- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:禹明,向孟华等主编
- 出 版 社:海口:海南出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7805903913
- 页数:405 页
前言 1
一、名词 1
accident,incident,event,ahppeing,occurrence 1
使用说明 2
act,action,deed 2
adversity,misfortune,mishap 3
affaro.bisomess.,atter.tjong 4
animal,beast,creature 5
arms,weapon 6
army,force,troops 6
baby.boy.child 7
badge,gesture,mark,sign,signal,symbol,token 8
banner,flag,colo(u)rs,pennant,standard,streamer 9
base,basis,foundation 10
bloom,blossom,flower 11
boat,craft,ship,wessel 12
bottle,jar,pot 13
cabin,cottage,hut 14
cause,reason 14
center,middle 15
chance,opportunity,occasion 15
city,town 17
class,lesson 18
climate,weather 19
clothes,clothing,coat,dress,garnent,jacket,shirt,suit,uniform 20
coast,beach,seaside,shore 22
consequence,effect,ourcome,result 23
country.land.nation.power,state 24
crop.harvest 25
correspondence.letter.note.messgae 26
cup.glass 27
date.day 28
desk.table 28
dinner,meal 29
door.gate 30
drawing.painting.photo,picture,portrait 31
earth.field.ground 32
evening,night 33
example,instance.modl.sample 34
family,home.house 35
farmer,peasant,tenant 36
fee.income,pay.salary,wage 37
fight.struggle.war.compaign.battle 39
fighter.soldier.guard 40
floorstor(e)y 41
foot.leg 41
forest,jungle,woods 43
fun.joy 43
game,match.play,,sport 44
garden,park 45
heaven,sdy 46
hill,mountain,mount 47
hour.o'clock 48
human.human being.man.people.person,personnel.tace 49
information,message.news,word 51
job,labo(u)r,work,task,toil 52
lamp,light 53
material,matter,stuff,substance 54
meeting,assembly,conference,congress,council 55
rally.session 56
method.fashion,manner,mode,way 57
mistake,rat 58
Mr..Mrs..Miss.Ms..madam.sir 59
noise.sound.voice 61
path.road.route.street.way 62
planet.satellite.star 63
problem.question 64
pupil.stuent 65
room,space 65
skill,technique.technology 66
space.universe 67
steam,vapour 67
二、动词 68
accept,receive 68
act.act as 69
address.speak 69
attend.attend to 70
admit.confess 70
allow.permit.let.promise 71
announce.declare.publish,proclaim 72
answer,reple.respond 74
appear.look.seem 75
appreciate.enjoy 75
appreciate.oblige.thank 76
argue.quarrel.debate,discuss 77
arrive,get to,reach 78
ask.bge.demand,require.request 79
bath.bathe 81
beat.defeat.win 81
become.get.go.grow.turn.change 82
begin.start 84
borrow.lend.keep 85
believe.believe in 85
bring.take.fetch.carry 86
build.construct.put up.set up 87
buy.purchase 88
call. call on.call at 89
can.be able to 89
can.may 91
care.mind 91
catch.seize.capture.arrest 92
cease.stop 94
cheat.deceive.fool 94
choose.select.elcet.pick ouconceal,hidet 95
consider,regard 96
consult.consult with contact.encounter,be in touch with ,get in gouch 97
consist,constitute.contain,compose 97
contaclt,consult with 98
with.meet.meet with.touch,see 99
continue,go on,proceed,resume,succeed 100
convince.persuade 102
cost,pay,spend.take 102
cross.pass 103
cry.sob.wail.weep 104
cure,heal,treat 105
decide,determine,resolve,settle 106
delay,defer,plstpone,put off 107
deny ,decline,refuse,reject 107
depend,rely 108
desire,expect,hope,longwant,with 109
dine,eat,eat up,have.take at table 110
discover,find,find out.invent.look for,search,uncover.detect 111
dislike.hate 113
divide,patr,separate 114
do,make 114
doubt,suspect 115
draw,attract.drag.pull,haul 115
dream.dream of 116
dress,dress up.have on.pull on. put on,wear,be in,try on be om.tru on 117
drill.exercie.practise.train 119
drind.drink off 120
drop,descend,decline.drown.fall,go down.sink 120
emigrate,immigrate,migrate 122
drive,ride 122
end,accomplish,close,complete,conclude,finish,temiate 123
endure,bear,put up with,stand,suffer,tolerate,withstand 125
escape,flee,fly,run away 126
expand,enlarge,extend,increase,magnify,stretchface,confront 127
face,confront 128
fail,fail in,fail to(do) 128
fear,gbe afraid of,dread alarm,frighten,horrify,terrify 129
fix,mend .patch.repair.correct.retify,remedy 131
force.compel.impel,oblige 132
forget,leave 133
get,accept.acquire.atain,earn,gain,obtain,procure,profit,receive,secure,win 134
