- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:肖惠云主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7810461311
- 页数:303 页
Section A:Exposition Texts 1
A1 Geography 1
Temperature in England&Wales,1992 1
Graphs:- 1
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
RainfallinEngland&Wales,1992 2
Maps:- 2
GreatBritain&NorthernIreland-Physicalfeatures 2
Some famous people and places in the UK 3
Population density 4
Population of UK(in millions) 4
A2 Population:Density&Structure 4
A3 Ethnic Groups 5
Population of main urban areas 5
Tables:- 6
Population:by age and ethnic group,1987-89 6
A4 Class 7
A5 Fifty Years of a Changing Tradition 8
Section C:Extension Tasks 9
Section B:Exploitation Activities 9
Supplementary Reading 11
Glossary 13
Chapter 2 Family&Personal Relationships(1) 18
Section A:Exposition Texts 18
A1 The Family 18
210f births outside marriage 19
Families within households(percentages)by type ofhousehold,1961-89 19
A2 Youth 20
A3 Marriage 21
Proportion ofpeople cohabiting,byagegroup 24
A4 Marriage&Divorce 25
Marriage&divorce rates,1971-1989 25
Survey of views on reasons for success&failure in marriage 26
Section B:Exploitation Activities 27
Section C:Extension Tasks 31
Supplementary Reading 32
Glossary 36
Chapter 3 Family&Personal Relationships(2) 39
Section A:Exposition Texts 39
A1 Husbands&Wives 39
Householddivision oflabourbymarital status,1984 41
Decision-makinginfamilylife 43
A2 Parents&Children 43
A3 Old Age 46
Section B:Exploitation Activities 47
Section C:Extension Tasks 48
Supplementary Reading 51
Glossary 53
Chapter 4 Education 56
A1 Change&Reform in Schools 57
Section A:Exposition Texts 57
210f 16+year olds staying on in full-time education,1938-1992 57
Children under 5 in school as210f all children aged 3 or 4,1970-93 58
A2 Schools Today 58
Education System-Basic Structure 60
Illustrations:- 60
A3 Institutions of Higher Education 61
A4 Further Education&Training 64
Female students as210f all students,1979/80 and 1989/90 65
Section B:Exploitation Activities 65
Section C:Extension Tasks 68
Supplementary Reading 69
Glossary 74
Chapter 5 Work 77
A1 What is Work? 78
Section A:Exposition Texts 78
Employees in employment,1981-91 79
A2 The Pattern of Employment 79
Regional variations in occupation 80
NHS Pay,1989 81
Average weekly earnings:male/female&manual/non-manual 81
A3 Getting a Job 82
Trade Union membership,1980-89 83
A4 Unions&Management 83
Job levels according to gender and ethnic group(%),1985 86
A5 Gender&Ethnicity 86
Job involvement(gender) 87
Section B:Exploitation Activities 88
Job satisfaction 88
Job involvement(class) 88
Section C:Extension Tasks 90
Supplementary Reading 92
Glossary 94
Chapter 6 Leisure 97
Manual workers-hours worked,1900 to 1990 100
Section A:Exposition Texts 100
A1 Introduction 100
A2 Leisure at Home 101
Atypicalday(family) 101
Participationinleisure activities athome 102
A3 Leisure Outside the Home 103
Survey:Which of these things have you done in the past month?' 104
Major British sporting events 106
Section B:Exploitation Activities 108
Membership of youth organisations,1990 108
Section C:Extension Tasks 109
Supplementary Reading 110
Participation in sports&physical excercise:by sex&age,1987 112
Glossary 113
Chapter 7 Holidays&Tourism 116
Holidays taken by residents of Great Britain,1975&1991 118
A1 Introduction 118
Section A:Exposition Texts 118
A2 Day Trips&Weekend Breaks 119
A3 Holidays at Home 121
Distribution of tourists by Tourist Authority regions 122
A4 Holidays Abroad 123
Package holidays abroad,1979 to 1990 124
A5 Organisation of the Tourism Industry 124
Section B:Exploitation Activities 126
Supplementary Reading 127
Section C:Extension Tasks 127
Glossary 129
Chapter 8 Crime&the Police 131
Section A:Exposition Texts 132
A1 Introduction 132
A2 Crime in Britain Today 133
Victims of 1+crimes:international comparison,1988 133
Offences recorded by the police in England&Wales,1971/1989/1990 133
A3 Victims&Offenders 134
Fear of being a victim:gender 134
Public opinion of main causes of crime in Britain today 135
A4 The Causes of Crime 135
A5 VictimSupport 137
Survey:'Why do the youngsters you know commit crime?' 137
A6 The Police 138
Section B:Exploitation Activities 141
Clear-upratesforoffencesnotifiedtopolice,bytype ofoffence:1990 141
Section C:Extension Tasks 143
Supplementary Reading 147
Glossary 152
Chapter 9 Justice&the Law 153
Section A:Exposition Texts 155
A1 Introduction 155
A2 The Structure of the Courts 156
TheLegalSysteminEngland&Wales 157
A4 Inside the Courts 158
A3 Legal Advice&Assistance 158
A5 Outside Court - The Professionals 161
Barristers'Training 161
Solicitors'Training 162
Section B:Exploitation Activities 163
A6 Problems Raised by the System 163
Section C:Extension Tasks 164
Supplementary Reading 165
Glossary 166
Chapter 10 Beliefs 167
Section A:Exposition Texts 169
A1 Introduction 169
