中国学生英语色彩语码认知模式研究 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨永林著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7302055890
- 页数:157 页
Chapter 1 A Critical Survey of Color Research 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Alternative perspectives 2
1.2.1 Philosophical reflections 2
1.2.2 Anthropological surveys 4
1.2.3 Ethnographic investigations 6
1.2.4 Neuro-physiological explanations 7
1.2.5 Genetic findings 9
Preface(胡壮麟先生序) 9
Foreword(前言) 11
1.2.6 Psychological experiments 12
1.2.7 Linguistic contributions 13
1.3 Competing explanations 14
1.3.1 Epistemic orientation 14
1.3.2 Linguistic orientation 16
Acknowledgement 17
1.3.3 Cross-linguistic evidence 18
Abstract in Chinese(论文摘要) 19
Abstract 21
List of Abbreviations 23
1.4 Correlations between color lexicon and society 26
2.1 Sociolinguistics and the color lexicon 29
2.1.1 Introduction 29
Chapter 2 Why Conduct Experimental Research from a Sociolinguistic Perspective? 29
2.1.2 Theorizing in sociolinguistics 30
2.1.3 Quantitative research and gender study 31
2.1.4 Sociolinguistics and its application 32
2.2 Applied linguistics and the color lexicon 33
2.2.1 Introduction 33
2.2.2 Color lexicon and mental storage 34
2.2.3 The elicitation dilemma in research 34
2.2.4 Color codability in native and foreign languages 36
2.2.5 Language proficiency and color codability 36
2.3.1 Introduction 37
2.3 A holistic sociolinguistic study of the color lexicon 37
2.3.2 A stratified classification of basic color words 38
2.3.3 Criteria for the basic color lexicon 38
2.3.4 A stratified classification of fancy/elaborated color words 40
2.3.5 A reclassification of the color lexicon 40
2.3.6 Semantics of the restricted and elaborated color lexicon 41
Chapter 3 Experiment Design and Data Collection 46
3.1 General introduction to the whole project 46
3.1.1 Introduction 46
3.1.2 Experimental groups 48
3.2 Methods and data collection 49
3.2.1 Subjects 49
3.2.3 Procedures 50
3.2.2 Materials for naming 50
3.2.4 Data categorization 51
3.2.5 Academic records 53
3.2.6 Vocabulary scores 54
3.2.7 Demographic parameters 54
3.2.8 Hobbies correlations 56
3.2.9 Post-hoc interview 56
3.3 Experimental hypotheses 57
3.3.1 Sex hypotheses 58
3.3.2 Language hypotheses 58
3.3.3 Demographic hypotheses 59
4.1 Introduction 62
Chapter 4 Color Performance 62
4.2 Main Experiment 63
4.2.1 Data and analyses 63
4.2.2 Discussion 71
4.3 Follow-up Experiment 72
4.3.1 Data and analyses 73
4.3.2 Discussion 81
4.4 Comparative Experiment 82
4.4.1 Data and analyses 82
4.4.2 Discussion 90
5.1 Introduction 93
Chapter 5 Group Differences 93
5.2 Comparison 94
5.2.1 Comparison across three groups 95
5.2.2 Comparison between the main & follow-up groups 95
5.2.3 Comparison between the follow-up & comparative groups 97
5.2.4 Comparison between main & comparative groups 99
Chapter 6 Discussion,Conclusion and Implication 103
6.1 Introduction 103
6.2 Summary discussion for experimental groups 104
6.3 Summary discussion for group comparisons 106
6.4 Summary discussion for group differences 107
6.5 Limitations 113
6.6 Implications for relevant sciences 114
6.6.1 What is the position of sociolinguistics in language teaching? 116
6.6.2 What is the position of gender in language learning? 116
6.6.3 What is the position of cognition in lexical development? 117
6.6.4 What is the position of biological and genetical differences in color coding? 118
6.6.5 What is the position of“nature”and“nurture” in color coding? 119
6.6.6 What is the position of demography and(sub-) culture in color coding? 119
6.6.7 What is the position of language proficiency or formal language training at school in color coding? 120
6.6.8 What is the position of awareness and frustration in color coding? 120
6.6.9 What can we do to help learners build up a bigger color vocabulary? 121
Works Cited 126
Appendixes 147
- 《红色旅游的社会效应研究》吴春焕著 2019
- 《艺考基本功 色彩静物》吴俊芳 2019
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- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
- 《联吡啶基钌光敏染料的结构与性能的理论研究》李明霞 2019
- 《异质性条件下技术创新最优市场结构研究 以中国高技术产业为例》千慧雄 2019
- 《法语词汇认知联想记忆法》刘莲编著 2020
- 《《国语》和《战国策》词汇比较研究》陈长书著 2017
- 《中国制造业绿色供应链发展研究报告》中国电子信息产业发展研究院 2019
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《北京生态环境保护》《北京环境保护丛书》编委会编著 2018
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- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 九年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019