- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:谢立新编著
- 出 版 社:西安:陕西人民教育出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7541925020
- 页数:412 页
a(an) 1
a few 5
a little 6
abbreviatins 缩写词,略语 6
about 11
absolute constructions 独立结构 12
abstract nouns 16
action verbs动作动词 17
active and passive voice 主动语态与被动语态 18
adjective clauses形容词性分句 20
adjectives 形容词 31
adjective phrses 形容词短语 31
adverbial clauses 状语从句 53
adverbial objeot 状语性宾语 71
adverbial phrases状语性短语 72
adverbs 副词 74
adverbs and adjectives 副词与形容词 80
adverbs and prepositios 副词与介词 80
agent 动作执行者(施动者) 81
agreement 一致关系 81
all 89
also 89
alternative conditions 交替条件 91
alternative quastions选择问句 93
although 95
am 95
am ot 95
among(amongst) 96
amount(number) 97
and 97
angry at(with) 98
animals 98
another 98
another 98
antecedent先行词 99
any(some) 100
anyone 102
anywhere(everywhere,nowhere) 102
apodosis结果分句(结论性主句) 102
apostrophe省字号 103
articles冠词 107
as 107
as if(as though) 109
as well as,as to 109
as well as 110
at 110
attributive adjectives定语形容词 111
at(on,in) 111
auxiliary verbs助动词 112
bad,badly 124
base of predicate谓语基本动词 125
be 126
because 129
become 129
been 130
belwo(under) 130
between 132
beside(besides) 132
both 132
but 133
but that 134
by and by 135
colon 昌号 135
colective nouns 集体名词 135
by 135
by the by 136
can(could) 136
can but(cannot but) 136
capital letters大写字母 136
cardinal numerals基数词 137
case 格 137
causstive senxe of verbs动词的使役意义 137
carse原因 138
apposition同位语 140
circumstance状况 142
certain 142
clauses 分句,从句 142
comma 逗号 156
common gender通性 159
common nouns普通名词 160
comparison of adjectives形容词的比较 161
comparison of adverbs 副词的比较 161
complementary infinitjve 补语不定式 161
comparison比较 161
comparative degree 比较级 161
complements 补语 162
complete predicate完全谓语 162
complete subject完全主语 162
complex sentences复杂句 163
compound clauses 并列从句 163
compound comples sentencesu 关列复合句 163
compound nouns 复合名词 164
复合谓语(复合主语) 165
compound sentences并列句 171
comcession 让步从句 171
concrete nouns 具体名词 174
conditional clarses条件分句 174
conjunctions连接词 175
context语境(上下文) 175
contmuative relatives 继续性关系词 176
contractions紧缩形式 177
copula系词 178
coordmate clarses 关列分句 178
copulative verbs 连系动词 178
correlative conjunctions 关联连词 178
coordmative conjunctions关列连词 178
contrary to fact 与事实相反的条件对比 178
dare 179
dash破折号 180
declarative scntences 陈述句 181
defective verbs 不完全变化动词 181
dead(died) 181
demonstrative adjectives指示形容词 182
edgrees of comparison 比较等级 182
demonstrative pronouns 指(示)代词 182
dependent从属 182
degree 等给,程度 182
definite article定冠词 182
determinative adjectives 限写形容词 183
diagrams图解 183
descriptive adjectives描写形容词 183
direct object 直接宾语 184
each 187
doubtful conditions表疑问的条件句 187
each other 187
distributive pronouns 分布代名词 187
distributive adjectives分布形容词 187
either 188
elder(eldest) 189
ellipsis省略 189
either…or 189
else 190
else than 191
emphatic pronouns 强调代词 191
emphatic verb phrases强调动词短语 192
endings 词尾 192
even if 196
every 196
enough 196
exclamation point 感叹号 197
exclamatory infinitive and nominative不定式和主格感叹句 197
exclamatory sentences感叹句 198
expletives 语助词 199
feminine gender阴性 201
few 201
farther,further 201
finite verb 定式动词 202
first 202
figures数码字 202
for 203
from 205
former and latter 205
full stop句号 205
foremost 205
foreign plurals外来语复数 205
futrre tense 将来时 206
gender 性 206
future perfect rtense 将来完成时 206
gerund 动名词 212
good-by 215
had better(had rether) 215
hard,hardly 216
help 217
have to 217
historical present历史现在时 217
hardly…when 217
if,whether 218
if you like 218
hyphen 连字号 218
imperative mood 祈使语气 219
impersonal verbs 无人称动词 223
in case that 224
in order to 224
in(at) 224
independent clauses 独立分句 225
indefinite article 不定冠词 225
