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  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)斯泰尔(Stair
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7111128087
  • 页数:692 页

PART 1 An Overvlew 1

1 An Introduction to Information Systems 2

Merck-Medco:A Pharmacy for the Future 3

Information Concepts 5

Data Versus Information 5

The Characteristics of Valuable Information 6

The Value of Information 8

System and Modeling Concepts 8

System Components and Concepts 9

System Performance and Standards 10

System Variables and Parameters 11

Modeling a System 11

What is an Information System? 13

Input,Processing,Output,Feedback 14

Manual and Computerized Information Systems 15

Computer-Based Information Systems 16

Business Information Systems 18

Electronic Commerce 19

Ethical and Societal Issues:DoubleClick Tempers Marketing with Customer Privacy 20

Transaction Processing Systems,Workflow Systems,and ERP 21

Management Information and Decision Support Systems 23

IS Principles in Action:Home Depot Invests Big in Information Systems 26

Special-Purpose Business Information Systems:Artificial Intelligence,Expert Systems,and Virtual Reality 26

Systems Development 28

Systems Investigation and Analysis 28

Systems Design,Implementation,and Maintenance and Review 29

Why Learn About Information Systems? 29

Information Systems in the Functional Areas of Business 30

Computer and Information Systems Literacy 30

Information Systems in Industry 31

Case 1 States Vie for#1 Technology Rating 37

Case 2 Technology in Abundance at the 2002 Winter Olympics 38

Case 3 Expert Systems Simplify Life for Automotive Manufacturers 39

2 Information Systems in Organizations 42

Citibank:Seeking Competitive Advantage with a Major Information System Upgrade 43

Organizations and Information Systems 44

Organizational Structure 47

Organizational Culture and Change 50

Reengineering 51

Continuous Improvement 53

Technology Diffusion,Infusion,and Acceptance 54

Total Quality Management 54

Outsourcing and Downsizing 55

IS Principles in Action:Ford Resorts to Downsizing and In-sourcing 56

Competitive Advantage 57

Factors That Lead Firms to Seek Competitive Advantage 57

Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage 58

Performance-Based Information Systems 61

Productivity 62

Return on Investment and the Value of Information Systems 62

Justifying Information Systems 64

Careers in Information Systems 64

Roles,Functions,and Careers in the Information Systems Department 65

Ethical and Societal Issues:Xylo,Inc.,Creates Work/Life Solutions 66

Typical IS Titles and Functions 69

Other IS Careers 71

Case 1 GE Medical Systems Builds Nation s First All-Digital Hospital 76

Case 3 Pressplay:Defining the Internet Music Industry 77

Case 2 Delta and Tellabs Seek Higher Return on Investment 77

Part 1 World Views Case On-Line Presence Gives Mortgage Broker Global Reach 80

PART 2 Information Technology Concepts 83

3 Hardware:Input,Processing,and Output Devices 84

Celera Genomics:Supercomputers Are Key to Future Profitability 85

Computer Systems:Integrating the Power of Technology 86

Hardware Components 87

Hardware Components in Action 88

Processing and Memory Devices:Power,Speed,and Capacity 89

Processing Characteristics and Functions 89

Memory Characteristics and Functions 93

Multiprocessing 96

Secondary Storage 97

Access Methods 97

Devices 98

IS Principles in Action:Las Vegas Casinos Cover Their Bets with Highly Reliable Computers 101

