- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)萨尔兹伯利的约翰著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国政法大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7562023972
- 页数:241 页
Prologue 3
Chapter 1 What most harms the fortunate 9
Chapter 2 In what consists devotion to unsuitable goals 10
Chapter 3 The distribution of duties according to the political constitution of the ancients 10
Prologue 13
Chapter 1 Of the universal and public welfare 14
Chapter 3 That pride is the root of all evil and passionate desire a general leprosy which infects all 17
Chapter 4 The flatterer,the toady and the cajoler,than whom none is more pernicious 18
Chapter 6 The multiplication of flatterers is beyond number and pushes out of distinguished houses those who are honourable 19
Chapter 10 That the Romans are dedicated to vanity and what the ends of flatterers are 22
Chapter 15 That it is only permitted to flatter him who it is permitted to slay;and that the tyrant is a public enemy 25
Prologue 27
Chapter 1 On the difference between the prince and the tyrant,and what the prince is 28
Chapter 2 What law is;and that the prince,although he is an absolutely binding law unto him-self,still is the servant of law and equity,the bearer of the public persona,and sheds blood blamelessly 30
Chapter 3 That the prince is a minister of priests and their inferior;and what it is for rulers to perform their ministry faithfully 32
Chapter 4 That the authority of divine law consists in the prince being subject to the justice of law 35
Chapter 5 That the prince must be chaste and shun avarice 38
Chapter 6 That the ruler must have the law of God always before his mind and eyes,and he is to be proficient in letters,and he is to receive counsel from men of letters 41
Chapter 7 That the fear of God should be taught,and humility should exist,and this humility should be protected so that the authority of the prince is not diminished;and that some precepts are flexible,others inflexible 46
Chapter 8 Of the moderation of the prince's justice and mercy,which should be temperately mixed for the utility of the republic 49
Chapter 9 What it is to stray to the right or to the left,which is forbidden to the prince 53
Chapter 10 What utility princes may acquire from the cultivation of justice 54
Chapter 11 What are the other rewards of princes 56
Chapter 12 By what cause rulership and kingdoms are transferred 61
Prologue 65
Chapter 1 Plutarch's letter instructing Trajan 65
Chapter 2 According to Plutarch,what a republic is and what place is held in it by the soul of the members 66
Chapter 3 What is principally directed by Plutarch's plan... 68
Chapter 6 Of the prince,who is the head of the republic,and his election,and privileges,and the rewards of virtue and sin;and that blessed Job should be imitated;and of the virtues of blessed Job 69
Chapter 7 What bad and good happen to subjects on account of the morals of princes;and that the examples of some stratagems streng-then this 75
Chapter 8 Why Trajan seems to be preferable to all others 79
Chapter 9 Of those who hold the place of the heart,and that the iniquitous are prevented from counselling the powerful,and of the fear of God,and wisdom,and philosophy 81
Chapter 10 Of the flanks of the powerful,whose needs are to be satisfied and whose malice is to be restrained 85
Chapter 11 Of the eyes,ears and tongue of the powerful,and of the duties of governing,and that judges ought to have a know-ledge of right and equity, 91
a good will and the power of execution,and that they should be bound by oath to the laws and should be distanced from the taint of presents 91
Chapter 15 What pertains to the sacred calling of proconsuls,governors and ordinary justi-ces,and to what extent it is permitted to reach out for gifts;and of Cicero,Bernard,Martin and Geoffrey of Chartres 95
Chapter 17 Money is condemned in favour of wisdom;this is also approved by the examples of the ancient philosophers 99
BOOK Ⅵ 103
Prologue 103
Chapter 1 That the hand of the republic is either armed or unarmed;and which one is unarmed,and regarding its duties 104
Chapter 2 That military service requires selection,knowledge and practice 109
Chapter 6 What ills arise from disregard by our countrymen for the selection of soldiers,and how Harold tamed the Welsh 112
Chapter 7 What is the formula of the oath of the soldier,and that no one is permitted to serve in the army without it 114
Chapter 8 The armed soldier is by necessity bound to religion,in just the way that the clergy is consecrated in obedience to God;and that just as the title of soldier is one of labour,so it is one of honour 115
