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大学英国文学史  英文版  下

大学英国文学史 英文版 下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈嘉,宋文林著
  • 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7100015952
  • 页数:383 页
《大学英国文学史 英文版 下》目录

Chapter Ⅶ English Literature of the Mid-19th Century&Song Wenlin 1

Section Ⅰ The Historical Background:Social and Intellec-tual 1

1.The 1830's and 1840's 1

2.The Quarter-Century after 1850 5

Section Ⅱ Chartist Literature 8

1.A General Survey of Chartist Literature:Different Lit-erary Genres and Stages of Development 8

2.Two Major Chartist Poets:Ernest Jones and William James Linton 11

3.Gerald Massey and Minor Chartist Poets 19

4.Chartist Prose Fiction:Thomas Martin Wheeler and Thomas Frost 21

Section Ⅲ Democratic Poetry in the Age of Chartism 25

1.Thomas Hood and His"Song of the Shirt" 26

2.Ebenezer Elliott the Corn-Law Rhymer 27

3.Elizabeth Barrett Browning and"The Cry of the Chil-dren" 29

Section Ⅳ Major Novelists of Critical Realism in the Mid-19th Century 30

1.Charles Dickens 31

2.William Makepeace Thackeray 52

3.Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 64

4.Charlotte Bront? 67

5.Emily Bront? 72

6.George Eliot 74

Section Ⅴ Major English Poets of the Mid-19th Century 80

1.Alfred Tennyson 80

2.Robert Browning 90

3.Matthew Arnold and Arthur Hugh Clough 100

4.Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Christina Rossetti 110

5.Algernon Charles Swinburne 115

6.Edward Fitzgerald's Translation of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám 119

Section Ⅵ Non-Fiction Prose in Mid-1 9th-Century England 120

1.ThomasCarlyle 121

2.Thomas Babington Macaulay 127

3.John Ruskin 130

4.John Henry Newman 136

5.John Stuart Mill 141

6.Thomas Henry Huxley 146

Section Ⅶ Minor Novelists of the Mid.19th Century 150

1.Charles Kinsley 151

2.Benjamin Disraeli 152

3.Edward Bulwer-Lytton 154

4.Charles Reade 155

5.William Wilkie Collins 157

6.Anthony Trollope 157

Chapter Ⅷ English Literature of the Last Quarter of the 1 9th Century&Song Wenlin 159

Section Ⅰ The Historical Background and Different Lit-erary Schools 159

1.The Historical Background:Political and Ideological 159

2.Different Literary Schools and Their Characteristics 162

Section Ⅱ William Morris and Other Writers of the Socialist Movement in the 1880s 164

1.William Morris 164

2.Other Poets in the Socialist Movement of the 1880s:Connell,Joynes,and Salt 174

3.Prose Writers in the Socialist Movement of the 1880:Ramsay,Harkness,and Bramsbury 179

Section Ⅲ Critical Realists and Other Progressive Writers 184

1.George Meredith 184

2.Thomas Hardy 188

3.Samuel Butler 195

4.Mark Rutherford 198

Section Ⅳ The Schools of Naturalism,Aesthe ?cism,and Nen-Romanticism 200

1.The Naturalists:Gissing and Moore 200

2.The School of Aestheticism:Walter Pater and Oscar Wilde 203

3.Neo-Romanticism:Robert Louis Stevenson 207

Section Ⅴ Apologists for Imperalism and Colonialism:Rudyard Kipling 210

Chapter Ⅸ English Literature of the First Four Decades of the Twentieth Century&Song Wenlin 214

Section Ⅰ The Historical and Cultural Background 214

1.The Historical Background:Political and Social 214

2.The Cultural Background 215

Section Ⅱ English Poetry:1900—1940 217

1.A General Survey 217

2.Thomas Hardy 220

3.William Butler Yeats 225

4.Thomas Stearns Eliot 230

5.W.H.Auden 243

6.Hugh MacDiarmid 250

Section Ⅲ English Drama:1900—1940 257

1.A General Survey 257

2.G.B.Shaw 259

3.James Matthew Barrie 271

4.The Irish Abbey Theatre:Lady Gregory;Synge 276

5.Sean O'Casey 281

Section Ⅳ English Prose Fiction;1900—1940 290

1.A General Survey 290

2.John Galsworthy 298

3.Herbert George Wells 307

4.Arnold Bennett 313

5.William Somerset Maugham 316

6.Joseph Conrad 324

7.D.H.Lawrence 336

8.James Joyce 345

9.Virginia Woolf 353

Section Ⅴ Literary Criticism in England:1900—1940 361

1.A General Survey 361

2.T.S.Eliot 368

3.I.A.Richards 370

4.F.R.Leavis 373

5.Christopher Caudwell and Illusion and Reality 374

6.Ralph Fox and The Novel and the People 377

Section Ⅵ English Prose(Essays and Biographies):1900-1940 380

1.Essays 380

2.Biographies 382