Input and Output Devices:The Gateway to Computer Systems 104

Characteristics and Functionality 104

Input Devices 105

Output Devices 109

Special-Purpose Input and Output Devices 111

Computer System Types,Standards,Selecting,and Upgrading 112

Computer System Types 112

Ethical and Societal Issues:European Weather Forecasters Rely on Blue Storm 118

Standards 119

Selecting and Upgrading Computer Systems 119

Case 1 Australia Experiments with Electronic Voting 127

Case 2 Information Systems Support Future Soldiers 128

Case 3 Saving Data Center Space with Smaller Servers 128

4 Software:Systems and Application Software 130

Flextronics:Global Deployment of Software Improves Key Business Process 131

An Overview of Software 132

Systems Software 132

Application Software 132

Supporting Individual,Group,and Organizational Goals 133

Systems Software 134

Operating Systems 134

Personal Computer Operating Systems 138

Workgroup Operating Systems 141

Enterprise Operating Systems 142

Consumer Appliance Operating Systems 144

Utility Programs 145

Application Software 146

Types and Functions of Application Software 147

Personal Application Software 149

Workgroup Application Software 155

IS Principles in Action:Honda Uses Collaboration Software to Speed Product Development 156

Enterprise Application Software 157

Programming Languages 159

The Evolution of Programming Languages 159

Object-Oriented Programming Languages 161

Selecting a Programming Language 163

Software Issues and Trends 163

Software Bugs 163

Open Source Software 165

Opensourcing 165

Antitrust Issues for Software 165

Software Licensing 166

Global Software Support 167

Software Upgrades 167

Ethical and Societal Issues:Oracle Tries to Recover from Pricing Miscue 168

Case 1 Infosys Uses Offshore Outsourcing Model to Provide Contract Software 174

Case 2 Crystal Flash Opts for Application Service Provider 175

Case 3 Microsoft Takes Action to Eliminate Software Bugs 175

5 Organizing Data and Information 178

Valio:Building Brand Loyalty with Better Decision-Making Data 179

Data Management 180

The Hierarchy of Data 180

Data Entities,Attributes,and Keys 181

The Traditional Approach Versus the Database Approach 182

Data Modeling and Database Models 186

Data Modeling 186

Database Models 187

Database Management Systems(DBMSs) 192

Providing a User View 193

Creating and Modifying the Database 193

Storing and Retrieving Data 195

Manipulating Data and Generating Reports 197

Database Administrator 198

Popular Database Management Systems 199

Selecting a Database Management System 199

Database Applications 202

Linking the Company Database to the Internet 202

Data Warehouses,Data Marts,and Data Mining 203

Business Intelligence 206

Ethical and Societal Issues:Database Technology Used to Improve Airport Security 208

Distributed Databases 209

On-Line Analytical Processing(OLAP) 210

IS Principles in Action:Sears Competes Using Data Warehouse and OLAP Tools 212

Open Database Connectivity(ODBC) 212

Object-Relational Database Management Systems 213

Case 1 VNU,International Media and Information Company 221

Case 2 Wells Fargo Bank Uses Predictive Analysis to Improve Profits 221

Case 3 J.Crew Turns to Data Warehousing to Increase On-line Sales 222

6 Telecommunications and Networks 224

DHL:Implementing a Global Network 225

An Overview of Communications Systems 226

Communications 226

Telecommunications 227

Networks 228

Channel Bandwidth and Information-Carrying Capacity 229

Basic Communications Channel Characteristics 229

Telecommunications 229

IS Principles in Action:Penske Uses Satellite Communications to Meet Customer Needs 233

