- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈奔主编
- 出 版 社:北京:华夏出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7508032462
- 页数:408 页
Chapter Ⅰ Sino-American Relation 3
Toast for Peace 3
Why Risk Political,Economic Warfare with Asia's Colossus? 6
American President Bush's Speech at Tsinghua University 16
The Importance of the U.S-Sino Relation as Reflected in Mutual Trade 35
Let's Make that Ideal Together 45
Let's Help China Walk into the World 60
U.S.-China Relations:Twenty Years and Counting 74
The United States and China:A Post September 11 Perspective 84
Cooperation Makes Tomorrow More Promising 94
The Challenges of Governance in the 21st Century 109
Chapter Ⅱ Society and Culture 123
China——My Adopted Home 123
Relics of Pride 137
Work in a New World 143
Back from China 149
China Is Right 169
The West's Debt to China 175
Some Problems of Chinese Education as Seen through the Eyes of a Foreigner 180
Chapter Ⅲ China and the WTO 189
China's Entry to WTO Unraveling 189
China's Great Leap into the WTO 198
Regulatory Reforms as Reflected in China's Entry to the WTO 203
China in the WTO:Let's Cut It Some Slack 206
China May Prove to Be Source of Optimism in Global Gloom 211
A United States Perspective on China's Accession to the WTO 214
Trade,Investment and the Information Age 226
A Key to Success in E-Business Age—Gain Competition Advantages in Enterprise Reforms 235
China and Boeing—Working Together for Continued Success 250
The Chinese Youth in the Age of Information 254
A Milestone toward Greater Success 258
Prospect of Ford Automobiles in China 262
Prospect of E-business in China 270
How to Reform in China 287
Chapter Ⅳ Reforms and Development 321
New Contract Basics:The China Business Review 321
Brawn and Brains 343
China Unveils Clearer Rules on Fund Ventures 347
The Bait and the Trap 350
Sweet and Sour Deal 380
The Wrong Time for Companies to Beat a Global Retreat 384
Ties that Band 389
Looking Forward-Great Prospect of Investment in China 403
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