- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)霍尔(Hall J.K.)著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7560085296
- 页数:242 页
Introduction 1
Section Ⅰ Defining language and culture 5
1 A sociocultural perspective on language and culture 7
1.1 Introduction 7
1.2 Language as sociocultural resource 8
1.3 Culture as sociocultural practice 17
1.4 Linguistic relativity 19
1.5 A socially constituted linguistics 21
1.6 Systemic functional linguistics 25
1.7 Summary 28
2 Language and identity 31
2.1 Introduction 31
2.2 Social identity 32
2.3 Agency,identity and language use 35
2.4 Research on language use and identity 38
2.5 Summary 45
3 Language-and-culture learning 48
3.1 Introduction 48
3.2 A sociocultural perspective on language and culture learning 49
3.3 Language socialisation 53
3.4 Learning how to mean 56
3.5 Social activity and language development 57
3.6 Social activity and cognitive development 60
3.7 Language classrooms as fundamental sites of learning 62
3.8 Summary 66
Section Ⅱ Teaching language and culture 69
4 The sociocultural worlds of learners 71
4.1 Introduction 71
4.2 Language socialisation practices:Home and school connections 72
4.3 Language variation 74
4.4 Redesigning curriculum and instruction 75
4.5 Summary 82
5 Language and culture of the classroom 85
5.1 Introduction 85
5.2 Schools and classrooms as communicative environments 86
5.3 The role of classroom discourse 89
5.4 Redesigning curriculum and instruction 94
5.5 Summary 100
6 Language and culture as curricular content 104
6.1 Introduction 104
6.2 Defining knowledge of language and culture 105
6.3 Pedagogical approaches for redesigning language classrooms 112
6.4 Summary 123
Section Ⅲ Researching language and culture 125
7 The research enterprise 127
7.1 Introduction 127
7.2 Methodological foundations of research on language and culture from a sociocultural perspective 128
7.3 Research ethics 137
7.4 Summary 139
8 Approaches to research on language,cultu re and learning 141
8.1 Introduction 141
8.2 Ethnography of communication 142
8.3 Interactional sociolinguistics 146
8.4 Conversation analysis 148
8.5 Discourse analysis 151
8.6 Critical discourse analysis 154
8.7 Microgenetic approach 155
8.8 Summary 159
9 Guidelines for doing research 160
9.1 Introduction:The research cycle 160
9.2 Identify concerns and develop research questions 160
9.3 Identify research approach and sources of data 162
9.4 Collect data 166
9.5 Analyse the data 166
9.6 Reflect on the findings 168
9.7 Share findings and take action where appropriate 168
9.8 Summary 170
10 Contexts of research 172
10.1 Introduction 172
10.2 Contexts of research 173
10.3 Summary 198
Section Ⅳ Resources for teaching and researching language and culture 199
11 Resources for teaching and researching language and culture 201
11.1 Introduction 201
11.2 Journals 202
11.3 Professional organisations 206
11.4 Web-based resources for teaching and researching language and culture 208
Glossary 212
References 219
Author Index 237
Subject Index 241
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