旅游英语 第3册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱炜,林珍珍编
- 出 版 社:天津:天津人民出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7201038753
- 页数:251 页
Contents 1
Lesson 1 1
Text: (1)Abraham Lincoln s Day 12
(2)Marriott s Approach to Communication 12
Word Study:limit,accompany,remain 12
Grammar: 名词:可数名词和不可数名词 12
Reading Comprehension:Aloha 12
Lesson2 12
Lesson3 24
Reading Comprehension:The Turtle Who Could Not Stop Talking 24
Grammar: 动词:及物动词和不及物动词 24
Word Study: reach,agree,try 24
(2)Three Men on an Island 24
Text: (1)The Changeover from Knickers to Long Pants 24
Text: (1)Christmas 37
(2)What at Keeps Customers Coming Back? 37
Word Study:help,consider,hang 37
Grammar:Word Study的目的与要求 37
Reading Comprehension:Three Cheers for the Navy 37
Lesson 4 37
Lesson 5 50
Reading Comprehension:A Happy Man without a Shirt 50
Grammar: 现在完成时与一般过去时 50
Word Study: occur,happen,regret 50
Text: (1)The Weather in Britain 50
(2)Where Does Employee Loyalty Come From? 50
Text: (1)The Origin ofthe Roast Beijing Duck 65
(2)Bob Dickinson 65
Word Study: suppose,confess,plead 65
Grammar: 一般过去时与过去完成时 65
Reading Material: Impulse Buying 65
Lesson 6 65
Grammar: 现在完成时和现在完成进行时 79
Lesson 7 79
Reading Comprehension:The Drive-In Cinema 79
Word Study: cover,collect,size 79
(2)Speed Life of a Top Concierge 79
Text: (1)Australia,a Land of Beauty 79
Text: (1)The Frontier Spirit 94
(2)Resorts 94
Word Study: finish,follow,mark 94
Grammar: 一般过去时和过去进行时 94
Reading Comprehension:Preparing Food 94
Lesson 8 94
Lesson 9 107
Grammar: 表示知觉的动词 107
Reading Material:Tastes Differ 107
(2)Club Med and its GOs 107
Text: (1)How Americans Eat and Drink 107
Word Study: contain,hit,introduce 107
Text: (1)Agriculture in Britain 122
(2)From Worst to First(Ⅰ) 122
Word Study:pass,join,handle 122
Grammar: 将来进行时和将来完成时 122
Reading Comprehension:The“Heuriger”Wine Tavem 122
Lesson 10 122
Grammar: shall和will的用法 139
Lesson 11 139
Reading Comprehension:Dumplings from the Imperial Court 139
Word Study: watch,convince,suffer 139
(2)From Worst to First(Ⅱ) 139
Text: (1)There is Magic in a Word of Praise 139
Text: (1)Growing up—at Home and at School 154
(2)Dell Computer 154
Word Study: share,mind,expect 154
Grammar: should和would的用法 154
Reading Comprehension:Why Are Those Skies So Friendly? 154
Lesson 12 154
Lesson 13 169
Grammar: must(may,might)+infinitive in the perfect tense 169
Reading Comprehension:Try Kindness 169
(2)The Secret of Oriental Charm 169
Text: (1)Service 169
Word Study: recognize,bear,maintain 169
Text: (1)American Women 184
(2)An MBA and His Idea 184
Word Study: act,permit,disturb 184
Grammar: 情态动词用法杂谈 184
Reading Comprehension:Smile When You Don t Feel Like It 184
Lesson 14 184
Grammar: 用于强调的“Do” 199
Lesson 15 199
Reading Comprehension:On Watching TV 199
Word Study: miss,board,involve 199
(2)Little Travel Agency that Could 199
Text: (1)Listening Is a Fine Art 199
Text: (1)Guest Relations 215
(2)Simulation of Technological Travel Wonders at Rosenbluth 215
Word Study: suit,seek,appreciate 215
Grammar: 虚拟语气(Ⅰ) 215
Reading Comprehension:Growing Fast Food Industry in Hong Kong 215
Lesson 16 215
Text: (1)A Drive for Information 232
(2)Ellsworth Statler 232
Word Study: raise,mean,order 232
Grammar: 虚拟语气(Ⅱ) 232
Reading Comprehension:Praise and Positive Reinforcement 232
Key to Exercises 232
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