A2 The Christian Religion 170
A3 Other Religions 172
%belonging to a church:by region 173
Approximate churchmembership,UK 173
A4 How Religious are the British? 173
Church attendance 174
A5 Beliefs 174
Atheists,agnostics and believers(by gender) 175
Beliefin God,Sin etc. 175
Attitudes towards the meaning oflife(Britain,USA&N.Ireland) 176
A6 Moral Issues 176
Survey:'Which ofthese are morally wrong?' 177
Section B:Exploitation Activities 178
Section C:Extension Tasks 179
Supplementary Reading 179
Glossary 181
Chapter 11 Welfare 182
A1 Introduction:Poverty&the Development of the Welfare State 184
Section A:Exposition Texts 184
Survey:'Which of these items would you regard as a necessity?' 185
Comparative weekly incomes of employed and unemployed,1981-93 185
A2 Changing Attitudes 187
Attitudes towards pubic spending,1986-91 188
A3 Welfare in Britain - The Present 188
Section B:Exploitation Activities 194
Section C:Extension Tasks 196
Supplementary Reading 197
Glossary 199
Chapter 12 Domestic Economy 201
Rates of growth,international comparison,1960s,70s&80s 205
Section A:Exposition Texts 205
A1 Introduction 205
Main road and rail network and airports 206
A2 Natural Resources&Infrastructure 206
A3 Finance 207
A4 The 'Mixed' Economy 208
The Financial Institutions 208
Government expenditure as a210f GNP 210
A5 The Role of the Government 210
Different kinds of tax...... 211
How public money is spent:1979,1984&1989 211
The pattern of consumers'expenditure(percentages) 212
A6 The Consumer 212
Section B:Exploitation Activities 213
Section C:Extension Tasks 213
Supplementary Reading 213
Glossary 214
Chapter 13 System of Government 216
The Structure ofCentral Government 217
A1 Central Government 217
Section A:Exposition Texts 217
A2 The Executive 219
A3 The Legislature 220
The Road to Parliament...... 223
Influences on an MP 224
A4 Local Government 225
Section B:ExploitationActivities 226
Section C:Extension Tasks 227
Supplementary Reading 228
Glossary 233
Chapter 14 Political Parties&Groups 234
Section A:Exposition Texts 235
A1 The Evolution of Representative Multi Party Democracy 235
The political spectrum 236
A2 Beliefs&Policies of the Main Parties 236
Survey:Thatcherist&Socialistvalues 239
A3 Public Opinion&Voting Behaviour 239
HowBritainvotedin 1992 239
Votes cast and members elected to the House of Commons 240
A4 Pressure Groups 240
Means ofpolitical participation 241
A5 Means of Political Participation 241
Section B:Exploitation Activities 242
Section C:Extension Tasks 243
Supplementary Reading 243
Glossary 244
Section A:Exposition Texts 245
A1 Introduction 245
Broadcasting-BasicStructure 245
Chapter 15 The Media(1)-Broadcasting 245
A2 Radio 246
A3 Television 247
210f time allocated for different types ofTV programme 248
A4 Future Trends -- Public and private domains 249
Average hours of TVviewing per person per day 249
Type of programmes selected:210f time viewing 249
A5 Issues 251
Survey:attitudes towards potentially offensive aspects ofTV 252
Section B:Exploitation Activities 253
Section C:Extension Tasks 255
Supplementary Reading 255
Glossary 258
Chapter 16 The Media(2)-The Press 260
Section A:Exposition Texts 262
A1 Introduction 262
National daily&Sunday newspapers:dates offoundation 263
A2 Ownership - Press Barons to Media Moghuls' 263
Sources of press revenue 264
Dominant newspaper-owning corporations in Britain 264
A3 Types of Newspaper - Range&Style 265
Characteristics ofqualityandpopularnewspapers 265
Circulation of selected national daily newspapers 266
A4 Readership 266
A5 Influences on the Press&Press Freedom 267
Direct&indirect influences on the content&style ofa newspaper 267
A6 Issues 268
Section B:Exploitation Activities 270
Section C:Extension Tasks 273
Supplementary Reading 274
Readershipofnationalnewspapers:%by social class,sexandage 275
Glossary 275
Section A:Exposition Texts 277
Chapter 17 Britain&the World 277
A1 Introduction 277
The British Empire in 1919 278
Commonwealth members,1995 279
A2 From Imperial Power to Commonwealth Member 280
Immigrants permitted to settle in the UK 1976-89 282
A3 Relations with Europe 282
The European Union 284
210f British exports to&imports from the EEC,1935-1983 285
Changes in public perceptions of Britain's place in the world 286
A4 The 'Special' Relationship with the USA 287
A5 Defence 288
Section B:Exploitation Activities 289
Section C:Extension Tasks 291
Supplementary Reading 292
Glossary 294
Chapter 18 Foreign Trade 295
Section A:Exposition Texts 295
A1 Introduction - From Imperial Power to European Partner 295
British exports of manufactured goods 296
A2 Imports&Exports 296
Major trading nations:values ofimports and exports in$US,1987 296
UK exports-136istributuion by destination,1913/1960/1987 297
A3 The International Role of the City of London 298
Proportions of British imports&exports,1987 298
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