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出国留学英语强化阅读英语  下
出国留学英语强化阅读英语  下

出国留学英语强化阅读英语 下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王长荣主编;张存琳等编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:781046227X
  • 页数:427 页
《出国留学英语强化阅读英语 下》目录

Unit 56 Tightwad into 1992 1

Unit 57 Loose Rung on the Yuppy Ladder 6

Unit 58 New Phones More Difficult for FBI Wiretaps 11

Unit 59 Revenge of the Vertically Advantaged 16

Unit 60 Europe Set to Win the 21st Century (Ⅰ) 21

Unit 61 Europe Set to Win the 21st Century (Ⅱ) 26

Unit 62 Russia's Talent Drain Is West's Brain Gain 32

Unit 63 What's Right with Russia 38

Unit 64 The Good Life Was Just Too Good to Last 44

Unit 65 Less Pain, More Gain 50

Unit 66 Where There's Smoke 56

Unit 67 Death of the Career (Ⅰ) 62

Unit 68 Death of the Career (Ⅱ) 67

Unit 69 My Son the PhD. 73

Unit 70 Counting Your Blessings 78

Unit 71 The Teacher and the Terrorist 84

Unit 72 Getting Inside Rover's Mind 92

Unit 73 Why Past Is Past (Ⅰ) 98

Unit 74 Why Past Is Past (Ⅱ) 104

Unit 75 Forging Childhood Memories 109

Unit 76 Must American Menus Be Bland and Boring? (Ⅰ) 115

Unit 77 Must American Menus Be Bland and Boring? (Ⅱ) 121

Unit 78 Top German Genes Scientist Raises Spectre of Nazism 126

Unit 79 A Tree's DNA Solves a Crime 132

Unit 80 Yuppies and the Servant Problem (Ⅰ) 137

Unit 81 Yuppies and the Servant Problem (Ⅱ) 142

Unit 82 A Surplus of Scientists, But Where Are the Jobs? 148

Unit 83 Fear Is the Key in Today's Uncivil Cities (Ⅰ) 153

Unit 84 Fear Is the Key in Today's Uncivil Cities (Ⅱ) 158

Unit 85 Fear Is the Key in Today's Uncivil Cities (Ⅲ) 164

Unit 86 America Can Do Without the Noose 170

Unit 87 Violent Crime Declines, Despite Public Perception 176

Unit 88 New Zealand Makes Juveniles Confront Their Crimes 182

Unit 89 A View from Atop a Levee 188

Unit 90 How to Win Yourself a Nobel Prize 194

Unit 91 The Ability to Make a Difference 200

Unit 92 Last Course: A Bit of Couth 206

Unit 93 A Growing Controversy 212

Unit 94 Our God-Given Gift of Gag 218

Unit 95 Death of the‘Dream Cottage' 224

Unit 96 Searching Questions Amid Ashes 230

Unit 97 From Prophets to Losses (Ⅰ) 236

Unit 98 From Prophets to Losses (Ⅱ) 241

Unit 99 Getting Back to Earth 247

Unit 100 The Joys and Pains of Fax (Ⅰ) 253

Unit 101 The Joys and Pains of Fax (Ⅱ) 259

Unit 102 The Sting Is in the Law 264

Unit 103 Students Protest Foreign Accent 270

Unit 104‘Elite' Schools in the U.S. and Japan? (Ⅰ) 277

Unit 105‘Elite' Schools in the U.S. and Japan? (Ⅱ) 282

Unit 106 A Small Boy from a Russian Orphanage (Ⅰ) 288

Unit 107 A Small Boy from a Russian Orphanage (Ⅱ) 294

Unit 108 Bodies of Evidence 300

Unit 109 Blinded by the Light 306

Unit 110 Escobar's Dead End 312

Appendix Ⅰ: Answer Key 318

Appendix Ⅱ: Chinese Translations of the Texts (for Reference Only) 321

Appendix Ⅲ. Index to New Words in the Texts 391
