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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)Magda Pawlowski著;祁怡玮译
  • 出 版 社:广州:广东海燕电子音像出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7885106063
  • 页数:168 页


目录 3

Chapter 1 Education 教育 3

1 compulsory education 义务教育 3

2 homework assignment 家庭作业 6

3 type up an essay/assignment 打论文/作业 10

4 cram for a test/exam 填鸭式苦读、临时抱佛脚 13

5 pull an all-nighter 熬夜赶工或苦读 16

6 sit/take an exam 参加考试 19

7 graduate from high school/college 22

从高中/大学毕业 22

8 choose a major/minor 选择主修/辅修 25

9 post-graduate education 研究生教育 28

10 take out a student loan 领学生贷款 31

1 take a seat 找位子 37

Chapter 2 Restaurants 餐厅 37

2 to order 点菜 40

3 set meal 套餐 43

4 a la carte 单点 46

5 (order)take out 外卖 49

6 to go to/through the drive-through 52

从直通车道走 52

7 treat someone 请客 55

8 leave a tip 给小费 58

9 service charge 服务费 60

10 pay by credit card/check/cash 63

刷卡/支票/现金付费 63

Chapter 3 Transportation 交通运输 69

1 take the car/taxi/bus/train/plane/boat/subway/metro搭车/出租车/公共汽车/火车/飞机/船/地铁/捷运 69

2 ride a scooter/motorcycle/bicycle or horse 73

骑速可达/摩托车/自行车/马 73

3 stored-value ticket 储值票 76

4 trafficjam 塞车 80

5 speed limit 限速 83

6 parking ticket 罚单 86

7 car pool(verb and noun) 共同乘车(小组) 89

8 exit ramp 交流道出口 92

9 First/Business/Economy Class 95

头等/商务/经济舱 95

10 pleasure cruise 搭游轮 99

Chapter 4 Friendship 友谊 105

1 be introduced to someone 介绍给某人认识 105

2 be on a first-name basis with someone 108

与某人亲密而直呼名字 108

3 read someone like a book 对某人了如指掌 111

4 bosom buddy 情同手足的好兄弟 114

5 group outing 集体郊游 117

6 a(different/the same)point of view/viewpoint 120

(不同/相同的)观点 120

7 have a disagreement 意见不合 123

8 break someone s trust 破坏信用 126

9 grow apart 渐行渐远 129

10 catch up on old times 叙旧 132

Chapter 5 Jobs 工作 137

1 be laid off 被辞退 137

2 search the classifieds(for something) 141

查找分类广告 141

3 to apply for a position 应征一个职位 144

4 to give a reference 提供推荐人 148

5 work experience 工作经验 151

6 be over/underqualified(for a job) 154

条件太好/条件不够的 154

7 online company 网上公司 157

8 stock options 股票分红 160

9 work flextime 弹性上班 163

10 get a promotion 得到升迁 166
