- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陆晓红编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7532371387
- 页数:177 页
1.Ablot on the landscape 煞风景的人或物 1
2.A chip off the old block 酷似其父 2
3.A church mouse 一贫如洗的人 3
4.A drop in the bucket/ocean 九牛一毛,沧海一粟 4
5.A dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人 5
6.A flash in the pan 昙花一现 6
7.A/the fly in the ointment 美中不足,扫兴的事 8
8.A fly on the wall 不易察觉的人,偷听讲话的人 9
9.An eyesore 刺眼的东西 10
10.Ahouse of cards 不可靠的想法或计划 11
11.A lion in/on the way/path 拦路虎 12
12.A pain in the neck 令人讨厌的人或事 13
13.A thorn in sb.'s flesh/side 令人烦恼的人或事 14
14.As close as a clam 非常吝啬 15
15.A snake in the grass 潜伏的危险 16
16.Aseasy as taking candy from ababy 非常容易 18
17.Asfree as(the)air 非常自由的,不受限制的 19
18.As heavy as lead 像灌了铅似地沉重 20
19.As plain as the nose on your face 显而易见 21
20.As plentiful as blackberries 多如牛毛 22
21.As sure as eggs is eggs 肯定,无疑 23
22.As tough as old boots 非常硬的,非常坚强的 24
23.Be caught red-handed 被当场抓住 25
24.Be on the high ropes 自高自大,趾高气扬 26
25.Big mouth 喋喋不休的人 27
26.Bite one's head off 把某人骂得狗血喷头 28
27.Chatter like amagpie 喋喋不休 29
28.Bite the hand that feeds one 忘恩负义,以怨报德 30
29.Buttonhole a person 强留客人长谈 32
30.Castles in the air 空中楼阁,不切实际的计划 34
31.Cheerful as a lark 非常快活 36
32.Chew the/one's cud 反思,沉思 37
33.Climb the wall(s) 撞墙,发疯 38
34.Cold fish 怪人,冷冰冰的家伙 39
35.Cold as charity 冷漠,缺乏同情心 40
36.Couch potato 整天泡电视的人 41
37.Cuckoo in the nest破坏他人家庭幸福的人 42
38.Drink like a fish 牛饮 43
39.Feather one's own nest 中饱私囊,营私自肥 44
40.Fish bowl 毫无隐秘的状态 46
41.Fish or cut bait 作出抉择 47
42.Follow like sheep 盲目跟从 48
43.Follow one's nose 凭直觉 49
44.Get hot under the collar 发怒 50
45.Get on like a house on fire 进展很快 51
46.Hand in glove with sb. 关系密切,相互勾结 52
47.Handwriting/writing on the wall 不祥之兆 53
48.Hang by the wall 搁置不用,束之高阁 54
49.Happy hunting ground 理想之地,天堂 55
50.Hate like poison 对……恨之入骨 56
51.Have the guts(to do sth.) 有胆量(做某事) 57
52.Have a face as long as a fiddle 愁容满面 58
53.Have one's heart in one's mouth 焦急万分 59
54.Have a finger in the/every pie 染指,干预 60
55.Hit a man who is down 落井下石 62
56.Hitch one's wagon to a star 怀有雄心壮志 63
57.Hold the purse strings 掌管金钱财务 64
58.Hot air 吹牛,夸夸其谈 66
59.Hot potato 棘手的问题,难题 67
60.In apple-pie order 井井有条 68
61.Know sth.like the palm of one's hand 了如指掌 69
62.Keep one's ear to the ground 注意舆论动向 70
63.Like a bat out of hell 离弦的箭 72
64.Like a bear with a sore head 脾气粗暴 74
65.Like a bird 迅速地,爽快地 75
66.Like a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳 76
67.Like a cat on hot bricks 焦躁不安 77
68.Like clockwork 有规律地,顺利地 78
69.Like a fish out of water 处境不利,感到生疏 79
70.Like a lamb 温顺地,胆怯地 80
71.Like a needle in abottle/bundle of hay 极度困难,如海底捞针 81
72.Like a lead balloon 毫无效果、作用 82
73.Like fire/wildfire 飞快地,迅速广泛地 83
74.Like greased lightning 迅如闪电地,飞快地 84
75.Like one o'clock 非常迅速地,马上 85
76.Like the cat that stole the cream 沾沾自喜,心满意足 86
77.Like the side of a house 非常肥胖,身躯硕大 87
78.Like water 毫不吝惜,毫无节制地 88
