- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:施孝昌,(美)WillyRoberts著
- 出 版 社:广州:广东科技出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7535925596
- 页数:215 页
CHAPTER 1 Good Morning! 1
1.Time to wake up! 该起床了! 1
2.I'm going to take a shower. 我要洗个澡。 4
3.What do you want for breakfast? 你早餐要吃什么? 7
4.Bye,I'm leaving. 再见,我要走了。 10
5.Hand me the sports section,will you? 把运动版递给我,好吗? 12
CHAPTER 2 During The Day 16
6.I'll have a sandwich for lunch. 我午餐想吃三明治。 16
7.What channel is the news on ? 哪个频道有新闻报道? 18
8.Does this station play good music? 这个电台播的音乐好吗? 20
9.Who's there? 是谁呀? 23
10.May I take a message? 你有什么留言要我记下来吗? 26
CHAPTER 3 At Night 29
11.Honey,I'm home. 亲爱的,我回家了。 29
12.How was school? 学校的情形怎么样? 31
13.Dinner is ready. 吃晚饭了。 33
14.Did you set the table? 你把餐桌摆好了没有? 35
15.Don't talk with your mouth full. 嘴巴里有东西时不要说话。 36
16.I'll do the dishes. 我来洗碗。 39
17.Will you help me clean them up? 你可以帮我清理吗? 41
CHAPTER 4 Bedtime 43
18.What's your day like tomorrow? 你明天有什么事要做? 43
19.Where's the floss? 牙线在哪里? 44
20.Goodnight! Sleep tight! 晚安!好好地睡觉! 46
21.Time to turn in. 该睡觉了。 47
CHAPTER 5 Home,Sweet Home 51
22.I love bedtime stories. 我喜欢听睡前故事。 51
23.It's time for Spring Cleaning. 是春季大扫除的时间。 53
24.The garbage man is here. 收垃圾的人来了 。 55
25.Clean the bathroom. 清理浴室。 56
26.Can you help me wash the car? 你可以帮我洗车吗? 58
27.Sort the laundry. 把要洗的衣服分类。 59
28.Where is the nearest Laundromat? 最近的自助洗衣店在哪里? 61
29.Hang the shirt on a hanger. 把衬衫挂在衣架上。 63
30.Put the socks in the top drawer. 把袜子放在衣柜的最上层。 65
31.I'd like to pick up my dry cleaning. 我要去拿我送干洗的衣服。 67
32.I'll hand wash the dress. 我要用手洗这件上装。 69
CHAPTER 6 Shopping Ⅰ 71
33.I need to shop for a pair of shoes. 我要去买一双鞋子。 71
34.We only carry women's clothes. 我们只卖女士服装。 74
35.It's on sale today. 它今天在打折。 75
36.I'll take it. 我买了。 77
37.I need more cream. 我需要乳液。 79
38.You look best in bright red lipstick. 你用鲜艳的红色唇膏看起来最好。 81
39.What perfume are you wearing ? 你擦什么香水? 84
40.I'm looking for a ring. 我在找一个戒指。 86
41.Look at my new necklace! 看看我的新项链! 88
42.I love the earrings you are wearing. 我喜欢你戴的耳环。 90
CHAPTER 7 ShoppingⅡ 92
43.I need a new pair of dress shoes. 我需要一双新的皮鞋。 92
44.Do you sell boots here? 你们这里卖靴子吗? 94
45.I'd like to try these on. 我想要试穿。 95
46.I'll bring the slippers. 我会带拖鞋来。 97
47.This a lovely desk. 这张桌子很好看。 99
48.I just love shopping here! 我就是喜欢在这里购物! 100
49.I need a black bag. 我需要一个黑色的皮包。 102
50.I'm looking for a watch. 我在找手表。 104
51.I need a hair band. 我需要一个发带。 106
52.What sort of belt are you looking for? 你在找什么样的皮带? 108
CHAPTER 8 Shopping Ⅲ 110
53.I need a pair of glasses. 我需要一副眼镜。 110
54.That style is popular. 那个款式很受欢迎。 111
55.You look better in contacts. 你戴隐形眼镜比较好看。 114
56.I'm going to buy groceries. 我要去买食品杂货。 115
57.We need paper towels. 我们需要纸巾。 117
58.I need four steaks. 我需要四块牛排。 119
59.I'm going to get some apples. 我要去买一些苹果。 121
