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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:潘章仙,俞晓编著
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7534109760
  • 页数:240 页

Unit 1 Lnvitation and Reply (邀请与答复) 1

Part 1 Oral Invitation and Reply for Social Occasions (社交场合的书面邀请与答复) 6

Part 2 Written Invitation and Reply for Social Occasions (社交场合的书面邀请与答复) 13

Part 3 Invitation and Reply for Formal VIsit (对正式访问的邀请与答复) 24

Unit 2 Reception of Foreign Guests(接待外宾) 24

Part 1 Preparation for the Arrival of the Cuests (接待外宾的准备工作) 31

Part 2 Meeting Foreign Guests (迎接外宾) 36

Unit 3 The Welconming Dinnner (一日三餐) 42

Pait 1 Local Dishes (地方菜) 42

Part 2 Breakfast and Lunch (早餐和午餐) 49

Part 3 Foods on Holidays (节日饮食) 55

Part 4 Drink Party (酒会) 63

Part 1 Business Talks(商务洽谈) 70

Unit 4 Talks(洽淡) 70

Part 2 Signing Contracts (签订合同) 78

Part 3 Academic Talks(学术讨论) 83

Unit 5 Visits(参观) 92

Part 1 Seeing Is Believing(眼见为实) 92

Part 2 Chinese Educational System(中国的教育体系) 101

Part 3 Sightseeing(游览) 109

Unit 6 Transportation(交通) 118

Part 1 Travelling by Railway(乘火车旅行) 118

Part 2 Travelling by Air(乘飞机旅行) 123

Part 3 Taking a Bus(乘公共汽车) 129

Part 4 Hiring a Taxi(雇出租汽车) 134

Part 1 Asking about Health (问候健康) 140

Unit 7 Health (健康) 140

Part 2 Seeing the Doctor (看医生) 145

Part 3 At the Dentist's (在牙科诊所) 152

Part 4 Talking about China's Tralditional Medicine (中论中国传统医学) 157

Unit 8 Leisure Time (休闲时光) 166

Part 1 Shopping (购物) 166

Part 2 Theatre-going (去剧院) 172

Part 3 Wandering Around (闲逛) 179

Part 4 Talking at the Sportsground (运动场上的谈话) 185

Unit 9 Accidents (事故) 193

Part 1 Traffic Accidents (交通事故) 193

Part 2 Complaining(抱怨) 193

Part 3 Sympathy and Consolation (同情和安慰) 204

Unit 10 Sending off (送别) 210

Part 1 Seeing Off at the Guesthouse(在宾馆送行) 210

Part 2 Saying Goodbye at the Aitpom(在机场告别) 216

Part 3 Writing a Letter for Bidding Farewell (写送别信) 222

Appendices(附录) 229

Appendix 1 Practical Stale Organs(常用国家机关名称) 229

Appendix 2 A Brief Chinese Chronoiogy(中国历史年代简表) 232

Appendix 3 The Heauenly Stems and Earthiy Branches(天干地支) 234

Appendix 4 The Twenty-four Solat Terms(二十四节气) 235

Appendix 5 Time Dyfferences belween Major Cyties in the W orld(世界主要城市时差对照表) 236

Appendix 6 Major National Festyuals in China (中国主要节日) 239

Appendix 7 Major Traditional F estiuals in China(中国主要传统节日) 239