Connectors 235

Devices 235

Carriers and Services 236

Ethical and Societal Issues:Telemarketers-Please Do Not Call! 240

Networks and Distributed Processing 242

Basic Processing Strategies 242

Network Concepts and Considerations 243

Network Types 245

Terminal-to-Host,File Server,and Client/Server Systems 247

Communications Software and Protocols 250

Bridges,Routers,Gateways,and Switches 255

Electronic Software and Document Distribution 257

Voice Mail 257

Linking Personal Computers to Mainframes and Networks 257

Telecommunications and Applications 257

Telecommuting 258

Videoconferencing 258

Electronic Data Interchange 259

Public Network Services 260

Distance Learning 260

Specialized Systems and Services 261

Case 1 Starbucks Deploys Wireless LANs 268

Case 2 Bear,Stearns&Co.Builds Redundant Telecommunications Network 269

Case 3 Networks Support Collaborative Product Design 269

7 The Internet,Intranets,and Extranets 272

Lands End:Attracting Customers with High-Tech Internet Services 273

Use and Functioning of the Internet 275

How the Internet Works 277

Accessing the Internet 278

Internet Service Providers 279

Ethical and Societal Issues:The Digital Divide 280

Internet services 282

E-Mail and Instant Messaging 282

Telnet and FTP 284

Usenet and Newsgroups 284

Chat Rooms 286

Internet Phone and Videoconferencing Services 286

Content Streaming 287

Shopping on the Web 287

Web Auctions 288

Music,Radio,and Video on the Internet 288

Internet Sites in Three Dimensions 289

Office on the Web 289

Free Software and Services 290

Other Internet Services 290

The World Wide Web 291

Web Browsers 293

Search Engines 294

Java 295

Push Technology 297

Business Uses of the Web 297

Developing Web Content 298

Intranets and Extranets 299

IS Principles in Action:Web Services Take the Web to a New level 300

Management Issues 302

Service and Speed Issues 302

Net Issues 302

Privacy,Fraud,Security,and Unauthorized Internet Sites 303

Case 1 Google Uses New Approach to Web Advertising 311

Case 2 The Web in Three Dimensions 312

Case 3 Hummingbird Provides Leading Enterprise Information Portal(EIP)Solutions 313

Part 2 World Views Case From Railway Station to Whaleway Station 315

PART 3 Business Information Systems 317

8 Electronic Commerce 318

Tesco:Grocer Implements Successful E-Commerce Business Model 319

An Introduction to Electronic Commerce 320

Multistage Model for E-Commerce 321

Ethical and Societal Issues:PayPal Service Runs into Start-Up Problems 324

E-Commerce Challenges 325

The E-Commerce Supply Chain 326

Business to Business(B2B) 328

Business to Consumer(B2C) 328

Global E-Commerce 329

Consumer to Consumer(C2C) 329

E-Commerce Applications 330

Retail and Wholesale 330

Manufacturing 331

Marketing 333

Investment and Finance 334

Auctions 336

Technology Infrastructure 336

Hardware 337

Web Server Software 337

E-Commerce Software 339

E-Commerce Transaction Processing 340

Network and Packet Switching 340

Secure Sockets Layer 341

Electronic Payment Systems 341

Electronic Cash 342

Electronic Wallets 342

Smart,Credit,Charge,and Debit Cards 343

Threats to E-Commerce 344

E-commerce Incidents 344

Theft of Intellectual Property 344

IS Principles in Action:Visa Implements Smart Card Technology 345

Fraud 346

Invasion of Consumer Privacy 347

Strategies for Successful E-Commerce 349

Developing an Effective Web Presence 349

Putting Up a Web Site 350

Building Traffic to Your Web Site 351

Maintaining and Improving Your Web Site 351

Case 2 Lowe s Fights Tooth and Nail to Be No.1 358

Case 1 DaimlerChrysler Joins Covisint Exchange 358

Case 3 Port of Seattle Turns to E-Commerce 359

9 Transaction Processing and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 362

Wal-Mart and Kmart:Transaction Processing Systems Distinguish Major Retailers 363

An Overview of Transaction Processing Systems 364

Traditional Transaction Processing Methods and Objectives 365

IS Principles in Action:Financial Industry Considers Move to Trade Plus One Day(T+1) 368

Transaction Processing Activities 371

Control and Management Issues 374

Traditional Transaction Processing Applications 376

Order Processing Systems 376

Purchasing Systems 384

Accounting Systems 388

International Issues 392

An Overview of Enterprise Resource Planning 395

Enterprise Resource Planning 395

Advantages and Disadvantages of ERP 396

Ethical and Societal Issues:Nike Stumbles Implementing ERP 399

Example of an ERP System 399

Case 1 MetLife Implements CRM 407

Case 2 Verizon Restores Telecommunications Service in Wake of 9/11 Disaster 408

Case 3 Upgrade Required for Sabre Transaction Processing Systems 408

10 Information and Decision Support Systems 410

Shearman&Sterling:Using Intormation Systems to Harness the Knowledge of the Firm 411

