或态度) 106
about,towards,against,for,to 106
8 Talking about comparison or choice(谈及比较或选择) 114
between,among,than,out of,like,with 114
9 Talking about situation or state(谈及情况或状态) 120
in,under,on,with,without 120
Part II Prepositions with other parts of speech(介词配合其他词类) 130
10 Verb/Noun/Adjective+Preposition(动词/名词/形容词+介词) 130
10.1 verb/noun/adjective+on 130
10.2 verb/noun/adjective+in 135
10.3 verb/noun/adjective+of 140
10.4 verb/noun/adjective+with 145
10.5 verb/noun/adjective+from 150
10.6 verb/noun/adjective+for 155
10.7 verb/noun/adjective+to 159
10.8 verb/noun/adjective+at 164
11 Preposition+Noun/Adjective(介词+名词/形容词) 170
11.1 at+(article/adjective)+noun 170
11.2 on+(article/adjective)+noun 175
11.3 in+(article/adjective)+noun 180
11.4 by+(article/adjective)+noun 185
11.5 ?+(article/adjective)+noun 190
Answer Key to“Practice”Section 195
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