Chapter 9 That faith is owed to God in preference to any man whomsoever,and man is not served unless God is served 117
Chapter 18 The examples of recent history,and how King Henry the Second quelled the dis-turbances and violence under King Stephen and pacified the island 118
Chapter 19 Of the honour to be exhibited by soldiers,and of the modesty to be shown;and who are the transmitters of the military arts,and of certain of their general precepts 122
Chapter 20 Who are the feet of the republic and regarding the care devoted to them 125
Chapter 21 The republic is arranged according to its resemblance to nature,and its arrange-ment is derived from the bees 127
Chapter 22 That without prudence and forethought no magistracy remains intact,nor does that republic flourish the head of which is impaired 129
Chapter 24 The vices of the powerful are to be tolerated because with them rests the prospect of public safety, 131
and because they are the dispensers of safety just as the stomach in the body of animals dis-penses nourishment,and this is by the judgment of the Lord Adrian 131
Chapter 25 Of the coherence of the head and the members of the republic;and that the prince is a sort of image of the deity,and of the crime of high treason and of that which is to be kept in fidelity 137
Chapter 26 That vices are to be endured or removed and are distinguished from flagrant crimes;and certain general matters about the office of the prince;and a brief epi-logue on how much reverence is to be displayed towards him 139
Chapter 29 That the people are moulded by the merits of the prince and the government is moulded by the merits of the people,and every creature is subdued and serves man at God's pleasure 142
BOOK Ⅶ 145
Prologue 145
Chapter 1 That the Academics are more modest than other philosophers whose rashness blinds them so that they are given to false beliefs 148
Chapter 2 Of the errors of the Academics;and who among them it is permitted to imitate;and those matters which are doubtful to the wise man 150
Chapter 7 That some things are demonstrated by the authority of the senses,others by reason,others by religion;and that faith in any doctrine is justified by some stable basis that need not be demonstrated; 153
and that some things are known by the learned themselves,others by the uncultivated;and to what extent there is to be doubt;and that stubbornness most often impedes the examination of truth 153
Chapter 8 That virtue is the unique path to being a philosopher and to advancing towards hap-piness;and of the three degrees of aspirants and of the three schools of philosophers 156
Chapter 11 What it is to be a true philosopher;and the end towards which all writings are directed in their aim 160
Chapter 17 Of ambition,and that passion accompanies foolishness;and what is the origin of tyranny;and of the diverse paths of the ambitious 162
Chapter 21 Of hypocrites who endeavour to conceal the disgrace of ambition under the false pretext of religion 167
Chapter 25 Of the love and acclaim of liberty;and of those ancestors who endured patiently free speaking of the mind;and of the dif-ference between an offence and a taunt 175
Prologue 181
BOOK Ⅷ 181
Chapter 12 That some long to be modelled after beasts and insensate creatures;and how much humanity is to be afforded to slaves;and of the pleasures of three senses 182
Chapter 16 Of the four rivers which spring for Epi-cureans from the fount of lustfulness and which create a deluge by which the world is nearly submerged;and of the opposite waters and the garments of Esau 188
Chapter 17 In what way the tyrant differs from the prince;and of the tyranny of priests;and in what way a shepherd,a thief and an employee differ from one another 190
Chapter 18 Tyrants are the ministers of God;and what a tyrant is;and of the moral charac-ters of Gaius Caligula and his nephew Nero and each of their ends 201
Chapter 20 That by the authority of the divine book it is lawful and glorious to kill public tyrants,so long as the murderer is not obligated to the tyrant by fealty nor otherwise lets justice or honour slip 206
Chapter 21 All tyrants reach a miserable end;and that God exercises punishment against them if the human hand refrains,and this is evident from Julian the Apostate and many examples in sacred scripture 210
Chapter 22 Of Gideon,the model for rulers,and Antiochus 213
Chapter 23 The counsel of Brutus is to be used against those who not only fight but battle schismatically for the supreme pontificate;and that nothing is calm for tyrants 216
Chapter 25 What is the most faithful path to be fol-lowed towards what the Epicureans desire and promise 225
Index 233
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