give,accord,afford,award,bestow,endow,grant offer,present,propose,provide,supply 136
go,hike,stride,stroll,walk 138
grow,plant,raise 139
guide,conduct.direct.lead.steer 140
happen.occut.take place 141
have.have got .hold.won.posess.thee be 142
hear.hark.listen 144
help,aid.assist 144
hinder.block.hamper.obstruct.prevent 145
hire.charter.employ,engage.let.rent 146
hit.beat.best.defeat.fire.fire at.flog.shoot.shoot at.strike 148
hurt.damage.harm.injure.pain.wound 149
ignore,disregard.neglect,omit,overlook,slight 151
insist,persevere,persist,stick to 152
improve,better 152
intend,aim,be going to,be thinking of,mean.plan.propose 153
introduce.advise.present,recommend,sugest 155
join.join in.attend,be present at,lake part in 156
join ,blend,conbine,connect,fuse,knit,link..unite 157
jump.bound.hop.leap.spring 158
kill,assassinate,butcher,execute,massacre,murder,slaughter,slay 159
know,grasp,learn,understand 161
know.recognize 162
laugh.beam,chuckle,giggle,grin smile,snner 162
lay,lie,place,put,set 164
leave,depart,go,quit,retire,withdraw 165
learn,study 165
like,admire,adore,be fond of,enjoy.go in for,love,prefer 167
live,dwell,inhabit,occupy,reside,reside,settle,stay,stay up 168
load,burden 170
look,appear,seem 170
look,beholed,eye,gaze,glance,glare,inspect,notice,observek,peep,regard,see,sight,stare,survey,view,watch,witness 171
lose,miss 174
mail,post 175
move,remove,shift,transfer 175
must,have to 176
need,require,want 177
object,disagree,differ,oppose 177
order,bid,command 178
overcome,conquer,dereat,vanquish 179
ought,should 179
pardon,excuse,forgive 180
pay.pay for,pay off 181
permit,allow grant,let,promise,suffer 182
pick.pick out.pick up 183
play,play with 183
prefer.prefer···to 184
prepare,prepare for,prepare to(do),be prepared,be ready.get read.get ready for 185
provide,provide for,provide···with 186
raise,rise,arise 187
raise,elevate.hoist,lift 187
recall,recollect,remember,remind.lretain,review 188
regret,repent,rue 190
recover,reclaim,restore 190
replace,substitute 191
risk,take the risk of(that),run the risk of,at (the) risk to,run a risk[risks],take a risk [risks] 192
rob,deprive,milk,steal 193
say,chat,chatter,gossip,mention,murmur,narrate,observe,relate,speak,state,talk,tell 194
search,seek,search for,seek for,look for ,hunt for ,be for 197
seat ,sit 198
send,send for,give 199
serve,service 199
sing ,signal 200
sleep,doze,nap,alumber 200
suppose,assume,believe,consider,deem,fancy,guess,imagine,presume 201
teach,coach,educate,instruct,school,train 203
use,use up,apply,consume,employ,expend,utllize 204
visit,call,call at,call on,drop in,visit with 205
wait,wait for,await 207
wake,arouse,awake,awaken,rouse,waken 207
will,shall,be going to ,be to,be about to ,be doing,一般现在时 209
win,win over,win round 210
write,write to 211
would,used to 211
三、形容词 212
able,capable 212
active,lively 213
afaid,frightened,terrified 213
alike,like 215
alive,live,living 215
all,whole 216
alone,lomely 217
amazed,astonished,surprised 218
anxious,eager 219
apparent,obvious,claer 220
ashamed,shameful 221
asleep,sleeping,sleepy 222
attentive,careful 223
beautiful,pretty,handsome,lovely,good-looking 224
big,large,huge,great 225
bole,brave,courageous,fearless,gallant 227
brief,short 228
bright,clever,wise 228
broad,wide 229
celebrated,famous,well-dnown 230
certain,sure 231
cheap,inexpensive 232
chilly,cold,coll 233
clean,cleanly 233
common,general,ordinary,usual 234
concelted,proud 235
correct,right 236
continual,contiuous 236
danerous,indanger 237
dead,dying 237
decided,decisive 238
dear,expensive 238
delighted,delightful 239
drfferent,various 240
difficult,hard 240
direct,straight 241
disinterested,uninterested 242
each,every.per 242
easy,simple, 244
eatable,edible 244
economic,economical 245
effective,efficient 245
elder,older 246
electric,electrical 247
especial,particular,peculiar,special 248
empty,hollow,vacant 248
excellent,good,fine,nice,well,wonderful 249
far,faraww7 251
farther,further 252