60.Cherries are not in season yet. 还不到樱桃的季节。 123
61.We have apples and peaches. 我们有苹果和桃子。 124
62.It's time to buy a new TV. 是买一部新电视的时候了。 125
63.We need a new toaster. 我们需要一个新的烤面包机。 127
64.I want two end tables. 我要两个床头小桌。 129
CHAPTER 9 Beauty 130
65.I need a haircut. 我需要剪头发。 130
66.I have a three o'clock appointment. 我约好三点钟。 131
67.I need a shampoo. 我要洗头发。 133
68.I need a trim. 我要修剪头发。 135
69.I need a perm. 我要烫头发。 137
70.I need a new hairstyle. 我需要一个新发型。 138
71.I want my hair cut short. 我要剪短发。 140
72.How much do I owe you? 一共是多少钱? 142
73.Don't forget to tip the hairdresser. 别忘了给美发师小费。 144
74.How short do you want to go? 你要剪多短? 145
75.I need a shave. 我要修胡须。 146
76.Do you know where the library is? 你知道图书馆在哪里吗? 148
CHAPTER 10 Traveling 148
77.It will be on the right. 那就在右边。 150
78.How long does this flight take? 这班飞机要飞多久? 152
79.How far is it? 有多远呢? 153
80.We have plenty of time. 我们有很多时间呢! 154
81.That's an aisle seat. 那是靠走道的座位。 156
82.Can I get you a drink? 你要我帮你倒杯饮料吗? 157
83.Did you find your suitcase? 你找到你的小提箱了吗? 159
CHAPTER 11 Transportation 161
84.The bus is leaving in five minutes. 再过五分钟公共汽车就要开了 。 161
85.Which bus should I take? 我应该搭哪路车? 162
86.We're taking the bus. 我们搭巴士。 163
87.I took a tour of Europe. 我到欧洲旅游。 165
88.Book me two tickets. 我要订两张票。 166
89.All aboard! 旅客请上车。 168
90.I wish we could get a seat. 我们要是有位子坐就好了 。 170
91.Hail a taxi. 招出租车。 171
92.Where to? 你要到哪里? 172
93.How much is the fare to the airport? 到机场的车费是多少? 174
CHAPTER 12 Cars 176
94.My turn signal isn't working. 我的方向灯坏了 。 176
95.I need an oil change. 我要换机油。 177
96.Fill it up. 把油箱加满。 178
97.I got a ticket today. 我今天被开了一张罚单。 180
98.My car needs a tune-up. 我的车需要调整点火。 181
99.We cruised to Alaska last year. 我们去年搭游轮到阿拉斯加。 182
100.Do you have a boat? 你有游艇吗? 183
CHAPTER 13 Leisure 185
101.I like pop music from the 70's. 我喜欢70年代的流行音乐。 185
102.Are you going to the concert? 你们要去听演唱会吗? 186
103.What tybe of movies do you like best? 你最喜欢什么类型的电影? 188
104.Two adult tickets,please. 我要买两张成人票。 189
105.Could you please be quiet? 请你安静一点,好吗? 190
106.I'd like a box of candy. 我要一盒糖果。 191
107.Could you record the show for me? 你可以帮我录下这个节目吗? 192
108.Don't forget to rewind the tape. 别忘了倒带! 194
109.The station plays country music. 这个电台播放乡村音乐。 195
CHAPTER 14 Social Life 197
110.I'm throwing a party. 我要办个宴会。 197
111.I was invited to a party. 我被邀参加一个宴会。 199
112.How good of you to come! 你真好,肯赏光! 200
113.What kind of film do you use? 你用什么胶卷? 201
114.Do you read a lot? 你经常阅读吗? 203
115.What do you read most? 你最常读的是什么? 204
CHAPTER 15 American Life 206
116.I'm going to the library. 我要去图书馆。 206
117.Is this book out in paperback? 这本书出平装本了吗? 208
118.Who caught the bouquet? 谁接到新娘花了? 209
119.When are you graduating? 你几时会毕业? 212
120.I want to pursue a Master's degree. 我要攻读硕士学位。 214
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