最简方案:句法理论与英语结构 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Andrew Radford著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7301053509
- 页数:558 页
1 Principles and parameters 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Grammar 1
1.3 Criteria of adequacy 4
1.4 Language faculty 6
1.5 Creativity 9
1.6 Principles 12
1.7 Parameters 16
1.8 Parameter-setting 20
1.9 Evidence 22
1.10 Summary 24
Workbook section 25
2 Categories and features 37
2.1 Overview 37
2.2 Morphological evidence 37
2.3 Syntactic evidence 40
2.4 Functional categories:determiners and pronouns 45
2.5 Auxiliaries and infinitival to 49
2.6 Complementizers 54
2.7 Parsing 58
2.8 Subcategorial features 59
2.9 Cross-categorial features 63
2.10 Summary 68
Workbook section 70
3 Syntactic structure 86
3.1 Overview 86
3.2 Forming phrases 86
3.3 Specifiers 89
3.4 Forming sentences 94
3.5 Tree diagrams 97
3.6 Configurational relations 99
3.7 Testing structure 102
3.8 Additional tests 107
3.9 C-command 110
3.10 Summary 116
Workbook section 117
4 Empty categories 131
4.1 Overview 131
4.2 PRO subjects 131
4.3 Null auxiliaries 135
4.4 Unfilled INFL 137
4.5 Bare infinitives 144
4.6 Null complementizers 147
4.7 Null determiners 151
4.8 Pronouns 154
4.9 Attributive adjectives 157
4.10 Summary 159
Workbook section 159
5 Checking 170
5.1 Overview 170
5.2 Interpretable and uninterpretable features 170
5.3 Checking 174
5.4 Phrases 178
5.5 Percolation 184
5.6 Determiner phrases 187
5.7 PRO subjects 191
5.8 Objective subjects 193
5.9 Bare phrase structure 198
5.10 Summary 200
Workbook section 202
6 Head movement 216
6.1 Overview 216
6.2 Auxiliary inversion 216
6.3 Traces 219
6.4 Verb movement 222
6.5 Strong and weak features 226
6.6 Negation 231
6.7 The syntax of have 235
6.8 Tense affix 240
6.9 Question affix 245
6.10 Summary 250
Workbook section 252
7 Operator movement 267
7.1 Overview 267
7.2 Wh-operators 267
7.3 Enlightened self-interest and shortest movement 271
7.4 Pied-piping 276
7.5 Embedded questions in Belfast English 282
7.6 Embedded questions in Standard English 286
7.7 Subject questions 292
7.8 Yes-no questions 294
7.9 Nonoperator questions 298
7.10 Summary 299
Workbook section 301
8 A movement 315
8.1 Overview 315
8.2 VP-internal subject hypothesis 315
8.3 Evidence that subjects originate in spec-VP 318
8.4 Argument structure and theta-marking 324
8.5 Case-checking via head-adjunction and attraction 329
8.6 Raising predicates 334
8.7 Differences between raising and control predicates 337
8.8 Passivization 341
8.9 Explanation 345
8.10 Summary 349
Workbook section 351
9 VP shells 367
9.1 Overview 367
9.2 Ergative predicates 367
9.3 Adverbs and prepositional particles 370
9.4 Ditransitive and resultative predicates 377
9.5 Three-place predicates with clausal complements 379
9.6 Object-control predicates 382
9.7 Monotransitive predicates 388
9.8 Unergative predicates 390
9.9 Unaccusative predicates 392
9.10 Summary 401
Workbook section 403
10 Agreement projections 422
10.1 Overview 422
10.2 Subject agreement projections 422
10.3 Evidence from other varieties of English 427
10.4 Object agreement projections 431
10.5 Exceptional case-marking 439
10.6 Indirect object agreement projections 444
10.7 Genitive DPs 448
10.8 For-infinitives and prepositional objects 449
10.9 Passives and unaccusatives reconsidered 454
10.10 Summary 459
Workbook section 461
Glossary and list of abbreviations 490
References 536
Index 543
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