independent constructions独立结构 225
incomplete predication 不完全谓语 225
indeterminate conditions 不定条件句 225
indicative mood 陈述语气 226
in that 226
indirect commands 间接祈使句 228
indirect questions 间接疑问句 239
infinitive 不一式 241
reflexive object 反身宾语 252
infinitive clauses 不定式分句 253
inflections 屈折变化 253
intensive pronouns 强势代词 253
interjections 感叹词 253
interrogative adiectives 疑问形容词 255
in terrogative sentences 疑问句 259
into 264
intransitive verbs 不及物动词 265
inverted order 倒装语(词)序 269
is 272
is to 272
lest 273
let 273
it 273
like 274
little 274
(plural of)letters字母的复数 274
main clause 主句 275
main verb 主要动词 275
many 276
masculine gender 阳性 277
material nouns 物质名词 277
may(might) 278
methinks 279
mondal adverbs情态副词 279
mood 语气 280
more 280
more than ten and ten more 281
most 281
much and many 281
must 281
near 282
negative commands 否定命令句 282
negative conjonctions否定连词 283
negative questions 否定问句 283
neuter gender 中性 284
nevertheless 284
no and yes 285
interrogative adverbs 疑问副词 285
no 285
no less than 286
no matter 288
no sooner than 289
nominative absolute 独立主格 289
nominative case和格 289
none 289
nor 289
nor only…but also 289
noun clauses 名词性分句 290
noun phrases 名词短语 290
now 291
nuw that 291
O and oh 292
numeral adverbs 数词副词 292
numeral adjectives 数词形容词 292
number 数 292
object complement 宾语补足语 296
objective case宾格 299
objective clauvses 宾语从句 299
objective phrases 宾语短语 299
of 300
off 301
on 302
once 302
one andother 304
only 305
optative sentenccs愿望句 305
or 308
other 309
(the)other day 310
ought 310
outer 310
over 311
pesenthetical cxpersslons 插入语 311
pessing 语法分析 312
participles分词 315
passive voice 被动词态 322
peffect infinitive 完成体分词 325
person 人称 325
personal pronouns人称代词 326
personification 拟人法 327
place 位置 328
please(if you please) 329
pluperfect tense过去完成时 330
plural number 复数 330
positive degree 原级 330
possessive adjectives 所有格形容词 330
possessive case 所有格 333
possessive pronouns 物主代词 335
predicate 谓语 336
predicalte adjective 谓词性形容词 339
predicate nominatives 谓语性主格 342
predicate verb 谓语关系 343
preposition介词 344
prohibitions禁语句 346
progressive forms进行时形式 346
principal verb 主要动词 346
principal clauses 主句 346
present perfect tense 现在完成时 346
present participle 现在分词 346
present indefinite 一般现在时 346
pronouns 代词 347
proper adjectives 专有形容词 347
protasis前提分句 348
purpose目的语 348
quantity量词 349
question mark问号 349
questions 疑问句 349
quotation mark引号 350
rather 350
reciprocal pronouns 相互代词 351
relative adjectives 关系形容词 353
relative adverbs 关系副词 353
reflexive pronouns 反身代词 353
relative pronouns 关系代词 356
retained object 保留宾语 362
scarecely…when 363
semincolon 分号 363
sequence of tenses 时态的呼应 364
several 366
shall and will 366
should and would 367
sign of the infinitive 动词不定式的标志 367
singular number 单数 368
so and then 368
since 368
so as to 369
still 370
split infinitive 分裂不定式 370
subject 主语 370
somebody(some one,something) 370
subordinative conjunctions 从属连词 372
subordinate clauses 从属分句 372
such…as 372
subjunctive mood 虚拟语气 372
subject complement 主语补足语 372
supposing 374
tenses 时态 374
superlative degree 最高级 374
than 383
that 384
that will do 387
the 387
that is 387
they 389
there 389
though 389
then 389
till(until) 390
time 390
titles称号(复数用法) 391
to 392
too 393
unless 394
verbal nouns 名词化的动名词 394
under 394
verbs 动词 395
verb phrases 动词短语 401
weak and strong verbs 弱动词和强动词 402
voice语态 402
were to 402
very 402
what 403
when 405
whatever 405
where 405
whatever 405
wherein(wherefrom,etc) 406
which 407
while 407
whether…or 407
who 408
whoever 409
will 410
why 410
with(without) 410
whose 410
yes,no 411
yet 411
worth while 411
yonder 412
you 412
conclosion结果分句 714
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