A 1
1.a与an 1
2.above, over 与 on 2
3.after 与behind 4
4.afraid,frightened 与 fear 5
5.a few 与 a little,few 与little 7
6.alike,like 与as 8
7.a little 与 a bit 9
8.allow,permit 与 let 10
9.about 与 on 12
10.asleep,sleep 与 sleepy 13
11.a teacher of English 与an English teacher 14
12.ago 与 before 14
13.already 与 yet 16
14.alone 与 lonely 17
15.all 与 both 18
16.all 与 whole 19
17.a lot , a lot of 与 lots of 20
18.alike 与 similar 21
19.alike 与 sirnilar 23
20.among 与 between 24
21.any 与some 25
22.another 与 other 27
23.answer 与 reply 29
24.apologize for 与 apologize to 30
25.around 与 round 31
26.as,because, since 与 for 32
27.as,when 与 while 34
28.as as 与 as soon as 36
29.attend,join 与 take part in 37
30.at table 与at the table 38
31.at (in)school 与 at (in)the school 39
32.author 与writer 39
33.awake 与 wake up 40
34.at the moment 与in a moment 41
35.at the beginning 与in the beginning 42
36.All right, That's all right 与That's right 42
37.almost 与 nearly 43
38.at 与 for 44
39.across 与 through 44
40.across 与 over 45
B 46
41.below,under 与 beneath 46
42.be married 与 get married 48
43.before 与 in front of 48
44.by, with 与 in 49
45.bring up 与 educate 50
46.becaise 与 because of 51
47.beside,besides 与 except 52
48.be going to ,shall 与will 54
49.begin 与 start 55
50.beat 与 jump 56
51.be made of , be made from 与 be made in 57
52.beat 与 hit 58
53.below 与 under 59
54.be from 与 come from 60
55.beautiful,pretty, handsome, fair 与 lovely 61
56.business,matter 与 thing 63
57.by bike 与 on one's bike 64
58.by the end of ,at the end of 与 in the end 65
59.big ,large 与 great 67
60.boat 与 ship 68
61.borrow 与 lend 69
62.bring,take, carry 与 fetch 70
63.bright 与 clever 72
C 72
64.country, nation,state 与 land 72
65.cheat, deceive 与 fool 74
66.choose ,select, pick 与opt 76
67.cause 与 reason 77
68.chemical 与 chemistry 78
69.close, shut 与turn off 78
70.clptjomg ,clothes 与dress 80
71.call 与 visit 81
72.certain 与 sure 82
73.can 与 be able to 83
74.centre 与 middle 86
75.cap 与 hat 87
76.cast 与throw 87
77.choose 与elect 88
78.city 与 town 90
79.cloth, clothes 与clothing 90
80.common,ordinary 与usual 92
81.come 与 go 93
82.Cross,across 与crossing 95
83.cry 与shout 96
84.cry, weep 与 sob 97
85.come over 与 come around 98
86.cold 与 cool 99
87.collect 与 gather 100
88.college 与 university 101
89.class 与 lesson 102
90.correct 与 right 102
D 103
91.difficult 与 hard 103
92.date 与 day 104
93.die, dead,dying 与 dearh 105
94.discover与 find 107
95.discover 与 find 108
96.desk 与 table 109
97.damage,destroy 与 ruin 110
98.do well in 与 be good at 111
99.door 与 gate 112
100.drawing 与 picture 113
101.drop 与 fall 114
E 115
102.ever 与 once 115
103.except 与 but 116
104.except 与 except for 117
105.each 与 every 118
106.else 与 other 119
107.earth, ground,land 与 soil 120
108.easy 与 simple 122
109.each other 与 one another 123
110.earth, globe 与 world 124
111.every one 与 everyone 125
112.every day 与 everyday 126
113.excuse,pardon 与 sorry 127
114.either 与 neither 128
115.end 与 finish 130
116.exam 与 test 131
117.exercise 与 practice 131
118.example 与 model 132
F 134
119.farther 与 further 134
120.fish 与 fishes 134
121.family,home 与 house 135
122.fast 与 quick 136
123.forget to do 与 forget doing 137
124.feel 与 touch 137
125.farmer 与 peasant 138
126.for 与 to 139
127.forget 与 leave 140
128.found 与 set up 141
130.game 与 match 142
G 142
129.far 与 a long way 142
131.glad 与 happy 143
132.go on to do 与 go on doing 144
133.good,well,fine 与 nice 145
134.grow 与 plant 147
H 147
135.have a word, have words 与 have word 147
136.have done sth 与 have sth done 148
137.hear 与listen 149
138.happen 与 take place 150
139.hard 与 hardly 152
140.have on 与 put on 153
141.help to do 与 help do 154
142.hanged 与 hung 154
143.hope 与 wish 155
144.how often, how long 与 how far 156
145.hundred 与 hundreds of 158
146.hardly 与 barely 159
I 160
147.in the end 与 at iast 160
