词汇:描述、习得与教学 英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)NorbertSchmitt,(英)MichaelMcCarthy著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7810806033
- 页数:383 页
Introduction 1
Part 1 Vocabulary and description 6
1.1 Vocabulary size,text coverage and word lists 6
1.2 Written and spoken vocabulary 20
1.3 Vocabulary connections:multi-word items in English 40
1.4 On the role of context in first-and second-language vocabulary learning 64
1.5 Receptive vs.productive aspects of vocabulary 84
1.6 Editors'comments-description section 103
Part 2 Vocabulary and acquisition 109
2.1 Towards a new approach to modelling vocabulary acquisition 109
2.2 Vocabulary acquisition:word structure,collocation,word-class,and meaning 122
2.3 What's in a word that makes it hard or easy:some intralexical factors that affect the learning of words 140
2.4 The influence of the mother tongue on second language vocabulary acquisition and use 156
2.5 Learning the orthographical form of L2 vocabulary-a receptive and a productive process 181
2.6 Vocabulary learning strategies 199
2.7 Editors'comments-acquisition section 228
Part 3 The pedagogical context 237
3.1 Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary 237
3.2 Incorporating vocabulary into the syllabus 258
3.3 Vocabulary reference works in foreign language learning 279
3.4 Vocabulary and testing 303
3.5 Editors'comments-pedagogy section 321
Glossary 327
References 332
Author index 372
Content index 380
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