- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)夏普编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国政法大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7562023840
- 页数:223 页
Leveller texts 3
1 John Lilburne,'On the 150th page':An untitled broad-sheet of August 1645 3
2 William Walwyn,Toleration justified and persecution condemned.29 January 1646 9
3 John Lilburne,Postscript to The freeman's freedom vindicated.16 June 1646 31
4 Richard Overton with William Walwyn's collabor-ation,A remonstrance of many thousand citizens.7 July 1646 33
5 Richard Overton,An arrow against all tyrants.12 October 1646 54
6 William Walwyn,Gold tried in thefire.4 June 1647 73
7 Several hands,An agreement of the people for a firm and present peace upon grounds of common right and freedom.28 October 1647 92
8 Members of the New Model Army and civilian Level-lers,Extract from the debates at the General Council of the Army,Putney.29 October 1647 102
9 John Lilburne and others,The petition of 11 September 1648 131
10 John Lilburne,England's new chains discovered.26 February 1649 140
11 William Walwyn,and on behalf of John Lilburne,Thomas Prince and Richard Overton,A manifes-tation.14 April 1649 158
12 John Lilburne,William Walwyn,Thomas Prince and Richard Overton,An agreement of the free people of England.1 May 1649 168
13 John Lilburne,The young men's and the apprentices'outcry.29 August 1649 179
Select biographies 202
Index 214
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