中华人民共和国地质矿产部地质专报 7 普查勘探技术与方法 第12号 激发极化法找水基础理论研究PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李金铭等著
- 出 版 社:北京:地质出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7116017038
- 页数:152 页
Preface 1
绪言 1
Section 1 Conditions and methods of the experiment 2
1.Conditions of the experiment 2
(1)Equipment 2
Chapter 1 The study of experiment with induced polarization of water-bearing rocks 2
第一章 含水岩石激发极化性质的实验研究 2
第一节 实验条件与方法技术 2
一、实验条件 2
(一)仪器设备 2
(二)供电电流强度和电流密度 3
(2)Current intensity and density 3
(1)Making samples of the experiment 4
二、方法技术 4
(一)测试样品的备制 4
(三)供电时间 4
(3)Supply time 4
2.Methods 4
(二)测量参数的求取 5
(2)Calculation of the measured parameters 5
(1)Relation between polarizability and moisture 6
Section 2 Relation between polarizability,half decay time of water-bearing rocks and their moisture,particle size,pore water concentration and composition,and proportion of clay 6
1.Experimental result on polarizability 6
(一)极化率与湿度的关系 6
一、极化率的实验结果 6
第二节 含水岩石的极化率和半衰减时与湿度、粒度、孔隙液浓度(成分)以及粘土含量等因素的关系 6
(2)Relation between polarizability and pore water concentration(composition) 9
(二)极化率与孔隙液浓度及成分的关系 9
(3)Relation between polarizability and partical size,and proportion of clay 12
(三)极化率与粒度及粘土含量的关系 12
(1)Relation between half decay time and moisture 14
2.Experimental result on half decay time 14
(一)半衰减时与湿度的关系 14
二、半衰减时的实验结果 14
(2)Relation between half decay time and pore water concentration and composition 15
(二)半衰减时与孔隙液浓度及成分的关系 15
(三)半衰减时与粒度及粘土含量的关系 17
(3)Relation between balf decay time and partical size,and proportion of clay 17
(四)半衰减时与延时及供电电流的关系 18
(4)Relation between half decay time and delay time,and supply current 18
第三节 含水岩石激电二次场数学模型及偏离度参数 20
一、数学模型 20
(一)数学模型的建立 20
(1)The founding of mathematical model 20
1.Mathematical model 20
Section 3 Mathematical model and the parameters of rate of deviation of discharge secondary field of water-bearing rocks 20
(二)衰减曲线斜率(K)与湿度、粒度、浓度等因素的关系 22
(2)Relation between obliquity of discharge curve and moisture,partical size,and concentration 22
2.The parameters of rate of deviation 24
(1)Laws of experiment about the parameters of rate of deviation 24
(一)偏离度参数的实验规律 24
二、偏离度参数 24
(2)Discussions about the parameters of rate of deviation 28
(二)偏离度参数的讨论 28
(3)Discussions about the charging and discharging process of IP in membrane ploarization 29
(三)薄膜极化充放电过程的讨论 29
3.Results of practical application of the parameters of rate of deviation 32
(1)Comparing result of the experiment at the case of a known well 32
(一)已知井旁的试验对比结果 32
三、偏离度参数的实际应用效果 32
(二)大泉源乡找水实例 33
(三)通化市山珍制品厂找水实例 33
(3)Result of ground water prospecting at Tonghua Mountain Delicacies Processing Factory 33
(2)Result of ground water prospecting in daquanyuan Village 33
(四)安吉火车站找水实例 34
(4)Result of ground water prospecting at Anji railway station 34
(5)Result of ground water prospecting at Zhengjiapu railway station 35
Section 4 The time superposition property of IP response on water-bearing rocks 35
(五)郑家堡火车站找水实例 35
第四节 含水岩石激发极化场的时间叠加性 35
一、时间叠加性的实验证明 36
1.Demonstration of the time superposition property with experiment 36
