实用英语教你写 商务信函PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张迪,张爱华主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7810774239
- 页数:331 页
Sentences for Letters of Counter Offer 1
目 录第1章 商务信函概述 1
Sentences for Letters of Offers 1
Sentences for Letters of Offers 2
Sentences for Letters of Counter Offer 2
Introduction to Business Letters第2章 商务信函的要素 4
Elements of Business Letters2.1 信头 5
Letterhead2.2 案号 6
Date2.4 封内地址 7
Reference2.3 日期 7
Inside Address2.5 注意项 8
Attention Line 2.6 称呼 9
Salutation 2.7 事由栏 10
Subject Line 2.8 信的正文 11
Body of a Letter2.9 信尾敬语 11
Complimentary Close2.10 签名 12
Signature2.11 缩写名,附件及分送标志部分 13
IEC(initials,enclosures and carbon copies block)2.12 附言 14
Business Letter Format and Outline3.1 格式 15
Postscript第3章 商务信函的格式与框架 15
Format3.2 框架 17
Outline第4章 商务信函的写作原则和技巧 20
Basic Principles and Skills for Business Letters4.1 商务信函的基本原则 20
Basic Principles for Business Letters4.2 商务信函的写作技巧 29
Skills for Business Letters第5章 商务信函常用例句 41
Commenly-used Sentencesfor Business Letters5.1 申请交易函常用句 41
Sentences for Letters Proposing Business 41
5.2 查询函常用句 46
Sentences for Inquiry Letters 46
5.3 回复查询函常用句 50
Sentences for Letters in Reply to Inquiry 50
5.4 报价函常用句(1) 54
5.5 报价函常用句(2) 59
5.6 还价函常用句(1) 61
5.7 还价函常用句(2) 65
5.8 承诺函常用句 67
Sentences for Letters of Acceptance 67
5.9 促销函常用句 71
Sentences for Sales Letters 71
5.10 订货函常用句 73
Sentences for Letters of Order 73
5.11 接受/确认订单函常用句 78
Sentences for Acknowledgment of Order 78
5.12 拒绝订单及推荐代替品函常用句 81
Sentences for Letters to Decline Order and Recommend Substitute 81
Sentences for Letters to Amend or Extend L/C 85
5.13 要求修改或延长信用证函常用句 85
5.14 保险信函的常用句 89
Sentences Introduction Letters 89
5.15 装运通知函常用句 92
Sentences for Letters to Advise Shipment5.16 索赔函常用句 95
Sentences for Letters to Make a Claim5.17 理赔函常用句 99
Sentences for Letters to Adj ure a Claim 5.18 代理常用句 104
Sentences for Agency Letters第6章 商务信函范例 106
Samples for Business Letters6.1 销售信Sale Letters 106
6.2 市场营销Market 182
6.3 管理Management 241
6.4 公共关系和宣传Public relations and the publicity 271
6.5 客户服务Customers service 281
第7章 外贸常用词汇 311
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