148.if 与 whether 161
149.in 与 after 162
150.in front of 与 in the front of 163
151.in, on 与 to 164
153.interest, in teresting 与 interested 165
152.in hospital 与 in the hospital 165
J 167
154.job 与Work 167
155.journey, travel 与 trip 168
156.just,just now 与 right now 169
K 171
157.kind 与 sort 171
158.kill, shoot 与 murder 172
159.loud 与 aloud 173
L 173
160.look 与 seem 174
161.look ,see 与 watch 175
162.like to do 与 like doing 177
163.lie 与 lay 178
164.like 与 care for 179
165.lift, raise 与 rise 180
166.like 与 enjoy 181
167.lose 与 miss 182
168.long before 与 before long 183
169.learn 与 study 183
170.look for 与 find 184
171.look after 与 take care of 185
172.let's 与 let us 186
173.less than 与 no less than 187
174.more 与 most 188
M 188
175.mist 与 have to 189
176.may, may be 与 may be 192
177.more 与 more and more 193
178.many a 与 many 194
179.make 与 produce 194
180.much 与 many 195
182.more than, no more than 与 not more than 197
181.mend ,repair 与 fix 197
183.madam,madame,Mrs 与 Ms 198
N 199
184.near,nearly 与 nearby 199
185.no one 与 none 201
186.no longer, not any longer ,no more 与 not any more 202
187.not a little 与 not a bit 203
188.neither of 与 none of 204
190.no(t) but 与 not only but (also) 206
191.noise, sound 与 voice 207
O 209
192.one day 与 some day 209
193.on time 与 in time 210
194.older 与 elder 210
195.own 与 onese if 211
196.onto 与 on to 212
197.one, ones,one's 与 oneseif 213
198.on earth 与 on the earth 214
P 215
199.pass 与 past 215
200.people 与 peoples 216
201.prefer 与 like 217
202.people, person 与 human 218
203.pupil 与 student 219
204.please, pleased 与 pleasure 220
205.prlblem 与question 221
206.path, road ,street 与 way 222
207.prepare 与 prepare for 224
R 224
208.real 与 true 224
209.remain 与 stay 225
210.room 与 place 226
211.reach, arrive 与get 227
212.rise,arise 与 raise 229
213.right ,all right , right now 与 right away 230
214.reply 与 answer 231
215.rather 与 fairly 232
216.study 与 learn 233
217.surely, certainly 与 sure 234
218.speech, lecture ,report 与 talk 235
219.say, speak,talk 与 tell 237
220.see sb. dosth 与 see sb doing sth 238
221.seat 与 sit 239
222.small 与 little 240
223.silent 与 quiet 241
224.sometime ,some time 与 sometimes 242
225.somebody, someone 与 some one 244
226.spend 与 take 245
227.sick 与 ill 246
228.should 与 ought to 247
229.stop to do 与 stop doing 249
230.so 与 such 250
231.So that 与 such that 251
232.still 与 yet 253
233.So I do 与 So do I 254
T 255
234.tall 与 high 255
235.till 与 until 256
236.too, also 与 either 257
237.through 与 throughout 258
238.through 与 across 259
239.to 与 towards 260
U 261
240.used to 与 be used to 261
V 263
241.very 与 much 263
242.Very, quite, rather 与 pretty 265
243.very much 与 a lot 266
244.wear 与 put on 267
W 267
245.want 与 would like 268
246.what for 与 why 270
247.what time 与when 271
248.wide 与 broad 272
249.worry,worry about 与 be worried 273
250.what 与 how 274
251.would you like 与 want 275
参考答案 276
- 《汉语词汇知识与习得研究》邢红兵主编 2019
- 《法语词汇认知联想记忆法》刘莲编著 2020
- 《《国语》和《战国策》词汇比较研究》陈长书著 2017
- 《高中英语词汇考试指导》徐志江编著 2019
- 《新课标初中英语词汇同步速记 八年级 上 通用版》蔡波主编 2018
- 《新课标初中英语词汇同步速记 九年级 全1册》蔡波编 2018
- 《说文解单词 高中英语词汇4000》余锦华,徐嘉 2019
- 《计算机自适应英语语用能力测试系统设计与效度验证 以TEM4词汇与语法题为例》张一鑫著 2019
- 《牛津学术英语词汇精练 基础篇》Julie Moore 2019
- 《高中英语中译英 语法分类·核心词汇》(中国)查天恩 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《北京生态环境保护》《北京环境保护丛书》编委会编著 2018
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 九年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《高等院校旅游专业系列教材 旅游企业岗位培训系列教材 新编北京导游英语》杨昆,鄢莉,谭明华 2019
- 《2018世界华文教育年鉴》(中国)贾益民 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 数学 九年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《西单大杂院-北京老舍文学院首届中青年作家高研班学员小说作品集》北京老舍文学院编 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 数学 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《北京人民艺术剧院剧本系列 白露》刘国华,马鹏程 2019
- 《北京模式》吴建繁,王德海,朱岩编 2017