- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李白萍主编
- 出 版 社:西安:西安电子科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7560612571
- 页数:202 页
Unit One Optical Fiber Communication 1
Passage A The General System 1
Passage B Advantages of Optical Fiber Communication 6
Passage C Fiber-optics Communication 13
Unit Two Telecommunications 14
Passage A Evolution of Telecommunication Networks 14
Passage B Telecommunications 21
Passage C Telecommunications:a brief historical review 28
Unit Three Data Communications 30
Passage A Data Communications 30
Passage B Characteristics of Communication Channels 33
Passage C Communication Equipment and Software 37
Unit Four Mobile Communications 39
Passage A GSM(Global System for Mobile Communication) 39
Passage B Cellular Mobile Telephone System 43
Passage C The Radio Communication System 47
Passage A Introduction of ISDN 50
Unit Five ISDN 50
Passage B ISDN Multimedia Services 54
Passage C ISDN Evolution and its Benefits 58
Unit Six Multimedia 61
Passage A What Is Multimedia? 61
Passage B Characteristics 65
Passage C Multimedia 71
Passage A Fundamental Concepts 73
Unit Seven Images and Televisions 73
Passage B Compression/Decompression Techniques 76
Passage C Television 79
Unit Eight Auxiliary Storage 81
Passage A CD and CD-ROM 81
Passage B Hard Disks and Optical Disks 84
Passage C Introduction to CD-ROM 87
Unit Nine Microelectronics 89
Passage A Introduction to Microelectronics 89
Passage B The Simple Atom,Conductors,Insulators and Semiconductors 91
Passage C Diode and Transistor 94
Unit Ten Lasers 99
Passage A What is a Laser? 99
Passage B Introduction:Super-tool 102
Passage C Lasers 106
Unit Eleven A Laser Bestiary:Different Types of Lasers 107
Passage A Crystal and Glass Lasers 107
Passage B Liquid Lasers;the Free-electron Laser and the X-ray Laser 111
Passage C Gas Lasers 115
Unit Twelve Database 119
Passage A Database:A Better Way to Manage and Organize Data 119
Passage B DBMS and Data Independence,Integrity,Security 122
Passage C Database System and Three Data Models 126
Unit Thirteen Network 130
Passage A Computer Networks(1) 130
Passage B Computer Networks(2) 133
Passage C Network 138
Passage A Artificial Intelligence 142
Unit Fourteen Artificial Intelligence 142
Passage B Expert Systems and Robotics 146
Passage C Development of AI 150
Unit Fifteen Neural Network 155
Passage A Neural Network Applications 155
Passage B The Issues 158
Passage C Introduction to Neural Networks 161
Unit Sixteen Others(Ⅰ) 163
Passage A Evolution of the Access Network 163
Passage B Intelligent Network Concept 171
Passage C What Is Internet? 176
Unit Seventeen Others(Ⅱ) 181
Passage A Microwave Radio System 181
Passage B Introduction to Broadband Telecommunications 185
Passage C Careers in Electronics 189
Unit Eighteen Others(Ⅲ) 191
Passage A Satellite Fundamentals 191
Passage B ATM 194
Passage C LANs and ATM 199
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