- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邱耀德,王淑香编著
- 出 版 社:海口:南海出版公司
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7544206300
- 页数:222 页
Section Ⅰ Humor 1
1.Like father like son 1
2.Follow the order 1
3.True words from the old woman 2
4.An honored man 2
5.Tag sale 3
6.Sincere customers 3
7.They know the temperature well 4
8.Second thought 4
9.Embarrassing moment 4
10.Small world 5
11.The wrong guy 5
12.Big order 6
13.Three brains 6
14.A smart person 7
15.Nothing to be proud 8
16.Who knows better 8
17.No lies 8
18.Good quality 9
19.Braggarts 9
20.Useful photo 10
21.Better-look 11
22.A mistaken man 11
23.Satisfied interest 12
24.You asked for it 12
25.Unlucky visit 13
26.Randomly chosen 14
27.Kid's perception 14
28.It's your turn 15
29.Misunderstanding 15
30.Told differences 16
31.Trained Memory 16
32.How's that again 17
33.Simple help 17
34.Embarrassing words 17
35.Amen 18
36.Blushing bride 18
37.Catalogue influence 18
38.Stick to the rule 19
39.Snack attack 19
40.Did it for his wife 19
41.I'm out 20
42.Last minute duty 20
43.Being too scared 21
44.The more, the better 21
45.Fifty to fifty 21
46.A good excuse 22
47.Unwise passenger 23
48.Married for money 23
49.Cross talk 23
50.Neighbor' s frankness 24
51.Different interpretations 24
52.Too fussy 25
53.A simple way 25
54.Meaning implied 26
55.Ⅲ—wish 26
56.You've got to pay the tax 27
57.A big help 27
58.Peer pressure 27
59.Earning "the ranch" 28
60.Expensive service 28
61.A thoughtful lady 29
62.A hasty retreat 29
63.The new generation 30
64.Nothing is wrong this time 30
65.Understand too Well 31
66.Kid's view 31
67.Souvenir from the Second World War 32
68.Do as told 32
69.Misunderstood 33
70.Too late 33
71.Let's do it again 34
72.Truth 34
73.Polite answer 35
74.One against another 35
75.Just right for me 36
76.No improvement 36
77.Bad comprehension 37
78.Comparatively smaller 37
79.Down-to-earth manner 38
80.Wrong impression 38
81.Operation with music 39
82.Layman 39
83.Resist the temptation 39
84.Bureaucrat's choice 40
85.At high expense 41
86.Not to worry 41
87.A miser 41
88.Don't care 42
89.More demand 42
90.Too easy 43
91.Tit for tat 43
92.Overestimated 44
93.Too nervous 44
94.This is a big problem 45
95.Great expectation 45
96.Being straight—forward 46
97.Mother's knowledge 46
98.Good service 46
99.Being pushed to study 47
100.A small favor 47
101.Ice cream in disguise 48
102.My name is John Wilson 48
103.Too stubborn 49
104.Self-talk 49
105.Helping the right man 50
106.Luck 50
107.Nothing to hide 51
108.A piece of advice 51
109.Different meanings 52
110.All children are talented 52
111.No more appetite 52
112.Telephone message 53
113.Smart choices 53
114.Distraction 53
115.Hard job 54
116.Laughter on the 23rd floor 54
117.Facts and fancies 55
118.Whose fault is it 55
119.“Sick”turkey 56
120.Not for change 56
121.Church horse 56
122.Special order 57
123.Not jealous at all 57
124.He didn't enjoy it 58
125.Quick response 58
126.It's all downhill 59
127.Stunning reply 59
128.A fine Solution 59
129.It serves me right 60
130.Job security 60
131.Not for herself 61
132.Brief comment 61
133.Free balloon 62
134.Hatred 62
135.Not very considerate 62
136.Birthday present 63
137.Big gift 63
Section Ⅱ Quotations 64
1.Friends relationship 64
2.Work & study 66
3.Luck & ability 70
4.Family & success 71
5.Others 74
Section Ⅲ Believe It Or Not 78
1.House husbands 78
2.The judge who didn't get the picture 79
3.In the can 80
4.New angles 81
5.Earthball 82
6.Beetle football 82
7.Concerete cows 83
8.Looking like Elvis 84
9.Collector's item 85
10.Calling all Londoners 87
11.Millionaire—for a day 88
12.Fashion 90
13.What seems to be the trouble 91
14.The flying busman 93
15.Rock music can damage your health 95
16.Fame and fortune 96
17.The honest pickpocket 97
18.Fun run 99
19.The great escape 100
20.A true ghost story 102
21.Mind your manners 104
Section Ⅳ Major American Holidays 107
1.New Year's Day 107
2.Martin Luther King Day 108
3.St. Valentine's Day 110
4.Presidents'Day 111
5.St.Patrick's Day 111
6.Easter Day 113
7.April fool's Day 114
8.Mother's Day 115
9.Memorial Day 115
10.Veterans Day 117
11.Father's Day 117
12.Independence Day 118
13.Labor Day 118
14.Columbus Day 118
15.Halloween 119
16.Thanksgiving Day 120
17.Christmas Day 121
Section Ⅴ Informative Readings 123
1.Teach your kids to protect themselves 123
2.Three words that work magic 125
3.When your spouse wants to argue 126
4.Do you have a “Green Thumb”for marriage 128
5.How to deal with you teenager 129
6.How to make a good impression 131
7.How to be a leader 133
8.Tips for good health and great looks 135
9.The truth about cocaine 136
10.How to stay thin after 25 138
11.Simple steps to a good night's sleep 139
12.The seven kinds of smart 140
13.How to protect your Wallet 144
14.You can make exercise fun 146
15.How to escape a fire 147
16.20 diets tips that can change your life 148
17.Boy—girl relationships 150
18.The waltz 151
19.The tango 153
20.Disco dancing 155
Section Ⅵ Rhythm 157
1.Wish 157
2.Write 157
3.Five little monkeys 158
4.Old Jack fox 159
5.Darkness 159
6.Twilight 160
7.Greetings 160
8.A quick trip 160
9.Cat 160
10.Good-bye 161
11.Love 161
12.May 161
13.War 162
14.Dog 162
15.I wish 163
16.Happy Jack 163
17.Old Duke 163
18.Kiss 164
19.Being funny 164
20.Accident 164
21.Right or wrong 165
22.Killed by a bubble 165
23.For a change 165
24.Special man 166
25.Moonlight 166
26.One 167
27.Mood 167
28.Sleep 167
29.I care 168
30.Leisure 168
31.Lesson 169
32.The cat 169
Section Ⅶ Facts & Fun Jobs 170
1.The ABC's of learning to speak English 170
2.Money will buy 171
3.Health & exercise 172
4.Great parents 172
5.Kids and lighters 173
6.US life expectancy 173
7.Aids in Asia 174
8.Who takes illegal drugs? 174
9.How can I help my children 175
10.Telltale signs of drug use 176
11.Illiteracy and safety 178
12.Doctor's name 179
13.How not to get hit by a car 180
14.Word puzzles 181
15.Colors and you 185
16.Facts about cigarette smoking in America 187
17.What are the signs of alcoholism? 190
18.What is stress? 193
19.How to ease the stress of studying 195
20.Avoid these pitfalls 197
21.Healthy habits 198
22.Common sense about AIDS 199
23.American academic differences 200
24.99 ways to say “very Good” 201
25.British English or American English 209
26.American presidential facts 213
Key To No.14 of SectionⅦ 220
Key To No.15 of SectionⅦ 222
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