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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:冯延程著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海世界图书出版公司
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7506261111
  • 页数:183 页
标签:发烧 常用

Part Ⅰ 找屋篇House-Hunting 2

Unit 1 如何找房子租?Leasing Apartments&Houses 2

Unit 2 联络中介商Contacting Brokers 8

Unit 3 看房子Inspecting Housing 14

Unit 4 租约与订金Leases&Deposits 20

Part Ⅱ 修缮与装潢篇Making Renovations&Decorating 28

Unit 5 找室内设计师Contacting Interior Designers 28

Unit 6 找水电工Hiring Plumbers&Electricians 34

Unit 7 找木工Getting Carpentry Done 42

Unit 8 找花匠、园丁Getting Gardening Done 48

Part Ⅲ 搬家篇Moving 56

Unit 9 如何找到合适的搬家公司?Finding Movers 56

Unit 10 联络搬家公司Contacting Movers 62

Unit 11 打包与装箱Packing 68

Unit 12 指挥搬运工将物品就位Instructing Movers 74

Unit 13 选购家具Shopping for Furniture 82

Part Ⅳ 购置居家用品篇Shopping for Your House 82

Unit 14 选购电器Shopping for Electronic Equipment 90

Unit 15 选购厨房用具Shopping for Kitchen Appliances 98

Unit 16 选购浴室用品Shopping for Bathroom Accessories 106

Unit 17 选购床上用品Purchasing Bedding 114

Part Ⅴ 补充篇Taking Care of Services and Other Situations 124

Unit 18 申请安装电话Getting Phone Lines Installed 124

Unit 19 申请安装有线电视Choosing Cable TV Services 130

Unit 20 缴付水电费及物业管理费Paying Utility Bills&Maintenance Fees 136

Unit 21 与室友订立生活公约Making Rules with Roommates 142

Part Ⅵ 短期寄宿篇 Temp?ary L?gi?s 150

Unit 22 住旅馆Asking about Hotel Services 150

Unit 23 住宿舍Living in a Dormitory 156

Unit 24 住接待家庭Staying in a Host Home 162

Unit 25 上网寻找资料Searching for Information on the Internet 168

附录Appendix 176

常用词汇A-Z 176
