- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:叶雪梅等编
- 出 版 社:广州:广东高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7536110472
- 页数:454 页
目录 1
序言 1
1.Mount Clare 1
2.Kenaf Paper 6
3.The Hopi Indians 11
4.Janet Evans 16
5.Surrogate Mama Sheep 19
6.Doctor Mudd 23
7.Colds 27
8.AIDS Virus 30
9.AIDS—a Worldwide Health Crisis 33
10.The Mysteries of Ice Age 43
11.Vision correction 47
12.Skylab 50
13.Environmental Refugees 55
14.A Bone Substitute 59
15.Battle of Gettysburg Recreation 63
16.American Bandstand 68
17.Von Trapp Family 71
18.Ultralight Plane 75
19.An Unusual Competition 79
20.Best Boxer 83
21.Smoking and Stroke 86
22.Cycling in U.S.A 89
23.Dolphins 92
24.The First Persons in Americas 97
25.American Weddings 100
26.America's Most Wanted 104
27.May Day 109
28.Friday the 13th 112
29.Race Walking 115
30.Career Guidance 119
31.Louis L'Amour 123
32.Suntans 127
33.New Test for Lung Cancer 130
34.Learning Disabilities 133
35.BioSphere TWO 143
36.Cajuns 148
37.Ancient Burial Place 153
38.China Pandas 158
39.Old Ship 163
40.Kodak Camera 167
41.Daylight Savings Time 172
42.Gravity Experiment 176
43.Iowa Fossil 181
44.Ancient Air 185
45.Sea Turtles 189
46.Biological Clocks 193
47.Lizard Man 198
48.Arthritis 202
49.Tracy Chapman 206
50.Athletes'Hearts 208
51.Randy Travis 212
52.Jerome Kern 215
53.Jean Fritz 221
54.The Songs of Irving Berlin 225
55.Crazy Horse 232
56.Travelers'Diarrhea Treatment 243
57.Space Calls 246
58.Armadillo Pregnancy 250
59.Fibrinogen and Heart Disease 255
60.African Locusts 259
61.Genes and Breast Cancer 263
62.Video Display Terminals 267
63.AIDS Treatment 271
64.Computer Virus 275
65.New AIDS Test 280
66.Woody Herman 284
67.Predicting Earthquakes 287
68.Eastern U.S.Earthquake 290
69.Specialty Farming 293
70.Quality Maize 298
71.Rubber 302
72.Barbara Mandrell 307
73.TDD 311
74.Computer Games 316
75.Cassava Mealybug 320
76.Harmful Insects Control 324
77.Emmylou Harris 328
78.Willie B. 331
79.Killer Bees 335
80.Prince 339
81.Birth Control Vaccine 342
82.The Drug Helping to Treat Baldness 345
83.Van Halen 348
84.Attempts to Save Rare Animals 351
85.Wild Animal Protection 360
86.Diane Schuur 370
87.Daedalus Flight 373
88.Ozone 378
89.Buffy Sainte Marie 387
90.Scientist Sentenced 391
91.Best Basketball Player 394
92.Showboat 398
93.A Hero of American Indian People 401
94.World Temperatures 418
95.Jesse Owens 422
96.Marian Anderson 431
97.Treatments of High Blood Pressure 446
98.The Jets 451
编后语 454
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