Decision Making and Problem Solving 412

Decision Making as a Component of Problem Solving 412

Programmed Versus Nonprogrammed Decisions 413

Optimization,Satisficing,and Heuristic Approaches 414

Inputs to a Management Information System 415

An Overview of Management Information Systems 415

Management Information Systems in Perspective 415

Outputs of a Management Information System 416

Characteristics of a Management Information System 419

Ethical and Societal Issues:The Energy-Conscious MIS 420

Functional Aspects of the MIS 421

Financial Management Information Systems 421

Manufacturing Management Information Systems 424

Marketing Management Information Systems 429

Human Resource Management Information Systems 432

Other Management Information Systems 435

An Overview of Decision Support Systems 436

IS Principles in Action:Geographic Information System Saves Trees 437

Characteristics of a Decision Support System 438

Capabilities of a Decision Support System 439

A Comparison of DSS and MIS 440

Components of a Decision Support System 441

The Database 442

The Model Base 443

The Dialogue Manager 443

Group Decision Support Systems 443

Characteristics of a GDSS That Enhance Decision Making 444

GDSS Software 446

GDSS Alternatives 446

Executive Support Systems 448

Executive Support Systems in Perspective 448

Capabilities of Executive Support Systems 449

Case 1 Marketing MIS Gives Entertainment UK the Upper Hand 456

Case 2 CampusShip Provides a Centralized Shipping System for Distributed Organizations 457

Case 3 Storebrand Uses WebService to Automate Data Entry 458

11 Specialized Business Information Svstems:Artificial Intelligence,Expert Systems,Virtual Reality,and Other Specialized Systems 460

Artificial Life,Inc.:Intelligent Bots:The New Citizens of Cyberspace 461

An Overview of Artificial Intelligence 462

Artificial Intelligence in Perspective 462

The Nature of Intelligence 462

The Difference between Natural and Artificial Intelligence 464

The Major Branches of Artificial Intelligence 464

Ethical and Societal Issues Cyc:The System That Is an Expert at Common Sense 466

An overview of Expert Systems 470

Characteristics of an Expert System 470

Capabilities of Expert Systems 472

When to Use Expert Systems 473

Components of Expert Systems 473

Expert Systems Development 477

Applications of Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence 481

IS Principles in Action:Beating Wall Street with an Intelligent Supercomputer 482

Integrating Expert Systems 484

Virtual Reality 484

Interface Devices 484

Forms of Virtual Reality 485

Useful Applications 486

Other Specialized Systems 488

Case 1 PixAround.com Brings 3-D Worlds to Your Desktop 494

Case 2 Transco Uses Gensym s Expert System to Control Natural Gas Flow 495

Case 3 IBM s eLiza:Computer Systems That Care for Themselves 496

Part 3 World Views Cases A Happy Valentine s Day in Virtual China 498

Staff Rostering System at the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong 500

PART 4 Systems Development 503

12 Systems Investigation and Analysis 504

Comcast Corporation:The Challenges of Providing Broadband Internet Access 505

An Overview of Systems Development 506

Participants in Systems Development 506

Initiating Systems Development 508

Information Systems Planning and Aligning Corporate and IS Goals 509

IS Principles in Action:British Telecommunications Adopts On-Line Account Management and Billing System 511

Establishing Objectives for Systems Development 513

Systems Development and E-Commerce 514

Trends in Systems Development and Enterprise Resource Planning 515

Systems Development Life Cycles 516

The Traditional Systems Development Life Cycle 517

Prototyping 518

Rapid Application Development,Agile Development,and Joint Application Development 519

