- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(法)贡斯当著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国政法大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7562024049
- 页数:350 页
Bibliographical note 44
Prefacetothefirst edition 45
Preface to the third edition 46
Forewordtothefourth edition 48
Part Ⅰ·The spirit of conquest 51
1 The virtues compatible with war at given stages of social development 51
2 The character ofmodern nations in relation to war 52
3 The spirit ofconquest in the present condition of Europe 55
4 Of a military race acting on self-interest alone 56
5 Afurther reasonforthe deterioration ofthemilitary class within the system ofconquest 59
6 The influence ofthis military spirit upon the internal condition of nations 60
7 A further drawback ofthe formation ofthis military spirit 62
8 The effect ofa conquering government upon the mass of the nation 63
9 Means of coercion necessary to supplement the efficacy of falsehood 66
10 Further drawbacks of the system of warfare for enlightenment and the educated class 68
11 The point ofview from which a conquering nation today would regard its own successes 69
12 Effect of these successes upon the conquered peoples 71
13 On uniformity 73
14 The inevitable end to the successes of a conquering nation 79
15 Results ofthe system ofwarfare in the present age 81
PartⅡ·Usurpation 85
1 The specific aim of the comparison between usurpation and monarchy 85
2 Differences between usurpation and monarchy 87
3 One respect in which usurpation is more hateful than absolute despotism 95
4 Usurpation cannot survive in this period of our civilization 97
5 Can usurpation not be maintained by force? 101
6 The kind ofliberty offeredtomen atthe end of the last century 102
7 The modern imitators of the republics of antiquity 105
8 Themeans employedto give to the moderns the liberty of the ancients 110
9 Does the aversion of the moderns for this pretended liberty implythattheylove despotism? 114
10 A sophism in favour ofarbitrary power exercised by one man 115
11 The effects ofarbitrary power upon the different aspects of human existence 118
12 The effects of arbitrary power upon intellectual progress 120
13 Religion under arbitrary power 127
14 Men's inability to resign themselves voluntarily to arbitrary power in any form 129
15 Despotism as a means ofpreserving usurpation 132
16 The effect of illegal and despotic measures on regular governments themselves 134
17 Implications of the preceding considerations in relation to despotism 138
18 Causes which make despotism particularly impossible at this age ofour civilization 140
19 As usurpation cannot be maintained through despotism,since in our days despotism itself cannot last,usurpation has no chance ofenduring 142
Additions to The spirit ofconquest and usurpation CHAPTERS ADDED TO THE FOURTH EDITION: 149
1 On innovation,reform and the uniformity and stability of institutions 149
2 Further reflections on usurpation 157
5 Answer to an objection which could be drawn from the example ofWilliam Ⅲ 165
On usurpation 165
Bibliographical note 170
Foreword 171
1 On the sovereignty ofthe people 175
2 The nature of royal power in a constitutional monarchy 183
3 On the right to dissolve representative assemblies 194
4 On a hereditary assembly and on the importance of not limiting the number of its members 198
5 On the election ofrepresentative assemblies 201
6 Onthe conditions ofproperty 213
7 On discussion in the representative assemblies 221
8 Onthe righttoinitiatelegislation 225
9 On the responsibility of ministers 227
10 On the declaration that ministers are unworthy of public trust 242
11 On the responsibility of subordinates 244
12 On municipal power,local authorities and a new kind of federalism 251
13 On the right to declare war and make peace 255
14 On the organization of armed forces in a constitutional state 257
15 Onthe inviolabilityofproperty 261
16 Onthe libertyofthepress 272
17 On religious liberty 274
18 On the liberty ofthe individual 289
19 On judicial guarantees 295
20 Final considerations 302
Bibliographical note 308
Bibliography 329
Index 344
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