79.Little/small frog in a big pond 无足轻重的人 89
80.Like water off a duck's back 不起作用,如耳旁风 90
81.Live like cat and dog 经常吵架 92
82.Look like a drowned rat 全身湿透 93
83.Lower one's colors 让步,投降 94
84.Make a clean breast of sth. 和盘托出 95
85.Middle name 最突出的性格或品质 96
86.Milk and water 淡而无味,毫无生气 97
87.Milk the bull 试图做不可能的事 98
88.Night owl 习惯夜间工作的人,夜猫子 99
89.Nip in the bud 防患于未然 100
90.No picnic 不是轻松的事 102
91.Not out of the wood(s)yet 尚未脱离困境 103
92.Not turn a hair 不动声色,泰然自若 104
93.Oil the wheels/works 使……顺利进行 105
94.Once in a blue moon 千载难逢 106
95.On one's uppers 一贫如洗,处于困境 107
96.On pins and needles 如坐针毡 108
97.On tenterhooks 焦虑不安,提心吊胆 110
98.On the back burner 把事情暂时放 111
99.On the crest of the/a wave 最走运的时候 112
100.On the same wavelength 志趣相投 113
101.On thin ice 如履薄冰 114
102.Out at(the)heel(s) 衣衫褴褛,穷困潦倒 115
103.Open one's mouth too wide 狮子大开口 116
104.Out of one's shell 不再害羞,不再沉默 118
105.Out of the frying pan into the fire 跳出油锅又入火坑 119
106.Packed like sardines 挤得像沙丁鱼一样 120
107.Palmy days 全盛时代,兴盛时期 121
108.Pass the buck 推卸责任 122
109.Play all one's cards 使出浑身解数 123
110.Play ball(with) 行动起来,合作 124
111.Play fast and loose 不真诚,反复无常 125
112.Play one's cards close to one's chest 秘密行事 126
113.Play sb.like a fish 轻而易举地控制某人 127
114.Play the game 遵守规则,按章办事 128
115.Poison pen 写匿名诽谤信者 129
116.Poker face 一本正经,面无表情 130
117.Poke one's nose in/into 干涉、探听 131
118.Polish the apple 阿谀奉承,溜须拍马 132
119.Promise the earth/moon 作无法兑现的许诺 133
120.Proud as a peacock 骄傲自负 134
121.Puff one's chest out 得意洋洋 135
122.Pull one's weight 尽心尽力 136
123.Pull the rug/carpet(out)from under sb. 拆台,搞破坏 137
124.Pull(the)strings/wires 幕后操纵,走后门 138
125.Pull the wool over sb.'s eyes 蒙蔽别人 140
126.Put/lay one's cards on the table 开诚布公,坦诚待人 142
127.Put one's head into a noose 自投罗网,自寻死路 143
128.Rainy day 苦日子 144
129.Raise eyebrows 使人吃惊,引起他人非议 145
130.Red as a turkey cock 脸红脖子粗 146
131.Right as a trivet 非常健康 147
132.Rotten/bad apple 害群之马 148
133.Rough diamond 品质良好但举止粗鲁的人 149
134.Scarce as hen's teeth 非常罕见 150
135.Set sb.by the ears 挑拨离间 151
136.Shake/tremble like an aspen leaf 浑身哆嗦 152
137.Sharp as a razor 非常尖锐,富有洞察力 153
138.Shot in the dark 冒险或盲目的行动 154
139.Show the white feather 惊恐,怯懦 156
140.Silent/quiet as the grave 寂静无声 157
141.Slippery as an eel 滑头,狡猾 158
142.Sober as a judge 冷静,严肃 159
143.Stick out like a sore thumb 不恰当,不自然 160
144.Stick to sb./sth.like a leech 盯住不放,纠缠不休 162
145.Sticky fingers 惯偷 163
146.Stick one's neck out 招惹麻烦 164
147.Sweep the board/table 大获全胜 166
148.Take a back seat 居于次要地位 167
149.Take a sledgehammer to crack/break a walnut/nut 小题大做 168
150.Take off the gloves 动真格,撕破面子 169
151.Take the bread out of sb.'s mouth 抢人饭碗,不养育 170
152.Take time by the forelock 抓住时机 171
153.Take up the glove 接受挑战 172
154.Talk/speak like a book 说话文绉绉,咬文嚼字 173
155.The apple of the/one's eye 掌上明珠 174
156.The salt of the earth 社会中坚,高尚的人 175
157.Thick as thieves 亲密无间 176
158.Thin as a rake/stick/lath 瘦骨嶙峋 177
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