fast,quick,rapid,swift 252
fast,stout 253
few,a few,little,a little 254
glad,happy,pleasant,pleased,pleasing 255
healthful,healthy 256
high,tall,lofty 257
historic,hitorical 258
horrible,terrible 258
idle,lazy 259
hot,warm 259
ill,sick 260
industrial,industrious 261
last,latter 261
liable,likely 262
little,small,tiny 263
low,short 264
many,much 264
old,veteran 265
practicable,practical 266
quiet,silent,calm,still 266
real,true 267
strict,severe,stern 268
shy,timid 268
tiresome,tiring,tired 269
wprth,worthy 270
四、副词 272
ago,before 272
almost,nearly,about 273
aloud,loud,loudty 274
already,yet,still 275
also,too,either 276
altogether,all together 276
always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,never 277
arpind,round 278
deep.deeply 279
bad,badly 279
early,soon 280
easily,easy 281
especially,specially,particularly 281
ever,once 282
fairly,rather,quite 283
far,by far 284
hard.hardly 285
here.in here 285
high,highly 286
home,at home 287
however,how ever 287
indeed,really 288
just,just now 289
instead,instead of, 289
last,at last 290
late,lately 291
maybe,perhaps,probably 292
now,just now 292
only,only that 293
presently,at present 294
very,much,very much 294
五、介词 296
about,of,on 296
above,on,over 297
across,through 297
after,behind 298
after,in,within,(later) 299
among,between,amid,amidst,amongst,amongst,betwixt 300
among,in 301
around,round,about 301
as for,as to 302
at,in,on, 302
at,on, 303
below,under 304
beside,at,by,by the side of,near 304
besides,but,except,apart from,aside from,but for,else,than,exceptfor,except that,excepting,in addition to,other,than,save,save for,saving,with the exception of,barring,beyond 306
by,in,on 310
by ,to,with,in 311
during,for,in 312
from,out of 313
from···to(till,until,through) 314
in,into,inside 316
in,on 316
in,on,to,by 317
on,onto,upon 318
since,for 319
since.from 320
六、代词 320
all,both 320
another,other,the other,others,the others 321
anyone,any one ,anybody 324
each other,one another 324
everyone,every one 325
eich other ,one another 325
nobody,none,no one 326
七、连词 327
arter,since 327
although.though 328
and,or 329
because,since,for 331
as if,as though 332
as···as···,so···as 333
bpth···and,either···or 333
hardly···when,as soon as 334
if,whether 335
if only, only if,as long as 336
so that,so···that 337
than,more than 339
the same as,the same that 339
till.until 340
unless.if···not 341
whatever,no matter what 341
when,while.as 342
八、短语 343
a bit, a little 343
a kind of,kind of.kinds of,of a kind 344
add to ,add···to,add up to 345
adhere to,stick to ,stick by 346
all the time,at all times,at times 347
all right, that's all right,that's right 348
as good as ,as well as ,as well 349
as it is,as it was,as it were 350
as last,finally,in the end 351
at sight,at the sight of 352
at table.at the table 353
at the beginning,in the beginning 354
at the moment, for the moment,for a moment,in a moment 355
at work in work 356
before long, long before 356
be made from,be made of,be made up of ,be made into ,be made out of 358
be on strike ,go on strike 359
be strict in,be strict on.be strict with 359
be tired of ,be tired from. be tired with 360
by surprise,in surprise .to one's surprise 361
give in, give up 362
call at,call on 362
give off,give out 363
go on,go on doing sth.go on to do sth.,go on with sth. 364
hand in .turn in 365
have been to .have gone to 366
hear from,hear of 366
Here it is, Here you are 367
how long ,how often ,how soon 368
in a word,inword,in one word 369
in charge,in charge of,in the charge of 369
in front of,in the front of 370
leave for···,leave···for··· 371
in time ,on time 371
let alone,let···alone,leave···alone 372
live by,live on 373
no less than,not less than 373
no more than,not more than 374
one day,some day 374
So do I,So I do ,I do so 375
so-called,What is called 376
something like,something of 377
talk about.talk of,talk over 377
too···to. only too···to 378
used to .be used to 378
索引 380
- 《汉语成语词典》宋永培,端木黎明编著 2017
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