- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)Raymond Murphy著;成豪编译
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7560021611
- 页数:106 页
目录To the student 致学生To the teacher 致老师ThanksExercisenumbers练习序号am/is/are 1
I am doing(present continuous) I am doing(现在进行时) 6
I do/work/like etc.(present simple) I do/work/like等(一般现在时) 10
I am doing and I do(present continuous and present simple) I am doing与I do(现在进行时与一般现在时) 15
have got 20
was/were and I worked/got/went etc.(past simple) was/were与I worked/got/went等(一般过去时) 23
I was doing and I did(past continuous and pastsimple) I was doing与I did(过去进行时与一般过去时去时) 32
Review(present and past,simple and continuous) 复习(一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时与过去进行时) 35
I have done(present perfect) I have done (现在完成时) 38
How long have you...?(present perfect) How long have you...? (现在完成时) 43
I havedone and I did(present perfect and past simple) I have done与I did(现在完成时与一般过去时) 47
Review(present,present perfect and past) 复习(现在时、现在完成时与过去时) 51
is done/was done and is being done/has been done(passive) is done/was done与is being done/hasbeen done(被动语态) 53
be/have/do and regular/irregular verbs be/have/do与规则/不规则动词 57
I used to... 60
What are you doing tomorrow? 62
I'm going to... 64
will/shall 66
Review(future) 复习(将来时) 70
might 74
can and could can与could 76
must/mustn't/needn't 79
should 81
I have to 84
there...and it...there...与it... 86
I do/Haveyou?/So aml etc.(auxiliary verbs) I do/Haveyou?/So am I等(助动词) 89
isn't/haven't/don't etc.(negatives) isn't/haven't/don't等(否定式) 94
questions 疑问句 96
Do you know where...? 102
She said that.../He told you to...(reported speech) She saidthat.../He told you to...(间接引语) 105
do/to do/doing 108
Review(do/to do/doing) 复习(do/to do/doing) 113
I/me/my/mine/myseif etc. i/me/my/mine/myself等 115
-'s(Ann's camera)etc. -'s(Ann's camera)等 120
a/some;countable/uncountable a/some;可数/不可数 123
a/an and the a/an与the 127
some and any some与any 131
some/any/no/none 134
somebody/anything/nowhere etc. somebody/anything/nowhere等 137
every and all every与all 140
all/most/some/any/no/none 143
both/either/neither 146
a lot/much/many;(a)little/(a)few 148
old,nice etc.(adjectives)quickly,badly etc.(adverbs)old,nice等(形容词);quickly,badly等(副词) 151
older/oldest(comparatives and superlatives) older/oldest(比较级与最高级) 154
enough and too enough与too 159
word order;still/yet/already 词序;still/yet/already 163
at,until,before etc.(prepositions of time) at,until,before等(时间介词) 166
in,under,through etc.(prepositions of place and direction) in,under,through等(地点介词与方位介词 170
prepositions (general) 介词(概述) 173
go in,put on etc.(phrasal verbs) go in,put on等(短语动词) 176
when and if when与if 178
the person who.../the people we met(relative clauses)the person who.../the people we met (定语从句) 182
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