(1)Superposed phenomenon of IP signal on natural water-bearing sand 36
(2)Mathematic description 36
(二)数学描述 36
(一)含水自然砂激电信号的叠加现象 36
(3)Demonstrating with experiment 37
(三)实验验证 37
(一)进行激电资料换算压制随机干扰 39
二、时间叠加性的某些应用 39
(1)Application in the calculation of IP data and reducing random noise 39
2.Some applications of the time superposition property 39
(2)Application in qualitative study of time character of IP parameters 40
(二)用于定性讨论激电参数的时间特性 40
(三)激电信号与供电波形的关系 41
(3)Relation between IP signals and supply current waveshap 41
1.Forward and inverse result of theory over a volume polarized sphere 44
第二章 等比装置激电测深的正演异常规律及反演解释方法的研究 44
第一节 有限体上等比激电测深的理论与实验结果 44
一、体极化球体上的正、反演理论结果 44
Section 1 Theoretical and experimental result with equal-ratio array IP sounding over different finite bodys 44
Chapter 2 Study of forward and inversion for equal-ratio array IP sounding 44
(一)正演计算方法 45
(1)Method of forward calculation 45
(2)Result of forward calculation 49
(二)正演计算结果 49
(三)确定球心埋藏深度的方法 53
(3)Method of calculation on the depth of the center of sphere 53
(一)单个水平圆柱体上的实验结果 55
二、水平圆柱体上的正、反演实验结果 55
(1)Experimental result over a single horizontal cylinder 55
2.Forward and inverse result of experiment over a horizontal cylinder 55
(二)两个垂向组合水平圆柱体上的实验结果 58
(2)Experimental result over two vertical arranged horizontal cylinder 58
3.Forward and inverse result of experiment over a plank 59
三、板状体上的正、反演实验结果 59
(一)直立板上的实验结果 59
(1)Experimental result over a vertical plank 59
(2)Experimental result over a dip plank 61
(二)倾斜板上的实验结果 61
(三)水平板上的实验结果 63
(3)Experimental result over a horizontal plank 63
(1)Calculation of apparent resistivity and apparent polarizability 66
1.Methods of forward calculation 66
(一)视电阻率和视极化率的计算 66
一、正演计算方法 66
第二节 水平地层上等比激电测深的正演理论结果 66
Section 2 Forward result of equal-ratio array IP sounding over horizontal layers 66
(2)Designing of filter for calculating apparent resistivity 71
(二)计算视电阻率的滤波器设计 71
(3)Precision evaluation of filter 72
(三)滤波器的精度检验 72
(一)二层水平地层 74
二、正演计算结果 74
2.Result of forward calculation 74
(1)Horizontal two-layers 74
(2)Horizontal three-layers 76
(二)三层水平地层 76
(3)Comparison of IP sounding curves on the Schlumberger array and equal-ratio array 80
(三)等比装置与对称四极装置视极化率测深曲线的对比 80
Seotion 3 Inverse interpretation of equal-ratio array IP sounding curves over horizontal layers 85
1.Improved damping least-squear method 85
(1)Methodological principle 85
(一)方法原理 85
一、改进阻尼最小二乘法 85
第三节 水平地层上等比激电测深曲线的反演解释方法 85
(2)Procedure of inverse calculation 88
(二)反演步骤 88
(1)Methodological principle 90
2.Improved generalized inverse matrix 90
二、改进的广义逆矩阵法 90
(一)方法原理 90
(2)Procedure of inverse calculation 91
(二)反演步骤 91
3.Practical examples of two inverse calculation methods and their compar is on 93
(1)Example 1 93
(一)算例1 93
三、两种反演方法的计算实例及比较 93
(2)Example 2 94
(二)算例2 94
Conference 96
参考文献 96
Appendix A:Filting cofficient table for different MN/AB 99
附录 A 不同 MN/AB 值滤波系数表 99
Appendix B:Wenner induced polarization depth sounding ηs curve atias of two-and threelayered horizontal strata 104
附录 B 二层及三层水平地层温纳激电测深ηs 曲线册 104
English Abstract 146
英文摘要 146
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