Outsourcing 522

The End-User Systems Development Life Cycle 522

Factors Affecting Systems Development Success 524

Degree of Change 524

Ethical and Societal Issues:Information Systems Running Amok? 525

Quality and Standards 526

The Capability Maturity Model(CMM) 527

Use of Project Management Tools 528

Use of Computer-Aided Software Engineering(CASE)Tools 530

Object-Oriented Systems Development 531

Systems Investigation 532

Initiating Systems Investigation 532

Participants in Systems Investigation 533

Feasibility Analysis 533

The Systems Investigation Report 535

Object-Oriented Systems Investigation 535

Systems Analysis 536

General Considerations 536

Participants in Systems Analysis 537

Data Collection 537

Data Analysis 539

Requirements Analysis 541

Object-Oriented Systems Analysis 543

The Systems Analysis Report 544

Case 1 General Motors Reduces Dealer Costs with Procurement System 552

Case 2 Staples Provides Convenience with In-Store Kiosks 553

Case 3 Wesco Distribution Adds Links to the Supply Chain 554

13 Systems Design,Implementation,Maintenance,and Review 556

FedEx Corp.:Simplitying International Shipping 557

Logical and Physical Design 559

Systems Design 559

Special System Design Considerations 562

Object-Oriented Design 564

Emergency Alternate Procedures and Disaster Recovery 565

Systems Controls 569

The Importance of Vendor Support 570

Generating Systems Design Alternatives 570

Evaluating and Selecting a System Design 571

Evaluation Techniques 573

Freezing Design Specifications 575

The Contract 576

The Design Report 576

Systems Implementation 577

Acquiring Hardware from an Information Systems Vendor 577

Externally Developed Software 579

Acquiring Software:Make or Buy? 579

Ethical and Societal Issues:Open Source vs.Proprietary Software 580

In-House-Developed Software 581

Tools and Techniques for Software Development 584

Acquiring Database and Telecommunications Systems 587

User Preparation 587

IS Personnel:Hiring and Training 588

Site Preparation 589

Data Preparation 589

Installation 589

Testing 589

Start-up 590

User Acceptance 591

Types of Maintenance 592

Reasons for Maintenance 592

Systems Maintenance 592

IS Principles in Action:Supply Chain Management Software Delivers-Despite Resistance 593

The Request for Maintenance Form 593

Performing Maintenance 594

The Financial Implications of Maintenance 594

The Relationship Between Maintenance and Design 595

Systems Review 596

Types of Review Procedures 596

Factors to Consider During Systems Review 597

System Performance Measurement 597

Case 1 Lenox Revamps Web Site for Improved Customer Satisfaction 605

Case 2 Corning Display Technologies Sheds New Light on the Systems Deveiopment Process 606

Case 3 State Street Corp.Speeds Financial Trading with State-of-the-Art Financial Transaction Management System 606

Part 4 World Views Cases Event-Driven Review of the University of Nairobi s Student Management Information System 609

Song Book Music 610

PART 5 Information Systems In Business and Soclety 613

14 Security,Privacy,and Ethical Issues in Information Systems and the Internet 614

U.S.Government:Recommending Strong Medicine to Combat Cybercrime 615

Computer Waste and Mistakes 616

Computer Waste 616

Computer-Related Mistakes 617

Preventing Computer-Related Waste and Mistakes 617

Computer Crime 620

The Computer as a Tool to Commit Crime 622

The Computer as the Object of Crime 624

IS Principles in Action:Building Alliances to Combat Software Piracy 629

Preventing Computer-Related Crime 631

Privacy 637

Privacy Issues 638

Ethical and Societal Issues:Personal Data Sold to Law Enforcement Agencies 639

Fairness in Information Use 641

Federal Privacy Laws and Regulations 641

State Privacy Laws and Regulations 644

Corporate Privacy Policies 644

Individual Efforts to Protect Privacy 644

The Work Environment 645

Health Concerns 645

Avoiding Health and Environmental Problems 647

Ethical Issues in Information Systems 648

Case 1 The Role of the CERT/CC 655

Case 2 Australia Struggles to Implement Internet Laws 656

Case 3 E-Mail Monitoring-A Necessary Evil? 656

Glossary 659

Subject Index 673

Name and Company Index 691
